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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Thorn nodded and hovered the three captives behind them as they walked away into the night. Heading home to the mother of nightmares. @Edema Rue
  2. She gently pricks her finger, drawing a single droplet of blood. She smears it on both sides of the scythe's blad and walks away into the forest.
  3. Laurellen sighs wishing she could have her beloved scythe. To cut her enemies down like wheat as she once did. She giggled and tried one last time to yank it free.
  4. Laurellen dashes to the scythe and strokes it lovingly with her right hand.
  5. She groans and slams her other fist into the faceless. Desperately she tries to roll under its legs towards the cornucopia.
  6. She collapses to the ground, air whoofing out. She groans as starts flash before her eyes. She stares up at the faceless creature, daring it to try to hit her again.
  7. She tries to dash past them to reach the gleaming scythe at the center of the cornucopia. She needed it.
  8. Laurellen stares at the faceless creatures and dashes for the middle of the cornucopia.
  9. Laurellen growled, she'd show her. She'd show them all. She'd kill them all! Her hand reached out to pet a scythe no longer there. She decided to go try for the scythe in the cornucopia and to look for a lantern. @Edema Rue
  10. She slows as she sees the shades. Looking over her shoulders constantly to see if anyone is follow
  11. She curses and growls menacingly at the creature. Dashing 10 meters from the cornucopia and then slowing to a speed walk.
  12. Laurellen shrugs it off and dodges towards the cornucopia going for her own pack. Laurellen shrugs it off and dodges towards the cornucopia going for her own pack.
  13. They are very beautiful just like you Insa
  14. Laurellen jumped down from her pedestal and walks over to her fallen teammate, Assah. She reaches over to help push the faceless one off of Assah, freezing as it takes on the face of Ash. She blinks and it’s gone again. She reaches down and uses her farm heritage strength to help her pull off the robot off of Assah. @Kajsa :) @Edema Rue @SmilingPanda19 @Ancient Elantrian @ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ @Lotus Blossom
  15. I'm in an oddly poems mood tonight so here's three poems I wrote if anyone wants to read them :)

    And I deeply love all of you <33

    Seriously you all are the best, those still here and those not. I love you all for who you are. And if I don't know you that well then I'd love to get to know you so I can better love you from who you are ❤️




    Tears flow from the boy

    Staining the bed

    The pillow 

    The cat


    The boy weeps for the pain

    The all consuming pain of a fallen world

    Where everyone hurts

    And keeps on hurting

    Because so much is wrong with the world


    And the boy wishes to fix it

    To wrap everyone in darkness

    at home alone

    late at night

    when the thoughts have the most power

    He wants to be there

    For them

    For everyone 

    To wrap them in a warm hug

    And to hold them through their darkest nights


    And so he cries

    Because he can feel their pain

    Feel it growing

    Feeding their inner darkness especially

    Threatening to choke them


    He cries 


    Blows his nose

    And hugs the cat


    Turning once again to God

    He cries 

    Barely able to form the words

    Only able to think in raw pure emotion.


    Everything else burned away

    But raw pure emotion

    And care

    Flaring so bright 


    He weeps even harder

    As he remembers a phrase

    And the one who knows his pain




    And knows and loves him 

    Along with all the others


    The words come again

    Be Still

    And know that I am God


    The wheels spin rapidly in the boys head

    As understanding comes to him

    Peace washes over him

    Removing his worry

    But leaving the care

    Burning brighter than the sun


    The boy lays on his bed after midnight

    And smiles at the ceiling 

    To the heavens above

    Where a loving Father

    Smiles down on all of his wonderful 




    And Talented children 

    His children

    In the image of their father

    Crowned with love and glory




    There was a boy

    Who thought he knew the greatest pain

    Until he remembered

    His Savior, Redeemer, and brother

    Who suffered all the pain he would ever know

    In three hours

    And the suffering his friends felt

    And the billions and possibly trillions of people

    Who had ever lived on the earth


    All their sadness









    He felt it all


    He felt for the dying man who could hardly remember his wife's face

    For the mother who died after seeing her firstborn for the first and only time

    For the father as he lost his firstborn weeks after he lost his wife.


    The sorrow overwhelming

    It caused even him

    The Son of God

    To bleed from every pore

    For the pain and suffering of every person


    The boy wondered how he did it

    How he survived the soul crushing grief




    Of all people


    Perhaps, the boy wondered 

    He felt everything from everyone 

    Both the good and the bad

    Otherwise how could he know everyone intimately and personally 

    To know how to perfectly love them and give them exactly what they needed 

    Even if it wasn't what they wanted


    He knows me, marveled the boy

    He knows me perfectly 

    And warmth blossomed in his chest

    Spreading out to his fingers and toes

    And he realized that the Savior knew this moment too

    He knew each moment he breathed

    Both good and bad


    He suffered so that none would be alone, mused the boy

    And the warmth returned again 

    This time with a quiet peaceful voice

    "Yes I did it my child because I love you. 

    I love all of my children.

    And I like you don’t want any of them to suffer in the dark alone.

    I am always there

    For you

    And for them

    I love you my child."


    Godly sorrow


    The sorrow of a father for his children is great 

    Oh how much greater is the sorrow of a Heavenly Father

    For us

    His spirit children


    He knows we suffer

    He knows all of our pains and trials

    Intimately and personally

    But his love is far too great

    To give us lesser things


    So he watched with pain and love

    As he sees us stumble and fall

    Make mistakes Over And Over And Over Again

    Watches us fall in inescapable darkness

    The agency of others tormenting and twisting us


    He lets us suffer because he loves us

    He puts people in our lives to lift us up

    To bond us with our pain and troubles

    To build something beautiful 

    Something grander and more wondrous than we could have known


    He loves us so much that he can’t help us reach anything but our full potential 

    As his spirit sons and daughters

    All beautiful to his eyes

    Wonderfully talented in so many unique and amazing ways

    Each loved for just who they are

    By a loving Father in Heaven

    *hugs everyone* <333

  16. The dragon flew up to the top of his tree and perched on it like a birb.
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