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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Lilyana shares a look with Aster and they both blush deeply. Thorn shrugs and follows him.
  2. Thorn merely ignored him but summoned invisible threads of air around her.
  3. Well said Raven!!! Well said!! I have an rp character who is a raven goddess. Can I join?
  4. Thorn rolled her eyes at Heakl and stayed closer to Wren. "Sorry," she signed. "I've had bad experiences with men before."
  5. This is very sad as the dragon lives on poisonous flowers.
  6. The dragon stops contemplating. And goes to eat flowers instead.
  7. Thorn sighs and yanks Wren upside down by his/her(?) ankles with a thread of air.
  8. Lilyana kept silent and watched the others around them, noticing Aster alone and Stealing glances at Eddie? No...no she's just watching for threats too. Probably doesn't like Calev either. Thorn shook her head at both of them and signed. "if you two fools keep it up I'll manifest a knife in your gut. Understand?"
  9. Random late night thought (idk if someone said this but I made it up myself so sorry if someone ever has)

    Wisdom is not years but applied experience in those years

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard
    3. Immortal Platypus

      Immortal Platypus

      talk about expie? nope. Would never

    4. Experience


      Thank goodness.

      I was worried for a moment :P

  10. Lilyana blushes furiously. "I think that you do too, Lady." @Edema Rue
  11. Lilyana takes Eddie's hand and smiles happily at her. "Thanks Lady." Lilyana watched him with a little bit of suspicion. He seemed kinda odd to her. She didn't know why though except that he did.
  12. *hugs many many many* You can do this Platypus!!! FOR THE SANDWICH!!!!!
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