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S. Stormy

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Status Replies posted by S. Stormy

  1. I'm so sorry

    I wrote fanfiction

    Save me

    (okay, it's not the worst thing in the world. But... it's weird)

  2. Your pfp actually works really well upside down. It gives it more of that cheeky Syl charm :P 

  3. I'm leaving for London in an hour! Never been abroad (aside from a brief stint in Canada :P) so I'm really excited!

    See y'all in about a week!

  4. I wrote a ketek about grief. Please note that my feelings over Ivan(my cat, for those who didn't know)'s death are not as extreme as presented in this poem, but I wanted to do something to be sad, and I also wanted to write a ketek. So yeah!


    Lessen grief won't
    It is there forever
    Abating--but returning acutely.
    Never will it leave permanently.
    Pain won't leave.
    I'd love to forget
    Will emptiness hurt more?

    ...Yes. More hurt.
    Emptiness would forget love.
    Would it leave?
    Will not pain?
    Permanently leave it will?
    Never. Acutely return.
    Abating forever.
    There it is:
    Won't grief lessen?



    My first role with real lines I actually have to put in time to memorize.

    Turns out there are benefits of having a Drama class where people aren't as committed as one might want.

  5. I wrote a ketek about grief. Please note that my feelings over Ivan(my cat, for those who didn't know)'s death are not as extreme as presented in this poem, but I wanted to do something to be sad, and I also wanted to write a ketek. So yeah!


    Lessen grief won't
    It is there forever
    Abating--but returning acutely.
    Never will it leave permanently.
    Pain won't leave.
    I'd love to forget
    Will emptiness hurt more?

    ...Yes. More hurt.
    Emptiness would forget love.
    Would it leave?
    Will not pain?
    Permanently leave it will?
    Never. Acutely return.
    Abating forever.
    There it is:
    Won't grief lessen?



    My first role with real lines I actually have to put in time to memorize.

    Turns out there are benefits of having a Drama class where people aren't as committed as one might want.

  6. IT IS DONE!

    Please enjoy, Shatter Me!


    Shatter me

    Tear me down

    Shove me to the brink

    Toss me over 

    Send me careening into the depths of






    Take my fear

    Rip it

    Twist it

    Grow it into vines

    Strangle me in the fear of





    The Light



    Take my bridges

    Shatter them

    Rip them

    Set them on fire

    Leave me stranded when the storms come





    Send the storms

    Hide me from sight in their embrace 

    The smothering blackness

    Let it seep inside

    Choke out the light

    Let the rain freeze, me

    The lightning strike, me

    I don't care





    Take me to the eye of the storm

    Show the bleakness before

    The utter darkness to come

    Shove me into the darkness

    Show me there is no other choice

    No other way

    There never was any light, only darkness

    That this is the only option, to end it on my terms

    It’s time to say goodbye

    There never was another way







    Shatter Me, God

    Grind my bones under pestle and mortar

    Flay me past death

    Send me into the Abyss

    So that I can truly









    Break this tainted glass

    Rip out the blinders

    Obliterate my perfect little world

    Crumple me with pain

    O how did I not see it before

    Cries my soul

    As I truly see for the first time

    Their fear 

    Their pain 

    Their struggles


    Send me their pain

    Make me their rock

    Dump it all on me

    Watch it shatter me

    Overwhelm me to paralysis

    Bring back my demons

    Start to drag me under once more

    How do you help





    Send me deeper

    Shatter me some more

    Set the world upon my shoulders

    Keep a steadying hand nearby as I fall

    Catch the world and put it back

    Show me that I can 






    Shatter me

    So that I can help

    Tear me down

    So I can grow back stronger

    Shove me to the brink

    So I can see them

    Toss me over 

    To save them

    Send me careening into the depths

    To bring them back


    Open your eyes


    You are never alone


    I am here


    Give a hug

    There is light





    @That1Cellist @Telrao @Being of Cacophony @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Morningtide @Cinnamon @Spark of Hope @The Bookwyrm @InfiniteInsanity @Kajsa :) @CalanoCorvus @Aes Sedai

  7. I've convinced my 8 year old sister to read Alcatraz and I am very very proud of this.

    I failed with my brother but my sister actually listens to me.

