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S. Stormy

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Status Replies posted by S. Stormy

  1. So, I made a video.

    A very silly video.


    Spoilers follow for the entire Lord of the Rings Trilogy.

    Also, I'm sorry.




    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      @Kajsa That's sad. You should also watch the movies if you ever have a chance. Extended edition if possible :D And thank you for the compliment!

      (i'm not trying to be aggressive, watch what you want, but you should see it at some point in your life. And read it too, because you don't want to miss the singing, dancing version of Hoid that isn't in the movie that you will NEVER understand, because nobody does! And also the evil trees that eat you and the wizard-ruining-your-childhood scene.)

      So, yeah. I second @The cheeseman's motion, haha, sorry for the torrent of words

      @Just a Silvereye Thank you for the compliment! Yes, this is quite a song. I just Connected this song with The One Ring and couldn't get them unConnected.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. Got my ears pierced! A week ago today. Just little teeny metal balls, not much to look at.


    And I haven't even heard my dead brother's voice telling me not to trust anyone!

    Also, hi. I still exist!

  3. I haven’t seen you active lately. Wassup? You doing alright?

  4. I haven’t seen you active lately. Wassup? You doing alright?

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      Yeah, I just got a limited internet time, also school, and so I'm a little less active. Still here! Not dead! Just limited.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)


    love Silk and Ashes. Chills. Soo cool. I'd comment on YouTube, but...

    I don't really do that... :ph34r:

    also I know you don't know me at all, but your music is storming amazing.

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      It's totally true!! I love listening to all of your songs.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. Eyyyy you passed 1000 posts!! 

    (also your pfp is beautiful and I love it)

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      I know its GORGEOUS

  7. you have disappointed me

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      He's just a friend of mine IRL

      I thought he'd do stuff here

      But he didn't

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  8. you have disappointed me

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      he didn't do anything here

      I had such hopes

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. Have any of y'all seen The Chosen in theatres?

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      You sure? I usually like drama and sadness but this hit HARD

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  10. Have any of y'all seen The Chosen in theatres?

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      No, I think the Crucifixion will happen in season 5. Dunno what'll happen then.


      And it's not just John's death, there's more awfulness.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  11. Have any of y'all seen The Chosen in theatres?

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      Y'all gotta be prepared... it's painful. Like, not just


      John dies

      ... there's more.

      Totally unexpected awful horrifying thing.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  12. Well I didn’t make it. Not even the ensemble. It feels like a long way to fall from being Alice frickin Beineke last year. Like yeah there was only 27 people in the whole musical but that’s over HALF of the people that auditioned. Like I’m upset but whatever. Like it’s not a big deal. I almost didn’t even audition so it’s fine. Anyways. And it’s like everyone’s like babying me about it now and I’m like I don’t NEED to be babied. Like I’m literally fine. It’s not a big deal. 

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      I TOTALLY get that. Even when you REALLY feel like you should be okay with it, and you can tell yourself that you'll have more free time, and you can tell yourself ANYTHING you want and tell yourself to be rational...

      but it still sucks.

      You still ache.

      And it's okay that you do.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  13. I know you're wondering.

    My display name is a Les Mis reference. Joly is one of the Friends of the ABC. His nickname is Jolllly, so that he may fly away on his four L's. Ailes, I believe? is French for wings. L's, ailes. Fly away on L's, fly away on wings.

    Also I drew Gavroche! Daniel Huttlestone's Gavroche. Yeah, he looks too sad. Gavroche is a happy person (even though he has absolutely no reason to be) but I was going off a reference picture where he's kind of scowling so here we are.

    MY gavroche.jpeg

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      Don't you fret, M'siuer Marius, I don't feel any pain! 


  14. So
    I finished Les Mis, the unabridged version. Skipping the random-unrelated-to-the-plot parts.


    I don't know if I can forgive Marius for ruining the last years of Valjean's life! He pushed him away the year he was dying. It made the ending hurt a lot more! Valjean was miserable and lonely for the last months of his life! And they only came to see him in the last few minutes. I don't know if I can consider that ending fully bittersweet, it's just kind of bitter! Although that's also partly Valjean's fault for saying "I'm a convict" but not saying "I've changed and besides all I did was steal some bread!!" It just... hurt. I cried. A lot. Why did Valjean push himself away from the only person he loved?? Also! Marius, in the book, didn't really seem to mind that all his friends were dead. This bothers me.
    If Les Mis is Cinderella, Jean Valjean is Cosette's fairy godmother. It's funny that Les Mis is a serious book about sad people's sad lives, but then there's a random Disney love story. It cracks me up how the narrator never refers to him as "Valjean" or "Jean". He is Jean Valjean EVERY time he's mentioned. "Jean Valjean did this, Jean Valjean did that." Also I love Cosette and Valjean's relationship, it's the sweetest thing ever.
    OH!! My favorite character! Maybe! If it's not Valjean. Valjean kind of represents the struggle in all of us for doing what's right versus what's easy, and he just keeps doing the SUPER HARD THING because it's right. And I really love him. But I'm also kind of mad at him for not standing up for himself.
    So here's my fave, maybe. 
    He's so snarky and sarcastic! But he's so sweet, anyway! I love him. Both book him and musical him(although book Gavroche is also pretty musical. Didn't expect him to die singing a song in the book too.
    This great little soul had taken flight...


