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S. Stormy

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Status Replies posted by S. Stormy

  1. Lol well my phone turned out to be broken. I have my brother's old one now. I'm also mostly finished with my Jack Sparrow costume!

  2. Ok I apologize for the weird SU earlier. How are you all? I hope you’re all doing good. I was sick yesterday and I’m still feeling super gross today b it no way I was missing a core class day at school. Also my friends left stuff at my house after homecoming (someone left their earrings, guy friend left his shirt—I CAN EXPLAIN), and I was seeing both of them today so I decided to give their stuff back. Also it’s guy friend’s birthday so I had to come tell him happy birthday. 

    I have choir next period (like fourteen mins) and it’s actually one of my least favorite classes… like don’t get me wrong, I love singing, and it’s a privilege to be in choir and show choir, but it’s just a LOOOOOONG time (1.5 hours) to be sitting in a chair singing. I do love my directors tho, they fight like a married couple and it’s hilarious (especially since they’re both married to other people). 

    I also customized shoes for hoco, that was awesome except I used the wrong paint so it cracked on the leather. Our theme was “night in the city”! 



    I had a ton of fun, but we stayed up so late and the night was so crazy. I’m still trying to catch up on sleep, and it made my ankle problems worse (yes, still the ankle. I know).

    but yeah! That’s abt it. I also got a hilariously bad grade on a math worksheet and forgot entirely to do the other homework haha. Anyways! How have you guys been?

  3. Ok I apologize for the weird SU earlier. How are you all? I hope you’re all doing good. I was sick yesterday and I’m still feeling super gross today b it no way I was missing a core class day at school. Also my friends left stuff at my house after homecoming (someone left their earrings, guy friend left his shirt—I CAN EXPLAIN), and I was seeing both of them today so I decided to give their stuff back. Also it’s guy friend’s birthday so I had to come tell him happy birthday. 

    I have choir next period (like fourteen mins) and it’s actually one of my least favorite classes… like don’t get me wrong, I love singing, and it’s a privilege to be in choir and show choir, but it’s just a LOOOOOONG time (1.5 hours) to be sitting in a chair singing. I do love my directors tho, they fight like a married couple and it’s hilarious (especially since they’re both married to other people). 

    I also customized shoes for hoco, that was awesome except I used the wrong paint so it cracked on the leather. Our theme was “night in the city”! 



    I had a ton of fun, but we stayed up so late and the night was so crazy. I’m still trying to catch up on sleep, and it made my ankle problems worse (yes, still the ankle. I know).

    but yeah! That’s abt it. I also got a hilariously bad grade on a math worksheet and forgot entirely to do the other homework haha. Anyways! How have you guys been?

  4. Welp… I’m banned from the shard for an indefinite amount of time. Tomorrow’s my last night. It’s something about getting real friends (but the people around me are boring or moral-less) so yeah see y’all when I leave the house. 

    I’ll just go cry now. See you tomorrow.

  5. My new member title named after a guy who cheered me in a Cross Country race by saying my member title while holding a stuffed elephant. It was really amazing. All the other XC people, are there any other random cheers you've gotten?


    That hill.



    It was weirdly terraced? So it had flat and then really steep parts. Was painful.

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy



      (please note that this was a random stranger, as was the elephant guy) Also someone else random cheered me on by saying "You are a 10."

      It's the random unexpected ones that help.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. You know what? I like Peter Jackson’s Hobbit trilogy

  7. HI THANK Y'ALL IT'S NOT ACTUALLY MY BIRTHDAY BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I just made this my birthday because Frodo and Bilbo! Sorry for the misleading.bother.thumb.png.fa9299bf14fcf2887051fe5caf665724.png

    Cus, you know, Internet safety and all that.

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      You SHOULD! March 1st is Aragorn and Johnny from Outsiders's.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  8. HI THANK Y'ALL IT'S NOT ACTUALLY MY BIRTHDAY BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I just made this my birthday because Frodo and Bilbo! Sorry for the misleading.bother.thumb.png.fa9299bf14fcf2887051fe5caf665724.png

    Cus, you know, Internet safety and all that.

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      I don't know half of you half as well as I should like and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  9. Happy birthday! how did I never know that you shared a birthday with Bilbo Baggypants?

  10. … happpppyyy biiirrttthhhddaaay ttttoooo yyyooouuuu-

  11. My brain:


    My brain:


    My brain:


    My brain:



    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      OOOOh that's so cool!


      This reminds me of (Marvel multiverse of madness spoiler)

      Oh that's weird. Was just talking about that movie earlier today.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  12. Remember the quiet nights you forgot

    Remember the old things you once sought

    Forget today, if it pains you,

    because the evening comes anyway


    Recall the day where nothing happened

    Recall the stranger that you once gladdened

    Forget today, if it hates you,

    because the morning comes anyway


    Forget the times you could have changed

    Forget the pains that you estranged

    Remember today, if it forgot you

    because the next one comes anyway

  13. The epilogue of Bands of Mourning had some intense Marvel-post-credit-scene vibes.

  14. Ok, tomorrow is the day!

    Have an amazing few years everyone!

