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S. Stormy

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Status Replies posted by S. Stormy

  1. People have been posting poetry lately, so I decided to write a poem from Kaladin's perspective!

    It's a little dark, and slightly gory, but if you've read Brandon Sanderson, you're used to it!

    Ta da!


    Bridgemen shot down,
    Screaming as they fall, mere bait.

    Eyes burning,
    Death, Shardblade sweeping though ranks.

    Tien dying,
    Speared though, his eyes dead, lifeless.

    A young girl,
    Her lifeblood bled out, red pools.

    A young man,
    Jerking and soon falling still.

    Screaming nearby.
    The horrors overwhelming...

    A small light,
    Holding back the storms, the fear.

    Oaths spoken,
    Slowly, pushing back darkness.

  2. Hello, Humans!

    So, my SU’s poetry has taken a darker turn lately (characters’ POV’s in SA can be VERY dark if you wish them to be), so I decided to write a more fun, light poem for y’all to enjoy! And you can’t possibly guess what it’s about!



    Glinting eyes, reflecting light,
    Shine from the drowning darkness.
    The silent padding of soft paws,
    Hushed on carpeted cold flooring.

    With a mew, and muted steps,
    The Cat stalks towards its prey.
    In deep dark, barely visible,
    Is lithe body and swaying tail.

    Light glimpses at the creature,
    So soft, so sweet and deadly.
    The light shines on smooth, silky fur,
    Carefully groomed with a coarse tongue.

    Crouching, tail twitching, prepared,
    In glad anticipation,
    The cat waits, hackles smooth, paws set,
    The cat flicks an ear and pounces!

    Victoriously, head low,
    The Cat trots across the sheets.
    She slips closer to her sleeping prey,
    Lifts a furry paw… and bats my face.

    Betcha didn’t guess haha! >:D

    Anyhow, hope you have had (or will have!) a wonderful day, and continue to let the sun shine wherever you go! (Even if its winter!)

    You’re awesome! Bai for now

    - Telrao
    *throws muffins*

  3. Ooh, I like your new profile picture! It needs a darker silhouette though, in my opinion.

  4. Oh wow

    I didn't think this would happen so soon

    I made the popular contributors board... for monthly contributors!

  5. Idea: 
    I read* the Coppermind summary of Bands of Mourning(and Warbreaker) and then read maybe, far later(because library holds and stuff), the Lost Metal. The actual book.

    Do people think that I'd miss too much nuance that's not in the Coppermind or... 

    Also, is there more questionable stuff in TLM? If it's just crude Wayne humor, then I guess I'm okay with that. But if it's anything beyond that... I might just read the summary of that too...

    (for those of you who missed the previous SU, I don't want to read some of the ...stuff in Bands of Mourning)

    *pronounced "reed", I'm not saying that I already read the summary. English is stupid.

  6. Idea: 
    I read* the Coppermind summary of Bands of Mourning(and Warbreaker) and then read maybe, far later(because library holds and stuff), the Lost Metal. The actual book.

    Do people think that I'd miss too much nuance that's not in the Coppermind or... 

    Also, is there more questionable stuff in TLM? If it's just crude Wayne humor, then I guess I'm okay with that. But if it's anything beyond that... I might just read the summary of that too...

    (for those of you who missed the previous SU, I don't want to read some of the ...stuff in Bands of Mourning)

    *pronounced "reed", I'm not saying that I already read the summary. English is stupid.

  7. Behold! The work of three years of Christmas and birthday presents!

    I assembled my shelves shrine this morning


  8. Thought I'd post an SU about my experience at Dragonsteel! It was my first-ever convention and it was tons of funI'll be back for sure :D

    Day 1:

    1. We (my dad, who's also a Sanderfan, and I, who worked hard to convince him to take me :D.) decided to arrive at the convention about half an hour before the first event and we felt decent about being a bit early. Oh how wrong we were! We were in line for almost 90 minutes waiting for our badges and completely missed the first panel—but we got to hang out with some really cool Sanderfans and discuss our theories about TLM the whole time :)
    2. My badge number was number 2100 which was super cool! I felt really lucky
    3. We saw a presentation from Isaac and Team Dragonsteel about all the merch that's coming in the swag boxes next year! They said that the nightblood letter opener was originally too big and would've been legally categorized as a weapon so they had to shrink it down so they weren't investigated by homeland security :P. Also apparently they were going to do a full-sized shardblade (!!) but it didn't fit in the package.
    4. I met Daniel Greene and got a photo! Anyone else a fan of Mr. Goblin?
    5. Saw a live recording of Intentionally Blank with Dan Wells and Branderson himself! Wow I love that podcast
    7. Dan Wells did a breakdown of the movie "Crazy Rich Asians" and it was actually so cool. He talked about characters and arcs and introductions and when we only got through six minutes of the movie in the first half an hour I knew we were in trouble :P.
    8. Got my event copy of TLM!!