    Rest in peace, Fantine you who lived and died for your child
    Rest in peace, Bahorel, you who died for your cause
    Rest in peace, Jean-Prouvaire, you poet killed for your cause
    Rest in peace, Eponine, you who died in your love's arms
    Rest in peace, Gavroche, you who lived kindly and died bravely
    Rest in peace, Bossuet, you who laughed in your struggles and died for your cause
    Rest in peace, Feuilly, you orphan who adopted the people and died for your cause
    Rest in peace, Courfeyrac, you friend to Marius and to everyone and who died for your cause 
    Rest in peace, Joly, you who feared disease and what it caused, but allowed yourself to die for your cause anyway
    Rest in peace, Combeferre, you who died saving a soldier.
    Rest in peace, Enjolras, you who lived and died for your cause
    Rest in peace, Grantaire, you who died?
    Rest in peace, Javert
    I guess

    Rest in peace, Jean Valjean, you who lived for others and died loved by those you loved best.



    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy


      I love the book so much!! The first time I read it it definitely went mostly over my head, but rereading it it's all so...heartbreaking...

      I cried so hard. I got tears on my glasses. I was not okay. POOR VALJEAN GOES TO LOOK AT THEIR HOUSE EVERY DAY BUT DOESN'T GO IN AAAH THAT'S TERRIBLE

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. So
    I finished Les Mis, the unabridged version. Skipping the random-unrelated-to-the-plot parts.


    I don't know if I can forgive Marius for ruining the last years of Valjean's life! He pushed him away the year he was dying. It made the ending hurt a lot more! Valjean was miserable and lonely for the last months of his life! And they only came to see him in the last few minutes. I don't know if I can consider that ending fully bittersweet, it's just kind of bitter! Although that's also partly Valjean's fault for saying "I'm a convict" but not saying "I've changed and besides all I did was steal some bread!!" It just... hurt. I cried. A lot. Why did Valjean push himself away from the only person he loved?? Also! Marius, in the book, didn't really seem to mind that all his friends were dead. This bothers me.
    If Les Mis is Cinderella, Jean Valjean is Cosette's fairy godmother. It's funny that Les Mis is a serious book about sad people's sad lives, but then there's a random Disney love story. It cracks me up how the narrator never refers to him as "Valjean" or "Jean". He is Jean Valjean EVERY time he's mentioned. "Jean Valjean did this, Jean Valjean did that." Also I love Cosette and Valjean's relationship, it's the sweetest thing ever.
    OH!! My favorite character! Maybe! If it's not Valjean. Valjean kind of represents the struggle in all of us for doing what's right versus what's easy, and he just keeps doing the SUPER HARD THING because it's right. And I really love him. But I'm also kind of mad at him for not standing up for himself.
    So here's my fave, maybe. 
    He's so snarky and sarcastic! But he's so sweet, anyway! I love him. Both book him and musical him(although book Gavroche is also pretty musical. Didn't expect him to die singing a song in the book too.
    This great little soul had taken flight...


    Rest in peace, Fantine you who lived and died for your child
    Rest in peace, Bahorel, you who died for your cause
    Rest in peace, Jean-Prouvaire, you poet killed for your cause
    Rest in peace, Eponine, you who died in your love's arms
    Rest in peace, Gavroche, you who lived kindly and died bravely
    Rest in peace, Bossuet, you who laughed in your struggles and died for your cause
    Rest in peace, Feuilly, you orphan who adopted the people and died for your cause
    Rest in peace, Courfeyrac, you friend to Marius and to everyone and who died for your cause 
    Rest in peace, Joly, you who feared disease and what it caused, but allowed yourself to die for your cause anyway
    Rest in peace, Combeferre, you who died saving a soldier.
    Rest in peace, Enjolras, you who lived and died for your cause
    Rest in peace, Grantaire, you who died?
    Rest in peace, Javert
    I guess

    Rest in peace, Jean Valjean, you who lived for others and died loved by those you loved best.



    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      Many spoilers in the spoiler! Don't spoil it for yourself if you haven't read it!

