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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Lilyana blushed deeply at this. "Y-yeah..."
  2. Lilyana shook her head, tears starting to come yet again. "Oh..." Lilyana sighed, "she'll be okay...I hope."
  3. Lilyana's heart lurched. oh no...not again. She rushed over to Eddie’s side. "Vena can you see if anything is seriously wrong?" @The Aspiring Archivist
  4. Emma smiled at him mischievously, "well I thought with this." She leaned over and kissed him.
  5. Lilyana shakes her head smiling, "no they wouldn't. It's hard to explain but they wouldn't cancel each other out."
  6. "Hmmm I wonder..." muses Lilyana. "I don't know if it would work since you don't have a stone but maybe we could combine our powers."
  7. Would you ever change the title of this AMA? What's the furthest you've ever biked? Marshmallows or chocolate?
  8. Lilyana takes a large gulp of delicious hot chocolate and smiles at Eddie, the froth coating her face. "How are you enjoying this and your new power Eddie?" @Edema Rue
  9. Emma smiled and kissed him on the check. "They’re sleeping so be quiet, love." She turned back and fixed the mess in the kitchen reverting it into ingredients.
  10. Thorn laughed then winced, feeling at the collar of thorns embeded around her neck. Nested in the thorns was a single Ruby rose and set within the rose was a single uncut and unpolished stone. Any ways he asks if you want some scrambled egg from the local bird around here. @Edema Rue
  11. It's my home! And anyways this is just a small piece of it. You should see our floating clouds. Sorry didn't realize you could sign. So long as you just sign you won't give away you aren't a local. She walks in the inn and heads over to the inn keeper and asks Can we have some breakfast?
  12. Meanwhile: Thorn nodded and signed. "I can say that you're mute and I'm teaching you sign language. That way we won't tip off the locals like these people have. This is my homeworld...or was."
  13. "I don't know. What would you normally eat?" Lilyana's face fell slightly, "probably down the mountain more and to the train or some other way of getting out." Meanwhile: Thorn watched the patches too. "Hmm it seems we might have found them. Or at least someone," she spoke normally in a conversational tone but the sound didn't travel beyond them.
  14. Emma shook her head, "I wanted to make them myself. I'd rather not use the shortcut if I can help it."
  15. Lilyana nodded, "they can serve scrambled egg and sausage. And," her voice grew more excited, "they can serve hot chocolate!"
  16. Name: Laurellen Age (12-18): 17 Gender: Female Preferred District: 9 Alliance (yes or no?): Maybe...she'd kill everyone first and if they survived then make them a friend so she can backstabbing them...she really doesn’t like people Skills: Good at wrestling and scything wheat and knives Personality: Is very much a lone wolf and has a hatred for life and the games because they took her true love from her. Preferred Weapon: Knife or Scythe Other: She may or may not have been wanted for murder and was put in the games because she was of age and that...yeah she's gonna be a fun character.
  17. "I-i don't know love...it's just been an eternity it seems since I've actually made something. And I was craving cookies so I tried to..." She laughed softly with him, "they kinda came out wrong."
  18. Lilyana shrugs slightly and follows her beautiful Queen to breakfast Meanwhile: Thorn stayed away from the other assassins. She was tired and done with dealing with most of them but at least they were closing in on their prey.
  19. "I do," replies Lilyana. "All of my currency is from this world. Since I'm from here," she looks down at her feet. "Anyways why don't we go to breakfast!" She offers her hand to Eddie, blushing deeply. @Edema Rue @Being of Cacophony
  20. Lilyana gasps and smiles widely at Eddie. "You look beautiful Lady," she blushes deeply. "And it seems that you got in control of your power!"
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