  8. guys I have access to Google's weird AI called "Bard"

    gimme some stuff to talk about with it

  9. It's a very good day. I haven't felt sad or anxious since Tuesday, excluding my panic attack at show choir prom. I'm currently finishing up some homework and listening to Christmas music! (Look, it snowed, and I'm feeling really good, so there.)

    Yesterday I was laying on the couch and my dad randomly threw me an Oatmeal Cream Pie and it made me very very happy :D 

    I hope you all are having a very good day!

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      I haven't traumatized my character that much, but I did enjoy writing her kidnapping VERY much. Also her crying about how alone she is.

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  10. Y'know, I just have to ask.

    What the heck

    Is a Pencil Taxi?

  11. So I finished Warbreaker, skipping all de sketchy parts.

    AAAAAAAAAHHHH that was a good book.



  12. It's a very good day. I haven't felt sad or anxious since Tuesday, excluding my panic attack at show choir prom. I'm currently finishing up some homework and listening to Christmas music! (Look, it snowed, and I'm feeling really good, so there.)

    Yesterday I was laying on the couch and my dad randomly threw me an Oatmeal Cream Pie and it made me very very happy :D 

    I hope you all are having a very good day!

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy


      love Oatmeal Cream Pies. Those things are delicious.

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  13. My friend finally finished Way of Kings!! We made a deal about it back in December, and I've been so excited for him to reach the end for months!!!!! There were a couple of weeks where he didn't read for a little bit, and I was worried that he would quit, but he powered through!!! B):rolleyes: Literally so proud, and he's already got the audiobook for Words of Radiance!!! B):lol::wub: I haven't been able to interrogate him in person yet, but it sounds like he really enjoyed it!!! Of course though, how could you not B)B)B););):wub::lol:

  14. I'm upset, flabbergasted, and quite annoyed.

    So, if you guys didn't know, WIRED did a profile on Brandon Sanderson. Last year, Brandon invited the reporter into his home, showed him the company, his lifestyle, and how he writes, and was extremely open with him. The article is ruthless and in my opinion unnecessarily cruel to Sanderson. It mocks his religion, his community, the way he dresses, his family, his writing, people at conventions, and even the way his son eats...like storming what! It makes me pretty upset.

    Anyway DONT look up the article cause it gives the article more clicks/revenue—if you want a good summary check out Daniel Greene's Video




    I mean, I get it if you don't like a person or their writing, but writing a condescending and elitist 4000 word essay about it seems unnecessary.

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      if you are willing i might want to be in it toooooooooooo...

    2. (See 50 other replies to this status update)

  15. My friend finally finished Way of Kings!! We made a deal about it back in December, and I've been so excited for him to reach the end for months!!!!! There were a couple of weeks where he didn't read for a little bit, and I was worried that he would quit, but he powered through!!! B):rolleyes: Literally so proud, and he's already got the audiobook for Words of Radiance!!! B):lol::wub: I haven't been able to interrogate him in person yet, but it sounds like he really enjoyed it!!! Of course though, how could you not B)B)B););):wub::lol:

  16. I'm upset, flabbergasted, and quite annoyed.

    So, if you guys didn't know, WIRED did a profile on Brandon Sanderson. Last year, Brandon invited the reporter into his home, showed him the company, his lifestyle, and how he writes, and was extremely open with him. The article is ruthless and in my opinion unnecessarily cruel to Sanderson. It mocks his religion, his community, the way he dresses, his family, his writing, people at conventions, and even the way his son eats...like storming what! It makes me pretty upset.

    Anyway DONT look up the article cause it gives the article more clicks/revenue—if you want a good summary check out Daniel Greene's Video




    I mean, I get it if you don't like a person or their writing, but writing a condescending and elitist 4000 word essay about it seems unnecessary.

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      "dang it, Sanderson hasn't murdered anyone or cheated on his wife"

    2. (See 50 other replies to this status update)

  17. the play is tonight the play is tonight the play is tonight the play is tonight the play is tonight the play is tonight the play is tonight the play is tonight the play is tonight the play is tonight the play is tonight the play is tonight the play is tonight the play is tonight the play is tonight the play is tonight the play is tonight the play is tonight the play is tonight the play is tonight the play is tonight the play is tonight the play is tonight the play is tonight the play is tonight the play is tonight the play is tonight the play is tonight the play is tonight the play is tonight 

  18. Welcome to Random Thoughts with Telrao! Your weekly dose of Insanity is here!

    I have figured out what I am going to name my children! (If I ever have any hehe :P)

    Firstborn: Raoden/Sarene

    This is because Elantris was the first Cosmere book I ever read and I LOVE IT SO MUCH!

