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S. Stormy

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Status Replies posted by S. Stormy

  1. Hello, world. I should be drawing a picture for English, but I decided to talk to you wonderful people instead. :)

  2. I already posted this on the Members of the Church thread, but it was an incredible experience for me, so I'm going to put it here too. It's about my beliefs.

    I had a really spiritual experience two nights ago.

    I haven't really mentioned this on here before but, since I'm the youngest in my family, I'm the only sibling at home. 

    And... it sucks sometimes. I miss my siblings so much. It's a big gap between me and my next youngest sibling... but we're close. And... it's really hard, knowing that to some/one of my siblings, my home... their home, once... will never be their home again. My brother... has a home of his own. And I barely remember the time before he left home. 

    And that hurts.

    And hearing in books about sibling rivalries and among friends... they don't seem to care about their siblings. They don't seem to care, when their brothers and sisters leave home, that the people they've grown up beside aren't there anymore. It feels, sometimes, like I'm the only person in the world who misses my siblings. I just felt... alone in feeling this kind of pain. I was curled up in the corner of my bed when I felt like I should go to the window.

    And then I looked out the window, and saw the moon and thought "we've been on that!" And it reminded me of this video:



    It was unthinkable, unimaginable that we could be on the moon.
    And it was unthinkable, unimaginable that...
    Jesus suffered for us. For me. He knows every kind of pain. He's experienced what I'm experiencing right now. He knows what it's like to have siblings move away, and I am in no way alone. 
    And I realized that He knows the deepest, darkest, stupidest parts of our souls. And he loves us, wholly, purely, and completely, anyway. 
    The Spirit was washing over me, and I knew that Jesus knew exactly what I was feeling. I imagined Him sitting next to me and wrapping his arms around me and holding me.

    I have a testimony that He knows us. All of all of us. And He loves us. All of all of us.

  3. I already posted this on the Members of the Church thread, but it was an incredible experience for me, so I'm going to put it here too. It's about my beliefs.

    I had a really spiritual experience two nights ago.

    I haven't really mentioned this on here before but, since I'm the youngest in my family, I'm the only sibling at home. 

    And... it sucks sometimes. I miss my siblings so much. It's a big gap between me and my next youngest sibling... but we're close. And... it's really hard, knowing that to some/one of my siblings, my home... their home, once... will never be their home again. My brother... has a home of his own. And I barely remember the time before he left home. 

    And that hurts.

    And hearing in books about sibling rivalries and among friends... they don't seem to care about their siblings. They don't seem to care, when their brothers and sisters leave home, that the people they've grown up beside aren't there anymore. It feels, sometimes, like I'm the only person in the world who misses my siblings. I just felt... alone in feeling this kind of pain. I was curled up in the corner of my bed when I felt like I should go to the window.

    And then I looked out the window, and saw the moon and thought "we've been on that!" And it reminded me of this video:



    It was unthinkable, unimaginable that we could be on the moon.
    And it was unthinkable, unimaginable that...
    Jesus suffered for us. For me. He knows every kind of pain. He's experienced what I'm experiencing right now. He knows what it's like to have siblings move away, and I am in no way alone. 
    And I realized that He knows the deepest, darkest, stupidest parts of our souls. And he loves us, wholly, purely, and completely, anyway. 
    The Spirit was washing over me, and I knew that Jesus knew exactly what I was feeling. I imagined Him sitting next to me and wrapping his arms around me and holding me.

    I have a testimony that He knows us. All of all of us. And He loves us. All of all of us.

  4. I already posted this on the Members of the Church thread, but it was an incredible experience for me, so I'm going to put it here too. It's about my beliefs.

    I had a really spiritual experience two nights ago.

    I haven't really mentioned this on here before but, since I'm the youngest in my family, I'm the only sibling at home. 

    And... it sucks sometimes. I miss my siblings so much. It's a big gap between me and my next youngest sibling... but we're close. And... it's really hard, knowing that to some/one of my siblings, my home... their home, once... will never be their home again. My brother... has a home of his own. And I barely remember the time before he left home. 

    And that hurts.

    And hearing in books about sibling rivalries and among friends... they don't seem to care about their siblings. They don't seem to care, when their brothers and sisters leave home, that the people they've grown up beside aren't there anymore. It feels, sometimes, like I'm the only person in the world who misses my siblings. I just felt... alone in feeling this kind of pain. I was curled up in the corner of my bed when I felt like I should go to the window.