      Also, this was long. Sorry.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  16. Feel free to engage me in conversation, I would probably love to talk to you. About anything really, but particularly if it is regarding Kaladin Stormblessed and his dreamy, intense eyes. If it's not about that, I still may enjoy the opportunity. Most likely. Even though you're probably an airsick lowlander. 





    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      I'm reading the book right now and came across the SADDEST quote: 

      "It was harrowing to see the poor child, in winter, not yet six years old, shivering under the tatters of what was once a calico dress, sweeping the street before daylight with an enormous broom in her little red hands and tears in her large eyes.

      In the neighborhood she was called the Lark. People like figurative names and were happy to give a nickname to this child, no larger than a bird, trembling, frightened, and shivering, first to wake every morning in the house and the village, always in the street or the in the fields before dawn. 

      Except that the poor lark never sang."

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. Eddie Redmayne deserves twenty-four thousand, six hundred and one Oscars. All I see for Oscars, though is Anne Hathaway, which I find strange because I think Empty Chairs at Empty Tables is far more soul-crushing and heart-shattering than I Dreamed a Dream.

    In other words, I had some friends over to watch Les Mis. A group hug was necessary at the end. 

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy


      *not true

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  19. Eddie Redmayne deserves twenty-four thousand, six hundred and one Oscars. All I see for Oscars, though is Anne Hathaway, which I find strange because I think Empty Chairs at Empty Tables is far more soul-crushing and heart-shattering than I Dreamed a Dream.

    In other words, I had some friends over to watch Les Mis. A group hug was necessary at the end. 

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      "Who cares about your lonely soul?!" is a wonderful line.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  20. I can't believe it's already been a year! It flew by so fast. I so enjoyed getting to share art, writing, and recordings with you guys. 

    I would like to say smth while I've pinged (mostly, I think) everybody: Kajsa rhymes with Asia. So there. :) 👍

    @CalanoCorvus, @shortcake (and others--all of you, really, but these two especially were incredibly persistent and made a huge impact): thank you so much for always being there for me. In my darkest moments, you both stuck by my side no matter what. Thank you. I think it's safe to say that you all saved my life.

    @The Wandering Wizard, @Shining Silhouette, @CalanoCorvus, @Edema Rue, @Thaidakar the Ghostblood, @The Halcyon Girl, @Wittles of Shinovar, @The Aspiring Archivist, @InfiniteInsanity: You all were my first friends here on the shard. You welcomed me warmly and gave me a place to belong.

    Wizzy, though we may not always agree, you make me laugh and smile. You are kind, empathetic, and silly in the best ways. You write incredible literature that touches so many hearts and instills peace. Thank you for always sticking by me, despite my high-maintenance tendencies. <4

    Silh, I know you can't see this right now, but you are always so kind, extremely talented, always using that talent for good, and if I remember correctly, you were my first official Sharbuddy. Thank you for being that friend. Your support, kind words, and our GamePigeons made such an impact on my life. I hope your mission is going well. :)

    Cal, I honestly don't have words. When I started to feel alone, there was a time when you were the only person who would comment on my SUs. That meant a lot, really, and that helped us bond. You're one of my best friends here on the shard, and I can't believe that I get to be your annoying (if not overbearing) friend. Thanks for always being invested in my endeavors and encouraging me. Thanks for unconditionally caring. ❤️

    EDDIE RUEEE! I know we didn't bump into each other until a little later down the road (if I remember correctly), but I'm so glad we did end up meeting. You have a great sense of humor, your writing is borderline incredible, and I'm convinced that we literally share brainwaves. 👌 ✨ 💖

    Thaid, I know we also didn't interact much until a bit later, but you're a pretty important person in my shard life. Not only are you smart, but you're humorous and kind, and your comments always make me smile. Thank you for adding a little more fun to my life. :D:lol:

    Haly, I know you can't see this either, and I know we talk nearly every day, but I want you to know that you're my best friend, and I care about you so much. We have a bond that I don't share with anybody else, and I will always be eternally grateful that we met. Not only have you always been there for me, helped me think things through logically, kept me grounded, gave me laughs, made me smarter and more outgoing, but you have helped me so much with my novel. I don't know how I'll ever repay you, and every day I slip further into your debt. I don't have words to express how grateful and lucky I am to have a friend like you. I hope we get to see each other's faces again sometime. Love you so much, Fried. <3333 🥰  (lol p.s. i had a dream last night where you came back on the shard and brought your characters back for clinic season 2 and then made me join lol)

    WITTLES SKITTLES! Hey! You've always been such a fun person. You've helped me so much on my hard days, and I hope I do okay when you need help in return. You make me smile, and I enjoy knowing you. I want to say so much more, but I can't really find the words. I really am so so so grateful to be your friend, and thank you so much for everything you've done for me. ❤️

    Archie! Not only are you one of the smartest people I know, but you're also incredibly wise. You've given me incredible insight and helped me make sense of messes I have the tendency to cause. Lol. I really enjoy talking to you, and I hope I'm a halfway decent friend. Thanks for all the math homework help and all the panic help and all the insanely wise comments. Your poetry is also amazing. Thank you for being my friend, Archie. 

