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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Medea only stares at him with a frozen glare. She backhands him without looking. Medea grins a devil's smile upon seeing Siylna. "Problem solved? Was it worth it?" She whispered to only Siylna. @Edema Rue
  2. I'd join but I don't have a computer and if I did I'd only have Monster Hunter World + Iceborn on it
  3. Medea looked Calliope over, eyes cold. "I am doing my duty, gamemaker. You've told me all I need to know." Her eyes glittered with malice as she left one last biting remark. "Don't worry sshe'll sstay losst forever." Medea left Calliope alone, choosing to stride over to interrogate Siylna next. @Edema Rue
  4. Medea's grin twists into daggers. "Why yes I would actually." All is going according to plan. As I predicted.
  5. Medea starred into Callie with soulless eyes. I am not your friend they seemed to say. "Perhapss one of your knivess wass left imbedded in him?"
  6. Medea notes every movement Calliope makes and smiles a cold smile. "Yess about ssomething he took from you."
  7. Medea just looked her over, eyes hardening and emotion dripping from her tongue. "I know you had...reassonss to be after Herman."
  8. Medea walked away from Victor heading over to Calliope. "Sso what do you have to ssay?" Her forked tongue flickered out of her teeth and she grinned. @Lotus Blossom
  9. Sign me up as Kaladin Kenobi! thought about Darth Wizard, still might change
  10. She looks at him coldly but the light of excitement flashes a few times behind her eyes. "Not much I couldn't already tell myself."
  11. She cocks her head and whispers so only he can hear, "you're right, but we have to put up a sshow for the others, eh?"
  12. She casually backhands Elan, not even turning to look. She cocks her head at him. "No you're the fool here if you thought you hired me. I work only for the pressident and I came at her call," her eyes drill into Victor's. A layer of ice hardening over what seemed cool before. "Not yourss. I can dissposse you if you get in the way, again."
  13. Medea's hand shoots around Elan's neck and begins to calmly strangle him. "Put my things be game maker." She stares him dead in the eyes, "exactly as they were." Then she casually drops him and turns back to Victor.
  14. Medea strides over to Victor and Siylna first a dangerous glint in her eyes. "Sso, what can you tell me about thiss," she stares towards the broken down door, "messss."
  15. Medea strode into the room, her arms clasped behind her back. She starred down each of the game makers in the room in turn, including Victor. Her voice was cold and calculating like a snake. "Sso. I wass ssummoned here becausse of the murder of Herman. I will interview each of you and know that if you try to kill me, not only will you fail. But the Madam Pressident will ssend," she paused glancing at each of them once more. "An alternative ssolution." @Edema Rue @Lotus Blossom @SmilingPanda19 @Ancient Elantrian @ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ
  16. Welcome to the shard! And yeah we do a lot of RP here!
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