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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Emma smiled, "as you wish love." And she pecks him quickly on the cheek.
  2. The train clunked to a stop and Lilyana freezes, "uhm y-yeah I think we are here." Meanwhile the cultists army was having a meeting. "What do we do?" Screamed a voice. "How do we find them?" Whispered another. "What is Athena's will?" They all chanted. Athena's voice, lead cultist stepped up infront of them all. Her eyes gleamed with a violet light. "Athena still wishes to capture Eddie. And she has prophesied where she will be!" Her voice lowered, "but we are weak. We have no chance of defeating them as we are now. So I proposed a solution and it has been accepted." Her eyes gleamed with a hidden glee. "I shall empower you to manifest certain powers. Though the process is painful, you will be able to wield magical abilities and powers beyond your wildest dreams!" The cultists began chanting, "FOR ATHENA! FOR ATHENA!" A black mist surrounded all of them and most began screaming as Emma, Athena's voice began cackling with glee. @Athena :)))
  3. Lilyana smiled at Eddie. "Yeah, I know Lady, I don't either."
  4. Lilyana noticed her dress was still a ballgown and she squeaks, blushed even more deeply.
  5. Lilyana woke up too and she smiled down at Eddie. "Have a good nap love?" She blushed bright pink. "Sorry Eddie I just spoke without thinking."
  6. Lilyana falls asleep with Eddie, too tired to answer.
  7. Lilyana giggled, "nothing. Just cuz."
  8. Lilyana snorted at him and dumped a pile of snow on him.
  9. The dragon bursts out laughing and the flames melt the bars of the cage.
  10. "A friend was hurt, but she's healed now," happily replied Lilyana. Lilyana looked at Calev and redded slightly. "I'm not going to tell you that." @The Bookwyrm
  11. Lilyana smiles kindly at him, "yeah we're all right now. Would you like some ice cream?"
  12. The dragon offers to let her ride on his floofy back while they walk.
  13. I do want to read it eventually but I've got other books like Bird by Bird to ready first
  14. "Definitely crazy!" Said the dragon in a wheeze voice.
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