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Shining Silhouette

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About Shining Silhouette

  • Birthday April 24

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  1. Calling all creators/artists/musicians/writers! In making some big life decisions, I've been thinking a lot recently about creative value and the meaning behind it, so I decided to make a survey. I'm curious to see what you guys think. 

    Feel free to answer the questions below in spoiler boxes, but don't read anyone else's answer before you post. Inspired by one of @dannnnnnex's social experiments from a couple months ago.

    Question 1:


    Why do you create?

    Question 2:


    What inspires you?

    Question 3:


    How does your art impact your life?

    Question 4:


    Do you get more meaning from sharing your work or from the personal accomplishment of making the work itself?

    Question 5:


    Question 6:


    What creators have influenced you the most? Why?

    Question 7:


    In what ways do they impact your art?


    Thanks everyone—I look forward to reading your responses.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      Ahh question Question 5 and Question 4 were switched.

      For future question answerers who see this: do this question before Question 4 


      Define 'meaning'


    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood



      Well, I create because it's fun. I write (aka create) because I want to be able to create something that others, besides myself, can enjoy; because I want to share my ideas.



      Well, several things can inspire me. No one thing is my inspiration. The most common for me are movies or books I've recently read/watched. But not just those, a song can inspire me, a way a person interacts perhaps. The possiblilities of people inspires me, what one person can do. what effect will that have?



      Art in general... well, if by art we mean the arts (such as books and such, not just pictures/paintings.). then... well, books help me understand people if they're done well. Choices are a lot like books, you usually don't make them based on one idea. You should (at least for me) take various things and use those to weigh your choices. The same is with books, books are a coalition of ideas from a writer's life and what they have viewed.  So, if someone has seen a lot of one thing, they might be more inclined to writing about that. Or, perhaps, straying from that at all costs. There is no one interoperation for these things.



      Meaning... well, meaning can be several things. What is meaning? well, meaning is the interoperation thereof of something. It is the meaning of it. Meaning is what can be interpreted as emotions. What makes something meaningful? perhaps it means that it's emotionally impactful. Something that hits harder when paired with emotion, perhaps. 



      well, both at times. Sharing my work can be really fun. And yet, it seems to me at least, that accomplishing it, no matter how bad it is, will always feel great. Succeeding in making your own cohesive world that will grow on in your own mind, or in others is always fun to me. 



      Hmmm... well, the main ones for me would be Brandon Sanderson, J R R Tolkien, J K Rowling, C S Lewis, Frank Herbert and Simon W Schmutz. Schmutz wrote a book with a good idea, an interesting plot, but it was executed horribly. Reading his book taught me best how to not write. It helped tell me how a book with a good idea can go wrong. For Tolkien, many consider him as the father of modern fantasy. I agree. His work really sparked my interest in fantasy and similar genres. Lord of the Rings is a tale of how small people can change the world. It was, and still is, one of my favorites. Frank Herbert, though I read Dune recently, it has inspired my work currently and how I world build. The way that man constructed the world left me hungering for similar books. It helped me dig deeper into my worlds and add the flavor to my stories that was needed. It helped fine tune my world building skills. J K Rowling, Harry Potter started my reading spree. It helped me begin my love of books. It taught me how much of a blend of genres every book is. They aren't just one genre usually, they're a blend. Most books have at least some element of mystery in them. Mystery is, in fact, one of the primary elements of a good book I've found. There should be a lot to discover, yet the reader should know just enough to get along in the story. Brandon Sanderson, his books helped me realize how important characters are to the story. The books helped me build my worlds and magic systems with more thought and precision. C S Lewis, in Narnia I was taught how to pack meaning into my stories. While I don't do it nearly as much as he did, I still want there to be good values in my stories. They influence me because their stories helped show me what it is to write. I thank them for that and I hope, through my own writing, I can help show the same things to other readers.



      *me just realizing I kinda already did that in the previous one*

      ah well, I'll add something.

      Well, they impact my view of the world and my appreciation for what people do in creating content that can be viewed, read or otherwise. How much of worth is a good story? well, I say that a good story can be worth more than diamonds if done well. A good story can change the world.

      that was fun, it really was. though, just for a warning, I packed a pretty big paragraph in number six.

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi



      I create because it helps me take a break from daily worries and other things, I also do it because I enjoy it ^_^. The world can be a difficult place sometimes and I think making things helps me take a step back. It allows me to take a breather from things that are bothering me, and sort of go into a "happy place." Also, as I've said, I create simply because I enjoy it. I can't remember a time in my life when I wasn't creating something, and its a large part of my identity. Often I find it hard to stop myself from doing something creative, its such a large part of my life.



      I find inspiration in all kinds of places, I'm not sure how exactly to explain it. Music really inspires me, especially when it come to story writing. I'm always listening to music when I'm creating. Specifically, I love folk music. It feels so natural and (I know this sounds weird but) I swear its what my brain would sound like if it had a soundtrack. I also get loads of inspiration from the things other people create, whether its the book I'm reading, or its art I see online. Seeing other peoples creations makes me want to create to. Nature also gives me a lot of inspiration, its just really pretty ^^



      I kind of talked about this in the first question, but art and writing is a large part of my identity. I've always been creating, and I think I always will. I plan to go into a creative field when I'm older, even though I know its not the easiest career. Art is how I express myself, and how I connect with the world. I think that's a pretty big impact.



      Meaning is sort of a weird combination of purpose and value. Meaning is why.



      Probably sharing my work. Knowing that other people enjoy what I create is the most encouraging thing. And getting feedback can help you improve and see things that aren't quite right. I get a lot more out of sharing my art then just keeping it to myself. My art has more meaning, more purpose, when its being used to put a smile on some ones face. 



      The first creator that really influenced me was DrawingWiffWaffles on youtube. She taught me that I could have my own style, and that my art didn't need to look like everyone else's. I also really love Hayao Miyazaki's work. His movies are all so beautiful and inspiring. From a writing perspective, I love the work of J. R. R. Tolkien, Diana Wynne Jones, and Brandon Sanderson (I am here after all ^^). 




      This is a hard question to answer. For the most part they give me a ton of inspiration, and they help me learn. I also think making fanart of other peoples creations really helps me practice and refine my art. 

      This was really interesting, I've haven't ever really thought about most of these things. Sorry if I sound a bit jumbled or brief, I have a hard time conveying my thoughts with words.

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