    Day 2:

    1. Convinced my dad to let me get a Dragonsteel shirt and Bridge Four hat. Totally wearing those all the time now :lol:
    2. Stormlight 5 theorizing was tons of fun—there were some insane theories that I could barely even wrap my head around. But I'm sooooo looking forward to the future!!
    3. I got to see a live recording of Shardcast with the some Shard Mods! Extremely interesting! They talked about my question from the previous night which was super super cool.
    4. Got to see another panel with Isaac, Peter, and Joshua (Brandon's agent)! The editing process is fascinating. I WANNA BE A BETA READER
    5. Talked with Dan Wells and got one of his books signed!
    6. Watched a very cool cosmere parade. There was a "I am a stick", a Syl, a Koloss, Lightsong, basically everyone you can think of
    7. Chaos (way too scared to ping him ;)) was supposed to be a panel member for a couple events but he didn't make it unfortunately. I was going to make him sign my Shard Bookmark: "@chaos"
    8. Oh yeah I got a 17th Shard Bookmark!
    9. Release party was AWESOME Brandon is such a good public speaker
    10. Thousand person cosmere kahoot was pretty cool!
    11. Woke up at 3:30 AM for my flight the next day yay!


    Cosmere Kahoot from the release party!



    Intentionally Blank Podcast!



    Brandon Release Party Speech!



    When I went up to ask my question to Brandon



    My question!



    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy



    2. (See 65 other replies to this status update)

  9. Merry CHRISTmas, everyone!

  10. Ooh I really like you pfp! I haven’t been online so sorry if this is super late but it is really cool. Is it from something?

  11. Ooh I really like you pfp! I haven’t been online so sorry if this is super late but it is really cool. Is it from something?




  13. I cannot express enough just how perpetually sad I am right now.

    It isn't even like I'm super miserable and sobbing and suff. No, I'm almost fine - I'm just definitely not.

    It's like when you're just sick enough to feel nasty, but not sick enough to feel right lazing around in bed and watching dumb movies all day. Like, you want to be productive and do a bit of homework, but you can't. You're at that perfect threshold of sickness that provides zero room for productivity and a maximum amount of wasted hours.

    Like that.

    Why can't I just keep going until I break down and cry? Why can't I just get over this already? I can't let myself just lie down and mope, but I'm too depressed to get anything done. It feels like someone locked up all my emotions behind iron bars, and I can kinda reach in and touch them but not enough to grab hold and pull them back out.

    This sucks. Life sucks. I'm so bored and so sad and so tired.

    So far I've consoled myself by watching Jujutsu Kaisen (which didn't work because I got to the sad episodes), trying to do some RP (which didn't work because I desperately need to write some combat but Pyro keeps expertly dodging my summons to White Iron), reading other peoples' writing (which didn't work because my brain is functioning at 1% total capacity and can't comprehend even the most basic aspects of narrative structure), then burning my eyes out on a computer screen in the dark typing this out (which didn't work because I want to scream but not enough to actually scream and it's bad and it's awful and GAK).

    The most wonderful time of the year.

  14. Helooo Humans! I have returned for an extremely short period of time and will soon abandon you all again for the real world!

    I finished Rhythm of War! And wow. I realised a few things.

    One: I hate Moash and I’m going to defenestrate then decapitate him if I ever have the chance.
    Two: I also dislike Tarivangian. Read the Epilogue of Rhythm of War and you’ll know.
    Three: Wit is one of the best characters. Try me. (HOID FOR LIFE YEAH!!!)
    Four: KALADIN. YES KALADIN. (No, there will be no explanation.)
    And Five: I’m going to read SA again. I’ve got a month of freedom and I ain’t gonna waste it on doing useful things! What kind of a monster do you think I am?!

    So, as of today, I have read (almost) three Sanderson series: The Reckoners, The Stormlight Archives, and Mistborn (except for TLM. My library doesn’t have it yet and I’m very sad.)

    I have recently purchased the Skyward series (and yes, this will be the fourth time I’ve read the first book) and will soon re-enter and explore the Cytoverse. I think I need to take a bit of a break from reading *nervous laughter* (no, I definitely won’t take a break)

    Some time in the near future I’ll post some of the art I’ve been making (although, some of its only the design process, as I gave the art away before I took a picture of it) and will put up the next episode of Telrao’s Adventures. I’m currently working on two other books – which are not presentable, although I will definitely give you guys the drafts to beta read (expect those in 1-2 years. Sorry!) and am contemplating my magic systems and thinking of giving them  a rejig

    Also, exciting things happening in the real world!

