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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. A low guttural growling and the howling of angry wind flew back through it. Soon enough Thorn landed from the sky with Lilyana and Eddie and pulls out a second set of handcuffs. Cuffing one hand from Lil and Eddie to Aster. @Aeoryi
  2. Thorn nodded and summoned her air daggers. They surround Aster, eerily humming as they flicker in and out of view. "Leave or die."

    1. Argenti


      Thanks to you oh lost one. 🪄

  4. No xD sorry about the confusion. Anyways we should be ghosting someone's blood right?
  5. The start of the conversion of the shard...isn't that what we were talking about?
  6. Dunno if it's today or Sunday actually...timezones are tricky to convert...
  7. I think like 1-3 AM or ever earlier or later depending where you are.
  8. Thorn blasts xq off of Wren and runs over to Eddie and Lilyana. Grasping them and Wren she blasts them off of the mountain, far away. @everyone
  9. Thorn dodges the blow and sends a knife into his eye.
  10. "Kid if you continue I will be forced to kill you as nothing can get in the way of the mission. Nothing."
  11. Thorn paused, a memory coming back to her. "I will stop, but if you try to get them back I won't stop next time," she signed.
  12. Thorn ignored Wren and kept stabbing the figure. Thorn growls at him and throws him into the Inn with her air.
  13. Thorn stalked towards the figure her face hard. Her knives plunging into the figure again and again.
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