    Insa, thanks for being my show choir friend! I can't wait to (hopefully) see your show this season (I'm definitely going to try). Thank you for also offering really good insight on my life and helping me be more rational. I love reading your poetry (especially your color ones, I loved those), and I hope to see more in the future. Thank you so much, Insa. ❤️

    You guys, there's so many more of you. @Ravenclawjedi42 (I know we're more recent friends but you still put a smile on my face), @Ranryu (we don't interact a lot anymore but I want you to know that you're still on my mind), @Robin Sedai (your comments always make me happy and I love that I know you), @SmilingPanda19 (you're hilarious and I love it, thank you for making me laugh), @Cinnamon (CIINNIEEEEEEEEEEEEE I LOVE U AND THANK YOU FOR BEING INCREDIBLE), @The Bookwyrm (thanks for dancing with me that one time and teaching me about light pollution! it's actually a very interesting topic, and thanks for also having a great sense of humor), @Labirynth (why won't it let me ping you?!?! I enjoy your company and wish I knew you in person), @The cheeseman (thanks for always making me laugh. I love reading your Opinions of the Day), @S. Stormy (I know we don't interact a lot but I love getting comments from you because you always have something positive and fun to say), @That1Cellist (we also don't interact much, but you have such deep ways of looking at things and I love hearing your perspective--also orange sparkly bowties 👌 ✨), and everybody else. Thank you for making my first year on the shard absolutely incredible!

    Wow, that's super long. Okay. Even if I didn't directly ping/mention you, I want you to know that you are amazing and important to me. I love each and every one of you so much, and you are all such fun human beings. 

    Thanks for putting up with my wild shenanigans! I know I don't do a lot on the forums, but I'm going to try and do more of that this year, though I'll probably be on less to be with my family more and on screens less. Thanks for being my Shard family, you guys!


    Kajsa (rhymes with Asia) --> out

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy


      (I know we don't interact a lot but I love getting comments from you because you always have something positive and fun to say)

      Aww thanks!! It means a lot!!!!

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  21. okay, I know I just barely posted, but I'm lowkey bored and want to sing. So if y'all request a song and I know it, I'll sing it!

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy


      I don't think so...


    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  22. —woah—


    this is very new

    its nice 

    HOLD UP I HAVE TO TRY MY MOST USED EMOJIS 😭😂🥳♥️✨😁😌😳🙈🥲😱😎💀🙃😞😅😃👍🏻🤨🧐🤫👌🏻🤩😘🤪🥰🤯

  23. Eyyy Whispering Skull. He/it's hilarious.

    Wait is your AIM from Chronicles of Prydain??

  24. Spoiler

    Yall the world is a fricking crazy place


    What with the Syrian civil war, Israeli-Palestinian war and Jihad day/attacks all over the world, Ukraine and Russia, tensions/Taliban rise in Afghanistan, South Korea/Japanese tensions, conditions in North Korea…


    That’s all




  25. Ok I apologize for the weird SU earlier. How are you all? I hope you’re all doing good. I was sick yesterday and I’m still feeling super gross today b it no way I was missing a core class day at school. Also my friends left stuff at my house after homecoming (someone left their earrings, guy friend left his shirt—I CAN EXPLAIN), and I was seeing both of them today so I decided to give their stuff back. Also it’s guy friend’s birthday so I had to come tell him happy birthday. 

    I have choir next period (like fourteen mins) and it’s actually one of my least favorite classes… like don’t get me wrong, I love singing, and it’s a privilege to be in choir and show choir, but it’s just a LOOOOOONG time (1.5 hours) to be sitting in a chair singing. I do love my directors tho, they fight like a married couple and it’s hilarious (especially since they’re both married to other people). 

    I also customized shoes for hoco, that was awesome except I used the wrong paint so it cracked on the leather. Our theme was “night in the city”! 



    I had a ton of fun, but we stayed up so late and the night was so crazy. I’m still trying to catch up on sleep, and it made my ankle problems worse (yes, still the ankle. I know).

    but yeah! That’s abt it. I also got a hilariously bad grade on a math worksheet and forgot entirely to do the other homework haha. Anyways! How have you guys been?

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      Aww I'm sorry. You still have pictures. And my respect. ;)

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

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