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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Lilyana gasped and her face turned white, "E-eddie what happened?" Then realizing Vena's question she blushed, "sorry I don’t though I can freeze burn any poisons out if there are any." @Aeoryi
  2. A massive squawk sounded and a massive bird grabbed the beast in its claws. It flew away and dropped the beast down the mountain, slowly circling lower to find it.
  3. The dragon hugs her deep into the floofy where it's nice and warm and cozy.
  4. The beast comes out of the ball and crunches on the other leg, it's saliva seeping in.
  5. The beast turns and rolls after her and steam rolls right over her. @Edema Rue
  6. The dragon hugs her again. He loves giving hugs, especially to his sisters.
  7. The dragon hugs Cylen again to temporarily lend her his floof.
  8. Whoops just flew by 5,000 posts :P

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist

      I just think it's interesting

    3. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      Fair enough. There was a lot of people on around when I joined, probably because it was around RoW time. 

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      You’re both amazing humans :) 

  9. Lilyana gave Aster a hug and squeezed her hand reassuringly. "She'll be okay. She's survived worse than this."
  10. "Are you okay?" Asked Lilyana, concern reflected in her eyes.
  11. The dragon wonders at how his sister has done this and hugs the ascended Floof.
  12. The beast spits on some trees infront of Eddie as it rolls, causing them to crash down infront of her.
  13. The dragon was very happy about this and hugged his new sisters. Finding Cylen in his floof and managing to keep her from sinking too deeply in.
  14. The dragon wondered where the other person had gone. He was after all just hugging a single person now.
  15. The creature completely ignored him as the bullets pinged off of its armor.
  16. And then the dragon says, "I now pronounce us all siblings and family." Which functionally did nothing as he had not power. @Edema Rue @Canada Lover
  17. The dragon grasps Cylen into the hug with Mya too.
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