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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. The cultist breathed in sharply, the sharp odor of gunpowder and cigarette fumes assaulting his nose. He wrinkled it slightly, disgusting people. They would feed the great mother when she came. She had appeared to him in a dream. She called him by his name and revoked it. And now he had no name. The other however had nicknamed him Bert. He sighed, how long until she came again? Too long…far far too long before she purged all lands and brought balance back to the force. She'd appeared in all her glory and beauty to him and had told him this. He only lived to serve his mistresses demands. He waited, she would appear soon, ordering him what to do. Like clockwork she appeared, hissing, "Kill them!! Kill them all!!!" She pointed a long crooked finger at Mud [OOC: Experience]. "That one, kill that one first." Abeloth cackled, "soon I will be free and all will die." She grinned nefarious at the cultist and he shrunk inside slightly. He bowed at her, seeming to bow to nothing at all to any outsiders. "As you command great mistress so it shall be," he whispered as quickly and quietly as he could.
  2. Cacophony you welcome people back by letting them win for a long time
  3. "W-why are you doing this?" Croaked the dragon.
  4. The dragon told him to make Willy the bad guy.
  5. The pain reflected in Emma's eyes. "I know love, I know," she murmured again. "They'll be alright. They will."
  6. The dragon would be saddened by this if he could remember.
  7. Emma hugged him fiercely, "I know, my crow. I know. I don’t want to lose them or you."
  8. "I don't know. Maybe because he can take those we love from us...and maybe eventually we will have to bow down before him too."
  9. "He was on your side. Haly, Rue, Wynn, TAAron and Nameless found him."
  10. "It's-it's okay. I was just wondering if you could tell anything magical about it...she has these comas a lot..."
  11. Emma froze, whispering,"the last time I saw Lerac was when I corrupted him." She wrapped Calano in a hug. "There’s nothing he can do. Nothing he can. We're the creator together so why..."
  12. Lilyana smiles at the Platypus. It feels strangely comforting to have him there. "Thank you," she whispers only to him. Lilyana nodded, "yeah. We should leave soon."
  13. Emma looked at him, her smile falling as she sensed his worry. "What is it, my crow?"
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