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That1Cellist last won the day on December 21 2022

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About That1Cellist

  • Birthday September 29

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  • Member Title
    Lycoris Radiata
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    My field of broken dreams
  • Interests
    Cello, reading, discussing books and movies, video games, and observing behaviors of more usual people my age. Music, music, music, music.
    Also some manga

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  1. So, I had a biology video to present today.

    I realized when I was looking at the video this morning that I forgot to add background music to my presentation. Unfortunately, I was sitting in my school's commons at the time without headphones or anything, so I had to add the music without hearing it. I picked some of the free available music without listening to it. Then I adjusted the volume so that, hopefully, my voice would be able to be heard over the music.

    Anyway, then it was presentation time. When the teacher turned the video on, it started okay. My voice was kind of loud and had some echo. It was okay, besides being loud, until the part where the second one (The one I hadn't listened to) Turned on. It was loud. Even though I had reduced the volume, it was loud. Another thing was that the song had human voices in it. They were just chanting in some language or another, but the song was loud, and the thing messed with my voice too. It was basically impossible to hear me over the music.

    So, I just put my head down and stopped feeling emotions until it was over.

    Anyway, that's been a bit of a damper on my mood. How are you people all doing?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ranryu


      Don't freak out. I'm sure the video was actually fine, and even if it wasn't, I'm sure the teacher will let you adjust the music before grading it. What was the video about?

    3. That1Cellist


      It was about threats to biodiversity. The second piece didn't really fit the mood for the video either.

    4. Cinnamon


      Have some hugs (and upvotes)^_^

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