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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. "Fasscinating," she simply hissed and continued to watch the gamemaker break. Her venom was potent but not that potent. Victor must have gotten her with something powerful. It was reacting interestingly with her venom. Just to see if she could, she tried locking Siylna's muscles for just a second.
  2. Happy birthday Archie!!!

    I hope you get better!

  3. Medea watches all of this fascinated, her eyes merciless. "Yess I am a monsster. You have your beloved sscientisstss to blame for that. And your magiciansssss," she viciously hisses venomous spittle flying.
  4. "Interessting. An order from the top." She watches Elsie and sighs. She taps a button and Elsie's cell opens. "Ssomeone wantss to ssee you, I think. Try anything and I will bite you." @SmilingPanda19 @Experience
  5. Medea smiled, though it never reached her eyes. Her teeth elongated into fangs and her tongue flickered. "Do you remember me Siylna?"
  6. "Hmmmm wonder if I can turn off the nerve endings for a second so you can speak. What's your name again?"
  7. Medea just flicks her tongue between her fangs, a single drop of venom landing near him. She'll live but in extreme agony. It's another property of my venom that should still work. She'll get to experience true pain. Mind shattering pain.
  8. Medea starts taking mental notes. Hmmm seems to be mixing interesting with the serum gamemaster Victor gave her. Will have to run more tests.
  9. Medea smiles devilishly and she turns towards Siylna. "Finally we can begin! Now what's your name?"
  10. Medea tosses several dozen more buckets worth of water on Siylna.
  11. Medea looked him down and up, forked tongue flickering and fangs extending. She starred him down for a while. Finally she sly smiled, "as you wish." She turned and stalked away, heading back towards the dungeons to torture Siylna. @Edema Rue
  12. Instead Medea slithered away and tasted the air to trace Elan's scent. And quickly she slithered off in his direction. @Ancient Elantrian
  13. Medea returned with quite a few buckets of water and dumped the first one on Siylna.
  14. Suddenly the sound system crackled to life repeating one message over and over. "I have found evidence of Elan wishing to stop the games. He must be arrested immediately and thrown in a cell."
  15. Medea leaves her alone in her cell and goes to find buckets of water.
  16. Medea doesn't care and bites Siylna's other arm, injecting her with her venom. She tosses her into a cell next to Elsie and grins wickedly. @Edema Rue @Experience
  17. Medea arrives at Victor's bedroom having called for the healers to take Victor. She walked into the room to find them both collapsed and blood pooling beneath them. She hissed viciously and pulled Siylna away from Victor. She handed him over to the medics and marched down to the prison with Siylna in a clawed hand. @Edema Rue @SmilingPanda19
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