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S. Stormy

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Status Replies posted by S. Stormy

  1. Happy birthday, Pencil Taxi! Many happy returns!

  2. Happy birthday, Pencil Taxi! Many happy returns!

  3. So you guys know that thread where you have to explain a plot badly?

    Yeah, I'm not digging down to find it. Here you go:


    Several years after a purple monster killed half the population, a ragtag group of heroes who've lost everyone must bring back the world by gathering the magical stones.


  4. You know when you're reading a book or watching a movie, and you've seen/read it before, and something bad is about to happen, and you're hoping that somehow it'll go different this time... and you're just saying, "Just DON'T DO IT!" because you hope that maybe the characters will be smarter this time, forgetting it'll always be the same?


    I hate that.

  5. You know when you're reading a book or watching a movie, and you've seen/read it before, and something bad is about to happen, and you're hoping that somehow it'll go different this time... and you're just saying, "Just DON'T DO IT!" because you hope that maybe the characters will be smarter this time, forgetting it'll always be the same?


    I hate that.

  6. You know when you're reading a book or watching a movie, and you've seen/read it before, and something bad is about to happen, and you're hoping that somehow it'll go different this time... and you're just saying, "Just DON'T DO IT!" because you hope that maybe the characters will be smarter this time, forgetting it'll always be the same?


    I hate that.

  7. You know when you're reading a book or watching a movie, and you've seen/read it before, and something bad is about to happen, and you're hoping that somehow it'll go different this time... and you're just saying, "Just DON'T DO IT!" because you hope that maybe the characters will be smarter this time, forgetting it'll always be the same?


    I hate that.

  8. You know when you're reading a book or watching a movie, and you've seen/read it before, and something bad is about to happen, and you're hoping that somehow it'll go different this time... and you're just saying, "Just DON'T DO IT!" because you hope that maybe the characters will be smarter this time, forgetting it'll always be the same?


    I hate that.

  9. You know when you're reading a book or watching a movie, and you've seen/read it before, and something bad is about to happen, and you're hoping that somehow it'll go different this time... and you're just saying, "Just DON'T DO IT!" because you hope that maybe the characters will be smarter this time, forgetting it'll always be the same?


    I hate that.

  10. A thing I wrote a while ago with my friends for a school assignment. Yes I used Rock's nickname as a girl's name. But nobody knew...


    The Council of Three


    A sunny day defies the approaching darkness.

    She comes.

    I watch from the window,

    Gigantic wings beat the air.

    Her head is adorned with dark horns

    that curl in a deadly arc.

    Her sword gleams in the fading light.

    Clad in pink and black,

    Murderous intent written on her face,

    She is Star.


    The nearby lamppost glows. 


    And brighter.

    The light forms into a figure,

    Who holds herself like someone 

    Used to the people’s bows.

    A simple golden circlet affirms this.

    She wears a blue robe, accented by gold.

    She holds an open book.

    The pages blow in the wind,

    Obscuring any information 

    I’d hope to glean.

    A mocking smile on her face,

    Secrets in her hand,

    She is Lunamor.



    I have no name.

    My face is forgettable.

    And yet they bow to me;

    I am not one to be crossed.

    A crow nests

    in my bland brown hair.

    I set down the small sweet succulent

    I hold in my hands,

    And rest my hand on the window.

    The two stand there, waiting.

    “I believe you know why I've gathered you here.”

    My tone is flat.


    Star glares.

    “I don’t, and I’m NOT happy about it.”

    Lunamor is less blunt.

    “I too, had to abandon things I loved

    to be here.”

    She is annoyed,

    Beneath her calm mask.

    My hand passes through the open window. 

    I appear next to them.

    “There is a purpose.”


    “Which is?”

    Star spits.

    I turn towards her.

    “Follow me, and you will know.”

    Between one heartbeat and the next,

    I am blown into the wind.

    Lunamor shifts into

    blue particles and drifts away


    on the wind.

    Star glares for a moment,

    Thinking of the fact 

    she could just leave.

    But she decides to follow,

    And glitches out of sight

    Leaving no trace of anything 

    that happened on this 




    I didn't write all of it, but I wrote a lot of it and just let myself be as cheesy and dramatic as I wanted. 'Twas fun.

  11. Thanks for following me! You're cool. (not just because you followed me. I had that opinion of you beforehand.)

  12. Cool guys don't look at heads ripping off.


    Do you get it?

  13. I need advice.


    A friend is starting Mistborn. She likes Kelsier. She says she will quit if Kelsier dies. I said he doesn't.


    Should I give her the right to make an informed decision? Will she be more likely to keep going if she knows from the start?

  14. I need advice.


    A friend is starting Mistborn. She likes Kelsier. She says she will quit if Kelsier dies. I said he doesn't.


    Should I give her the right to make an informed decision? Will she be more likely to keep going if she knows from the start?

  15. I need advice.


    A friend is starting Mistborn. She likes Kelsier. She says she will quit if Kelsier dies. I said he doesn't.


    Should I give her the right to make an informed decision? Will she be more likely to keep going if she knows from the start?

  16. ok so both @Shallan Stormblessed AND @Ta'veren Kaladin asked for some context on my response in Worst Thing To Say thread, so I'm explaining here.


    my dearest girlfriend, DoomslugLuna, kissed me (like, actually kissed me) on Tuesday. Now, mind you, it was through two masks so it wasn't a true kiss, but it was pretty damn close.

    And, true to my lovesick self, I'm happy af and the world is amazing.

  17. I'm new!  How do you do stuff like get auto-replies and an avatar?

  18. I just remembered what my other username idea was... oh well.


    It was Auntie Stormlight.

  19. Theory: Brandon was tired of people shipping Kaladin and Jasnah. So he made Wit and Jasnah a thing, just to spite all the shippers.

  20. I notice other Sharders using nicknames for each other...

    Despite being not a very well-known member, I kinda want one, but I haven't thought of one.


    Any ideas?

  21. I notice other Sharders using nicknames for each other...

    Despite being not a very well-known member, I kinda want one, but I haven't thought of one.


    Any ideas?

  22. I notice other Sharders using nicknames for each other...

    Despite being not a very well-known member, I kinda want one, but I haven't thought of one.


    Any ideas?

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