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Shining Silhouette

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Shining Silhouette last won the day on February 27 2023

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About Shining Silhouette

  • Birthday April 24

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    NY, USA

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  1. Quick, guys, shoot me your audiobook suggestions! 

    I have 32 hours of driving in the next three days so I need content to consume ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. The Bookwyrm
    3. Szeth_Pancakes



      darn i've read that one

      If you haven’t read any other Andy Weir stuff, The Martian and Artemis are both really good.

      I’m currently reading Black Sun, which is pretty good.

    4. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      The Outsiders if you haven't yet, it's a classic. Sad, kinda cheesy sometimes, but really good. In my opinion. Although it was written by a 16/18-year-old girl. But it's short so you don't have to commit much!

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