    And then I looked out the window, and saw the moon and thought "we've been on that!" And it reminded me of this video:



    It was unthinkable, unimaginable that we could be on the moon.
    And it was unthinkable, unimaginable that...
    Jesus suffered for us. For me. He knows every kind of pain. He's experienced what I'm experiencing right now. He knows what it's like to have siblings move away, and I am in no way alone. 
    And I realized that He knows the deepest, darkest, stupidest parts of our souls. And he loves us, wholly, purely, and completely, anyway. 
    The Spirit was washing over me, and I knew that Jesus knew exactly what I was feeling. I imagined Him sitting next to me and wrapping his arms around me and holding me.

    I have a testimony that He knows us. All of all of us. And He loves us. All of all of us.

  5. I finished my poem!


    One friend is sad

    The other hates life

    Another is mad

    And more are in strife


    Then why am I happy?

    I’m living on a cloud

    I’m always so peppy

    And have reasons to be proud


    When my friends need rescue

    I’m a sympathetic soul

    But how can I feel cut in two

    When I’ve always been whole?


    How am I supposed to empathize

    With what I’ve never felt?

    Should I maybe deemphasize

    The feelings with which I’ve always dwelt?


    Do I change nothing

    Staying blind to what they feel,

    Or do I love nothing

    And let gloom take the wheel?


    Should I only let darkness in my sight

    So I can feel like my friend?

    Or to them should I be a light

    So they know it’s not the end?


    Thus my inner turmoil sings

    With pleads to understand

    And with which my soul does ring

    With yearning to take their hand


    I want to say “it’ll all be okay”

    But would my friends believe me?

    To me, it’s always been this way

    So how do I set them free?


    This is all so confusing

    But maybe I don’t need to revise

    Maybe I’m doing enough and improving

    So my happiness I won’t need to compromise


    When they’re lost

    Their path I can illuminate

    After dangerous terrain they’ve crossed

    Safety for them I can communicate


    When they seem to forget

    I can pull their mind back

    To where who they are isn’t a threat

    A safe place where their feelings we can unpack


    If they start to panic

    I’ll try to calm their mind

    Their thoughts wild, tangled, and frantic

    We can work to unwind


    And when they're trapped in darkness, in pain they cannot hide,

    In where the world to them, it seems, is anything but kind

    I can help them heal and grow to see the other side

    Though their life may be full of it, in me contention they won’t find


    I don’t have to know what my friends are going through

    To be the friend they need

    Even if the world’s untrue

    In honesty our lives can lead


    Be there for the ones you fill with care

    Lend a loving heart and hand

    Keep far from all the sorrow and despair

    Be a friend and understand


    Sometimes friendships are what we rely upon

    The only rock in our foundation 

    So together we must keep them going strong

    For friends are the reasons of our creation

    My friend (who is a Sanderfan) and I were talking about what roles Cosmere characters would take on in a high school setting and it was really fun and maybe I’ll make a thread about it if I feel motivated enough.

  6. Hey Shallan! Look at your rep title!

    You're an honourspren now :DD

    Congratulations, friend!!

  7. Hey Shallan! Look at your rep title!

    You're an honourspren now :DD

    Congratulations, friend!!






  9. Oh man. I'm trying not to cry as I write this. 

    Yesterday was incredible.

    Both show choirs (JV--Subwoofers and Varsity--Leaders of the Pack) had to be at the competition at 10am.

    Subwoofers got second place in the JV division, and I'm so proud of them. They've worked so hard!

    I don't even know where to start for us. We all got ready and stuff (there was some drama that went down and... yikes) and hung out for about six hours because we performed at 5:30.

    They had donuts at the comp and they were so good it's not even funny. So I bought three. :D And then there was also hot chocolate and I couldn't resist. So I was on a sugar high for a while before the show, and then I got super tired and sat in a corner for twenty minutes.

    Firkins then rounded everyone up to go to our homeroom, and he pulled out these papers with everyone's names on them. We'd written notes to each other on the papers a couple weeks ago, and he handed them out last night. I was crying so hard I couldn't even read the whole thing, and then I had to redo half my makeup because I'd cried it all off.

