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That1Cellist last won the day on December 21 2022

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About That1Cellist

  • Birthday September 29

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  • Member Title
    Lycoris Radiata
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  • Location
    The Land of Nod
  • Interests
    Cello, reading, discussing books and movies, video games, Music, music, music, music.
    Also some manga

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  1. Well, my fellow humans, it has happened. My parents finally decided to sit down and talk with me. I am not allowed to be as outwardly depressed and self-insulting as before.

    And, based on other parts of that conversation, I’m really beginning to realize something.

    It might be time to let go. To let it all go.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard


      It may get even darker before it gets lighter but I know from personal experience that there will be light again and that it may never completely go away. But there will be light again and we all love you for who you are Cellist. 

      Umm do you have a plan for suicide and if you do can you promise me that you will talk to someone?

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      As long as you’re breathing, you’re winning. If you do get suicidal, talk to someone. Anyone. 

    4. Tea Leaf

      Tea Leaf

      Pal, let me tell you something, and I will keep telling you this, life is AMAZING! Also try to live think about this: I have been able to get a list of 20 - 30 cons of life on good days and 5 - 7 pros, top, I have been fighting suicidal thoughts for years. Sometimes it is worthless to keep going, but there will be tomorrow where you might see the light at the end of the tunnel. Also Ranryu that is the random message's topic. On that day I had hundreds of cons while only 1 pro and 1 reason, that reason is Ranryu will hunt you down through the grave. 

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