    We had the Carols yesterday at our church, and I was a backup singer (whoo). It was fun – and surprisingly enjoyable, despite the fact that I was forced into this against my will. I think that years of musicals and being a chorus member in said musicals really helped with stage fright – and plus, nobody’s looking at you. They’re looking at their lyrics, the trees, the birds, or the other members of the band and singing along – they aren’t staring at the small group of backup singers. Did I say something about trees and birds? We were outside our church, and there is a wonderful slope that forms almost a natural amphitheater. The temperature was perfect (I’m in Australia, ye ones in the Northern Hemisphere. So it is summer where I am, and perfectly fine to be outside) and there was a lovely breeze to keep us cool!

    We (the Carols band) are doing another Carols this Friday – this time, a community Carols. So I won’t know many the people in the audience. Dunno if that’ll help with the butterflies or not, but we’ll see. Wish us luck!

    Sorry for the long SU! Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas season, Humans!


  15. Wow, that's a beautiful profile picture!

  16. I feel like you should know that I saw an advertisement for a Silhouette machine and I was very confused why you were on a sign. 

    I got it eventually. But silhouette capitalized will never not be you!

  17. Wow, that's a beautiful profile picture!

  18. Helooo Humans! I have returned for an extremely short period of time and will soon abandon you all again for the real world!

    I finished Rhythm of War! And wow. I realised a few things.

    One: I hate Moash and I’m going to defenestrate then decapitate him if I ever have the chance.
    Two: I also dislike Tarivangian. Read the Epilogue of Rhythm of War and you’ll know.
    Three: Wit is one of the best characters. Try me. (HOID FOR LIFE YEAH!!!)
    Four: KALADIN. YES KALADIN. (No, there will be no explanation.)
    And Five: I’m going to read SA again. I’ve got a month of freedom and I ain’t gonna waste it on doing useful things! What kind of a monster do you think I am?!

    So, as of today, I have read (almost) three Sanderson series: The Reckoners, The Stormlight Archives, and Mistborn (except for TLM. My library doesn’t have it yet and I’m very sad.)

    I have recently purchased the Skyward series (and yes, this will be the fourth time I’ve read the first book) and will soon re-enter and explore the Cytoverse. I think I need to take a bit of a break from reading *nervous laughter* (no, I definitely won’t take a break)

    Some time in the near future I’ll post some of the art I’ve been making (although, some of its only the design process, as I gave the art away before I took a picture of it) and will put up the next episode of Telrao’s Adventures. I’m currently working on two other books – which are not presentable, although I will definitely give you guys the drafts to beta read (expect those in 1-2 years. Sorry!) and am contemplating my magic systems and thinking of giving them  a rejig

    Also, exciting things happening in the real world!

    We had the Carols yesterday at our church, and I was a backup singer (whoo). It was fun – and surprisingly enjoyable, despite the fact that I was forced into this against my will. I think that years of musicals and being a chorus member in said musicals really helped with stage fright – and plus, nobody’s looking at you. They’re looking at their lyrics, the trees, the birds, or the other members of the band and singing along – they aren’t staring at the small group of backup singers. Did I say something about trees and birds? We were outside our church, and there is a wonderful slope that forms almost a natural amphitheater. The temperature was perfect (I’m in Australia, ye ones in the Northern Hemisphere. So it is summer where I am, and perfectly fine to be outside) and there was a lovely breeze to keep us cool!

    We (the Carols band) are doing another Carols this Friday – this time, a community Carols. So I won’t know many the people in the audience. Dunno if that’ll help with the butterflies or not, but we’ll see. Wish us luck!

    Sorry for the long SU! Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas season, Humans!


  19. I stand before the mirror

    My face a mask of joy

    Eyes twinkling, lips upturned

    But inside, a different emotion deployed


    The corners of my mouth stretch wide

    In a gesture that's automatic, not sincere

    A facade of happiness that I must hide

    From the world that would mock or sneer


    I stand here grinning

    Lost in my own confusion

    Trying to find my way through

    This life that's filled with illusion


    So I stand before the mirror

    Searching for my true self

    Hoping to find the courage

    To break free from this stealth


    I long to be authentic

    To live my life with ease

    To smile from the inside out

    And find the joy that never cease

  20. My content count and my reputation are exactly the same.

     I'll stop with the SUs now.

  21. My content count and my reputation are exactly the same.

     I'll stop with the SUs now.

  22. My content count and my reputation are exactly the same.

     I'll stop with the SUs now.

  23. My content count and my reputation are exactly the same.

     I'll stop with the SUs now.

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