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Shining Silhouette

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Shining Silhouette last won the day on February 27 2023

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About Shining Silhouette

  • Birthday April 24

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    NY, USA

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  1. I stand before the mirror

    My face a mask of joy

    Eyes twinkling, lips upturned

    But inside, a different emotion deployed


    The corners of my mouth stretch wide

    In a gesture that's automatic, not sincere

    A facade of happiness that I must hide

    From the world that would mock or sneer


    I stand here grinning

    Lost in my own confusion

    Trying to find my way through

    This life that's filled with illusion


    So I stand before the mirror

    Searching for my true self

    Hoping to find the courage

    To break free from this stealth


    I long to be authentic

    To live my life with ease

    To smile from the inside out

    And find the joy that never cease

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Morningtide


      That's so beautiful! It's essentially everything I want out of life.

    3. Nathrangking


      I think I'll hang up my writer's pen as you have written authentically powerful stuff indeed.

    4. Telrao


      Weow. Just weow *enthusiastic Telrao noises*

      I really like the structure, the rhythm, and how you paced the stanzas - the way it moves through the description, delving into emotions... The way you highlighted certain words with rhyme...

      Profound and deep - excelente, amigo!

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