  15. I'm very amused by this:




  16. hey guys. so it's been about a week, and i've been thinking a lot. i decided y'all deserved a much better goodbye than what i offered.

    first, i wanna explain why i decided to take a break from the shard.

    1. it was not doing good things for me/my mental health, other people on the shard, familial relationships, etc. 

    2. i was spending WAYYYY too much time on here, and that caused time-management issues > homework buildup > extra stress > depressive episodes

    3. i was beginning to be reliant and dependent on the shard and its people, which was an unfair burden for all of you. so i'm sorry.

    i'm seeing a therapist now! she's awesome, and i've really found some clarity, peace, etc. in my life, and i'm doing so good. again, i'm really sorry for all that depressing, whiny crap i posted consistently. 

    i do think i'll intermittently visit the shard, but it wont even be once a week. just every couple of months to check up on how y'all're doing. ya know.

    love you guys. 


    see you later.

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      Thanks for the more info, congrats on the therapist! Good luck in all life! I wish you well!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  17. Quick, guys, shoot me your audiobook suggestions! 

    I have 32 hours of driving in the next three days so I need content to consume ^_^

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      The Outsiders if you haven't yet, it's a classic. Sad, kinda cheesy sometimes, but really good. In my opinion. Although it was written by a 16/18-year-old girl. But it's short so you don't have to commit much!

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  18. Hey all! It's been a while. Sort of. Except it hasn't really. Whatever.
    I made some shoes. Actually I didn't make them, I decorated them. I'm not a cobbler.
    ANYWAY! They're super nerdy and suited exactly to my unique taste and I'm so happy.
    Here they are! Well, here are some pictures of them. I'm not magic.


    Les Mis section64ed56620eb42_IMG_20230828_1909449462.thumb.jpg.45f7f4b3a18a6c053b335dd3d829844d.jpg
    Stormlight section part 1IMG_20230828_191019951.thumb.jpg.6da97e48354fa19c71189b0f4b88f4fd.jpg
    LotR sectionIMG_20230828_191036214.thumb.jpg.61c7fdd66e0257fae615aafa8c95820a.jpg
    Outsiders section(s) part 1IMG_20230828_191056718.thumb.jpg.c46383ead55a9873fc3bba7ce0745fb9.jpg
    Stormlight section part 2IMG_20230828_191113900.thumb.jpg.debd70b66a2d1186e42711fcfc6b9a20.jpg
    Outsiders section part 2IMG_20230828_191127534.thumb.jpg.e17d64baf8733e6b538052137c0b0fae.jpg
    Wingfeather section64ed566dd6e03_IMG_20230828_1913205232.thumb.jpg.b4f36843e3a0f76fa86a4f05db2c98de.jpg


    Also I had XC practice today in a temperature of around 102 degrees, Fahrenheit(duh). It was... not fun.
    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy


      I do not miss XC.

      But those are really cool shoes!

      Why thank you. I love the people in XC. Not the running. And thanks!


      They look really cool! 



      Cobblers don't make shoes either. ;) They mend them. Someone who makes shoes is, disappointingly, simply known as a shoemaker. 

      (In all seriousness, those look great. Good job.)

      Oh, sad. Now I feel silly! It's okay. I am silly. And thank you!


      I read "and rain will make the flowers grow" and almost started crying. Les mis has way too much of an effect on me.

      That sounds terrible. Running hurts. Drink lots of water and don't get heat exhaustion, I promise it isn't fun.

      Same! Except I listened to the songs too much and became a wee bit desensitized. Whoops. That's me with the Outsiders. Very often when I think about



      I tear up. I'm an ol' softie.

      Oh, and we got to go in for 7 minutes in the middle of it to cool off, and warmed up and cooled down inside.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  19. dude the lady sitting next to me at seminary kickoff has the notification sound for her phone set to the 4 note hunger games riff.

    you know the one.

    i heard it and just looked up from my phone like,

    ”i am awakened.”

    too funny.

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      Oh, you mean the 


      female version of Tien's one?


    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  20. dude the lady sitting next to me at seminary kickoff has the notification sound for her phone set to the 4 note hunger games riff.

    you know the one.

    i heard it and just looked up from my phone like,

    ”i am awakened.”

    too funny.

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      Wow I finished Catching Fire last Thursday. (and I think I finished book one on... Tuesday? No idea though)

      This is strange timing.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  21. Don't you hate it when that guy you really, really dislike shows up and proposes to you?

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      I'm scared to. I'm less than fond of gore and stuff...

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  22. Don't you hate it when that guy you really, really dislike shows up and proposes to you?

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      (I'm reading Pride and Prejudice right now, in case you didn't realize)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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