    Secondborn: Amphisbaena/Spensa

    Amphisbaena (yes I did spell it correctly the first time) is cool and I could call him Amphi. Spensa because SPENSA is an AWESOME name and Spensa herself is a fantastic character!

    Thirdborn: Kaladin/ Lyn

    KALADIN!!! Need I say more? And Lyn because the name is COOL!

    Other names:

    Adolin, Dalinar, Elend/ Shallan, Torena, Marasi

    Any thoughts?

  19. Welcome to Random Thoughts with Telrao! Your weekly dose of Insanity is here!

    I have figured out what I am going to name my children! (If I ever have any hehe :P)

    Firstborn: Raoden/Sarene

    This is because Elantris was the first Cosmere book I ever read and I LOVE IT SO MUCH!

    Secondborn: Amphisbaena/Spensa

    Amphisbaena (yes I did spell it correctly the first time) is cool and I could call him Amphi. Spensa because SPENSA is an AWESOME name and Spensa herself is a fantastic character!

    Thirdborn: Kaladin/ Lyn

    KALADIN!!! Need I say more? And Lyn because the name is COOL!

    Other names:

    Adolin, Dalinar, Elend/ Shallan, Torena, Marasi

    Any thoughts?

  20. Welcome to Random Thoughts with Telrao! Your weekly dose of Insanity is here!

    I have figured out what I am going to name my children! (If I ever have any hehe :P)

    Firstborn: Raoden/Sarene

    This is because Elantris was the first Cosmere book I ever read and I LOVE IT SO MUCH!

    Secondborn: Amphisbaena/Spensa

    Amphisbaena (yes I did spell it correctly the first time) is cool and I could call him Amphi. Spensa because SPENSA is an AWESOME name and Spensa herself is a fantastic character!

    Thirdborn: Kaladin/ Lyn

    KALADIN!!! Need I say more? And Lyn because the name is COOL!

    Other names:

    Adolin, Dalinar, Elend/ Shallan, Torena, Marasi

    Any thoughts?

  21. Welcome to Random Thoughts with Telrao! Your weekly dose of Insanity is here!

    I have figured out what I am going to name my children! (If I ever have any hehe :P)

    Firstborn: Raoden/Sarene

    This is because Elantris was the first Cosmere book I ever read and I LOVE IT SO MUCH!

    Secondborn: Amphisbaena/Spensa

    Amphisbaena (yes I did spell it correctly the first time) is cool and I could call him Amphi. Spensa because SPENSA is an AWESOME name and Spensa herself is a fantastic character!

    Thirdborn: Kaladin/ Lyn

    KALADIN!!! Need I say more? And Lyn because the name is COOL!

    Other names:

    Adolin, Dalinar, Elend/ Shallan, Torena, Marasi

    Any thoughts?

  22. SHALLAN!


    OR AM I GOING INSANE *screaming*

  23. I already posted this in the Bad Day thread, but:

    My cat, Ivan, passed away today. It was extremely sudden.

    I got home from school and he was yowling. He's old(16)... and I knew it was coming at some point.

    Just... sometime later. Tomorrow. Not today.

    Sorry, I got distracted, not making sense. He was old, and he didn't do much but poop in the wrong places and puke on the carpet. But... he was snuggly.

    We got him to the vet, and they said he had either a stroke or a mass in his brain. He was disoriented, and he couldn't walk. So they said the kind thing to do was put him down. 

    So... he's gone now. I'll be okay. It was just so sudden, and... 

    I don't know. I'll be okay, but it's sad now.

  24. I already posted this in the Bad Day thread, but:

    My cat, Ivan, passed away today. It was extremely sudden.

    I got home from school and he was yowling. He's old(16)... and I knew it was coming at some point.

    Just... sometime later. Tomorrow. Not today.

    Sorry, I got distracted, not making sense. He was old, and he didn't do much but poop in the wrong places and puke on the carpet. But... he was snuggly.

    We got him to the vet, and they said he had either a stroke or a mass in his brain. He was disoriented, and he couldn't walk. So they said the kind thing to do was put him down. 

    So... he's gone now. I'll be okay. It was just so sudden, and... 

    I don't know. I'll be okay, but it's sad now.

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