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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. She scrambles up and grabs him in a chokehold. @TheRavenHasLanded
  2. She started grappling with him on the floor, mostly ignoring the rising flames, only occasionally putting them out when rolling in the fight. Grappling was her home turf, she'd grown up grappling with her brothers. They hadn't cared she was a girl. And they'd made beautiful songs so short ago as her scythe cleaved through them.
  3. She holds onto his hands as he tries to flip her, pulling them both to the ground. "I am no mere cattle for you to slaughter."
  4. "Living," she replied and the lunged at him, hands reaching to wrap around his throat. @TheRavenHasLanded
  5. She shrugged a demented grin still on her face. Perhaps this will show you that I'm worth of you, my beloved scythe. She walked warily towards him, watching for what he was going to do.
  6. She catches it and crushes it in her hand. "Seems a bit late for that now that you're in the games," with me she added in her head. "How about hand to hand? I don’t want to risk drawing the shades," not without my beloved scythe at least. "So, would anyone want to try?" @TheRavenHasLanded @SymphonianBookworm
  7. She nodded, "It's the only way and I doubt I'd be able to make it to the communal shelter in time to be the first one. So," she gazes at each of them. "Which of you will die?" @Ravenclawjedi42 @TheRavenHasLanded
  8. "Then you'll die," simply stated Laurellen. "You need a shelter and you can't get one without killing someone." @TheRavenHasLanded @SymphonianBookworm
  9. Laurellen shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not. I could kill the traitor for you and then you'd have no traitor." @SymphonianBookworm @Ravenclawjedi42 @TheRavenHasLanded
  10. Laurellen giggled frighteningly as a glint flashed across her eyes. "I'm Laurellen and you?"
  11. She decides to head towards them, knowing she has to kill a tribute.
  12. She ignores the other people and confidently strides across the field to the other side, a slight knowing smile still on her face.
  13. Laurellen heads towards the shelter south of the mushroom field on the east side of the river @Lotus Blossom @Edema Rue @Ancient Elantrian @ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ @SmilingPanda19
  14. @Lotus Blossom Laurellen starts heading towards the eastern most tent. Humming something to herself as she walked with a grin on her face. She'd be back for her child. She'd be back. @Edema Rue @SmilingPanda19
  15. @SmilingPanda19 @Edema Rue @Lotus Blossom @ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ @Ancient Elantrian
  16. I love your new member title Panda!!! :D ❤️

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