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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. She smiles slyly, "I've always been here, dearest daughter." She spits out spinning as much venom on the words as she can. "I think not." Lilyana's rage began to grow, she'd never liked Eddie’s mother she'd alwsys been so...so manipulating and she hated it.
  2. "It was the thing that was unconscious remember?" "No she doesn’t remember," snorted her mother. "I took those memories." Lilyana went pale at this, "y-you what!"
  3. Lilyana's smile falls slightly, "I really mean it with all that I am, Lady." "It looks like the platypus from before!"
  4. Lilyana smiles slightly at Eddie. "I know that you're not. But to me well you're the most important, Lady Rue."
  5. The dragon is surprised by this. "But what am I to do? I am but a lowly dragon."
  6. "And I won't leave you, ever," promised Lilyana to Eddie.
  7. Lilyana looked behind them, "I think they're following, Lady." She smiled at Eddie and grabbed her hand. "Want to walk together?" She asked hopefully.
  8. Accuses Cacophony of stealing Elan's computer and thus breaks the 4th wall.
  9. Lilyana blushed deeply again. "I uhm well I...oh! I know!" She smiled sweetly at Eddie and made an aurora borealis and ribboned it to the others. "There! They should be able to find us now."
  10. She stares into Eddie's eyes, "Yeah your right, Eddie." She still just stares at Eddie and her lips start tingling and she blushes a deep red. "Y-yeah we need to go, my Queen."
  11. Hooray!! Good job!! Now rest and eat your sandwich!!
  12. Lilyana shook her head vigorously, "Never!! Never Lady! I never could without ending myself afterwards." Her eyes grow distant and her brilliant blue eyes cloud with tears once more.
  13. Lilyana shook her head, "thank Eddie but it's not that. It's what I feel from them. It's what I always feel from them. It makes me cold and want to kill something." She shivered and whispered, "like people."
  14. The serpents still didn't care. The ice that chipped away was slowly replaced with new ice and Lilyana whimpered some more. @Edema Rue
  15. The serpent looked at him. "Yesssss. Yessss. It would be a mercssy to ssspare you from whatssss to come." The serpent lunged forward and gobbled him up in a flash. The serpents hissed derisively, "That was fooolisssh of you. We bow down to no one. Not even our own godsss which you trample under your feet." All the serpents lunged for Vena, cold fury reflected in their crystal ice eyes.
  16. "Why ssshould I?" Hissed one of them. Lilyana whimpered slightly and stood by Eddie. Aster shot a look at her and Lilyana blushed but still stood next to her. @Edema Rue
  17. The serpents stabs it's tail through the shield and prods mentally against her consciousness. "Who are you?"
  18. The massive serpents ignore the knives and head straight for Vena. One moves to swallow her whole.
  19. Lilyana shouted to Eddie. "Guns mean nothing to these creatures. They're made up of pure ice and can reform their bodies if injured and can't ever truly be destroyed. We have to leave their territory as fast as we can! It's the only way!"
  20. The ground trembles and becomes unsteady. The whole mountainside vibrates with a eerie song and Lilyana's eyes widen. "RUN!!!!" She screams, tossing the member of the group forward onto an icy slide as a hole explodes behind them. Massive serpentine shapes appear silhouetted in the dust behind them. @The Aspiring Archivist @Experience @The Bookwyrm @Edema Rue @TheRavenHasLanded @Ancient Elantrian @Rallohir @Being of Cacophony
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