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S. Stormy

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Status Replies posted by S. Stormy

  1. I have returned!




    It's been one week!?




    Guys I don't think I can read through all these notifs


    I missed you all :)






  2. So here's the thing.

    I want to read The Lost Metal because of the Cosmerey-ness. I read AoL and SoS(Shadows of Self, not Shadows for Silence)

    But I know BoM has some stuff I'm not really comfortable reading in it. I want to read the book! I just... don't feel comfortable doing it. Same with Warbreaker.

  3. I have returned!




    It's been one week!?




    Guys I don't think I can read through all these notifs


    I missed you all :)






  4. Thanks for the follow!

  5. Thanks for the follow!

  6. Thanks for the follow!

  7. i have a feeling you like kaladin

  8. i have a feeling you like kaladin

  9. Singing audition: done!

    Show choir performance: not yet!

  10. Singing audition: done!

    Show choir performance: not yet!

  11. Singing audition: done!

    Show choir performance: not yet!

  12. Singing audition: done!

    Show choir performance: not yet!

  13. Explode. Must. Explode

  14. This isn't a normal Silhouette/Debonair update. I've been doing a lot of thinking this last week, and I think I need to step away from the shard for a little while.

    I absolutely love being a part of this wonderful, amazing community, and it's changed my life for the better in more than just a couple ways—don't get me wrong. The issue is I love hanging out with you all too much. I've had an issue with procrastination for much of my life, but this year it's been very difficult to reconcile the multiple daily meanders to the shard with all the pressure I've placed on myself recently. I've found myself slipping behind on some of the most important priorities in my life, which hasn't been especially beneficial to my mental health.

    If, in an instant, I could immediately rectify my issues and return to the shard, believe me, I would. I know that I'll struggle in restraining myself for the time that I'm away, but that's part of the reason I'm writing this SU—I trust you all enough to hold me accountable.

    I'll miss you guys a lot. I really will. I'll miss the random adventuring, the IKYK and paranoia of SE, the exciting wordplay and verbal spars, the philosophical discussions, the spontaneous RPing in random threads that shouldn't be there, and the posts that spiral into threads that spiral into crusades that spiral into clubs―all of it. 

    I plan to step away for at least a week. Maybe I've been overly dramatic, but this is important to me, and I wanted to share my feelings as to not leave you all in the dark. This won't be a permanent thing; I know I'll have much more free time after the next few months and be able to rejoin the craziness once more. This is just something I feel I must do for myself, my wellbeing, and my future.

    Goodbye for now!

    —Shining Silhouette

  15. That's an... ambitious bucket list you got there.

  16. I made a grilled cheese!

    I burnt it.

    I made another one!

    It doesn't look burn but it's super crunchy,

    I need to work on my cooking skills :blink:.

  17. Y'know, I just have to ask.

    What the heck

    Is a Pencil Taxi?



  19. Guess I should update my signature...

    Finished the Warden and the Wolf King. 

    I think that's the most I've cried when reading a book. 

    Storms, that was good. 

  20. Y'all.

    Just watched season three of the Chosen in the theater. It was SO GOOD!!!!! If you haven't watched it, you need to! I saw a comment from someone who said that they weren't religious and they still enjoyed it. Not saying that that applies to everyone, but there are some awesome messages in there.

    In case you don't know, The Chosen is about the life of Jesus Christ through the eyes of his apostles, and it actually gives him a personality, which I love. He makes jokes and makes funny sounds to make the little kids laugh. It's amazing

    Really recommend watching it. Any other Chosen fans out there?

  21. Who are you and what did you do with The Wandering Wizard?!

    I beat @Shining Silhouette. Who needs to change his name.

  22. Who are you and what have you done with Shallan Stormblessed?!?!

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