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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. "O-oh," Lilyana blushed, "sorry I thought it was really fire."
  2. "Yeah I know. Do you think you could tame it for me, Lady?" She smiles, "I know my ice is cold. I just like it that cold...or colder." Lilyana sheepishly admits.
  3. Lilyana shook her head. "I can't really either. You've always been there to stop me." She takes Eddie’s hands in hers and lets her ice wrap around Eddie to cool her.
  4. "I've felt that before," she smiles, "but with ice instead of fire. Just freeze the whole world over. Turn the people into ice sculptures."
  5. Emma beamed massively. Thank you! Thank you so much beloved! They need to get to know their father better and you can put them to sleep so that I can rest more.
  6. Lilyana smiles at her. "You would have yelled at me for being stupid with or without my power, Lady."
  7. Emma was silent for a moment. I just miss you is all. You've been gone a while.
  8. Kat and Ev both just fell asleep, love. I'm currently cuddling with them and basking in the joys of our life together.
  9. Lilyana hugs her, "oh Eddie. At least you have your magic back now."
  10. "Who? Who else could except...no, no, not her..."
  11. Lilyana looked thoughtful, "but what if it's not Athena...what if it never was?"
  12. She smiled and blew a kiss mentally. As you wish, my crow.
  13. Not that I know of my crow. Though I hope some will. It'll be nice to meet them. New and old.
  14. "Yeah..." Lilyana frowned. "But well is she really dead? After all this time?"
  15. Lilyana grins at her, "it's finally back!" The ice swirled more excitedly around her as she beamed.
  16. Tears streamed down Lilyana's face too, freezing into icicles and Shattering on the ground. "It's okay Eddie." She smiled at her, "it's what I needed to hear. Do you mind if I hug you?"
  17. "I..." Lilyana looks down at her feet. "You’re right. I never learned how to let people go." She smiles weakly at Eddie, "it's time I learned to I think, Lady."
  18. I have offered two masterfully crafted games ....hopefully master crafted at least.
  19. "Then how! How do I learn how to care!" Lilyana snaps back and the temperature begins to fall as ice crystallizes around her. "I don't want to repeat what happened last time. I don’t want to lose myself Eddie. Not again."
  20. "I won't!" Lilyana pledges, "I could never do that to you. Never."
  21. *bows down* O great game maker Eddie, perchance tho wouldst allow us to win for a season before claiming thy eternal reign? Tis a joke but tis fun
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