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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. "Thankss," she hissed. "You might want to hide unlessss you'd like to be eaten after he killss you. I'm hungry." Medea calmly started walking towards Elan's secret lab, excited to finally have something to do. @Ancient Elantrian
  2. Medea's eyes grew more snake like. Little gouts of smoke huffing from her nose. Her tongue flickered back and forth testing the air. Yes the girl was telling the truth. This was it! And likely the murderer too. "Sso what exactly did you ssee?"
  3. Medea frowned if he'd done anything she should have known, but she kept listening. "What did he do? It’s okay he can’t hurt you here."
  4. The woman laughed again, "I don't want her you see. I just want to drain her power and leave her trapped with you and powerless." Her words seemed to have a magnetic quality and Thorn found herself nodding in agreement. It would after all only make their job easier.
  5. She nodded, "indeed it is or was. She took it when she grew old enough from me. My dear daughter Edaline." She spat some venom into the last few words. Thorn eyes her carefully She was dangerous but she thought she could take her if it came to it.
  6. The woman laughed again. "I don't care what you do with Edaline! I just want my power back from her." Thorn just starred at the woman. Something felt animalistic in her and Thorn shuddered.
  7. Thorn nodded and stalked out to meet the woman, knives poised to strike. The distant woman merely waited in the edges of the shadows. "Who are you," demanded Thorn. The woman chuckled, "no one of import. I have merely come to claim what is mine."
  8. Late one night: A stranger approaches the camp fire and Thorn uses air to slap Wren awake with a rock. "A intruder approaches," she signs, a grin hidden behind her eyes. @Edema Rue
  9. Something that can only be described and expressed in a poem
  10. Medea hissed back in her room. HER venom was quite painful. Oh how she delighted when they screamed and lived in agony for a year and a day. It was enough to get any confession. Her forked tongue slithered out of her mouth. Sliding between two snake like fangs that appear and disappeared. Soon it would be time to bite one of them. Soon...well she hoped it would be at least. She hadn't been allowed to fully be what she was in a long time. She headed into the GMHQ to check in on the gamemakers knowing none were around. @Ravenclawjedi42
  11. I've realized that I probably won't be able to play this game but I think I can Pinch hit probably. @Fifth Scholar
  12. I forgot I had written these three when I wrote a new poem so here they are if you want to read them. @The Halcyon Girl @SmilingPanda19 been thinking of you two a lot today. Love you both and everyone else who reads this too Tears (10/22/23) Gethsemane (10/22/23) Godly Sorrow (10/22/23) @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Edema Rue this one was kinda inspired because of your SU Thaid I know the plan (10/30/23)
  13. *hugs* It's a beautiful poem. I can feel the utter loss in it. It hits close to home as one of my cats is very sick and I fear losing her because I have a close bond with her. *hugs more*
  14. @Lord Spirit @Silver Phantom @Master if Magic @Scars of Hathsin @DefiantAllomancer @szeth’s facepalm@SymphonianBookworm @Kajsa :) @The Honorable One @AN020C @jerps @Justice_Magician @Canada Lover @Eluvianii @Szeth's Facepalm
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