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That1Cellist last won the day on December 21 2022

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About That1Cellist

  • Birthday September 29

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  • Member Title
    Lycoris Radiata
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  • Location
    The Land of Nod
  • Interests
    Cello, reading, discussing books and movies, video games, Music, music, music, music.
    Also some manga

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  1. I am completely and utterly fine nothing is wrong at all and I feel very happy.

    I'm all out of words though. I can't speak anymore.

    I'm confused.

    Anyway, I remembered recently how terrified I was of the movie Up when I was smaller. I had so many nightmares about the bird, the dogs, my house flying away on balloons, the airship tilting all over the place, and especially Mr. Fredrickson yelling at the construction worker. I was also scared of the beginning when they go into that old building all by themselves or something. That movie traumatized me.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. That1Cellist


      I didn't overthink it, I was just scared of everything. In general, actually, but some things in that movie scared me terribly.

    3. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      for me, as a kid extremely emotional movies were more traumatizing then violent ones, and Up has a lot of emotional stuff in it, so I can totally understand

      It's been years since I've seen that movie though, maybe I would like it better now

    4. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      The lion in Mulan creeping up on the emperor, and then the bad guys jumping out terrified me as a child. And the scene in Tangled where the cave is filling up with water... I think I refused to watch both of those movies just because of those scenes.

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