    Then we went to warm-up and went over some parts of the show that needed just a quick run-through. And Firkins had us stand in a circle and sing the ballad. Most of us were holding hands. I made it to the second verse before I started crying--and THEN Firkins started going around and hugging us one-by-one. I was literally sobbing xD I couldn't even sing! So the costume moms passed out tissues and we couldn't go back to redo our makeup so it was what it was and we went on stage and slayed.

    We got best costumes, best choreography, best vocals, and grand champions. And with it, we celebrated the first time EVER that Leaders has gone undefeated.

    I will miss that group so much. We have one last performance on Tuesday, and then we're done.


    I shall go cry in the corner now because I'm so happy but so sad all at the same time. :): 

  10. Oh man. I'm trying not to cry as I write this. 

    Yesterday was incredible.

    Both show choirs (JV--Subwoofers and Varsity--Leaders of the Pack) had to be at the competition at 10am.

    Subwoofers got second place in the JV division, and I'm so proud of them. They've worked so hard!

    I don't even know where to start for us. We all got ready and stuff (there was some drama that went down and... yikes) and hung out for about six hours because we performed at 5:30.

    They had donuts at the comp and they were so good it's not even funny. So I bought three. :D And then there was also hot chocolate and I couldn't resist. So I was on a sugar high for a while before the show, and then I got super tired and sat in a corner for twenty minutes.

    Firkins then rounded everyone up to go to our homeroom, and he pulled out these papers with everyone's names on them. We'd written notes to each other on the papers a couple weeks ago, and he handed them out last night. I was crying so hard I couldn't even read the whole thing, and then I had to redo half my makeup because I'd cried it all off.

    Then we went to warm-up and went over some parts of the show that needed just a quick run-through. And Firkins had us stand in a circle and sing the ballad. Most of us were holding hands. I made it to the second verse before I started crying--and THEN Firkins started going around and hugging us one-by-one. I was literally sobbing xD I couldn't even sing! So the costume moms passed out tissues and we couldn't go back to redo our makeup so it was what it was and we went on stage and slayed.

    We got best costumes, best choreography, best vocals, and grand champions. And with it, we celebrated the first time EVER that Leaders has gone undefeated.

    I will miss that group so much. We have one last performance on Tuesday, and then we're done.


    I shall go cry in the corner now because I'm so happy but so sad all at the same time. :): 

  11. i have spent the whole day in b e d.

    with a virus :]

    not covid or strep.. just a virus :3

    sick :>

    not going into work tonight, but i'll feel better tmrw so i can work tmrw.


    had a mental breakdown last night right before this sickness punched me in the face like a scudding freight train, and so last night sucked.

    please send hugs my girlfriend couldn't come over last night bc i was sick and so i couldn't get hugs :(

  12. i have spent the whole day in b e d.

    with a virus :]

    not covid or strep.. just a virus :3

    sick :>

    not going into work tonight, but i'll feel better tmrw so i can work tmrw.


    had a mental breakdown last night right before this sickness punched me in the face like a scudding freight train, and so last night sucked.

    please send hugs my girlfriend couldn't come over last night bc i was sick and so i couldn't get hugs :(


    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy


      Wizard's is

      The Wandering Wizard > The Wandering Waffle > Ookla the Myopic > The Wandering Wizard

      Silhouette's is

      Shining Silhouette > Ookla the Debonair > Shining Silhouette

      Now you're doing both of you in the third person?


    2. (See 36 other replies to this status update)


    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy


      Quick Shallan! What's a question only one of them would know the answer to??!


      What's your name history?

    2. (See 36 other replies to this status update)


    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy


      It's working Wiz!


      *Jazzily plays jazz*



    2. (See 36 other replies to this status update)

  16. Hi there everybody.

    I've just gone and updated the artist name for where I distribute my music on spotify, because the profile I am currently on has music from before I was born, and is managed by someone else.

    Within the next week, it should all be updated.

    I'll regularly check, and keep you all updated.

    The new name is 'Calano Corvus'

  17. Is that a Fablehaven reference I sense in your member title?

  18. I’m. So. Close. :D

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy


      I just accidentally slip into Gollum sometimes.

      Don't we all?

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  19. Wanna switch back? Your profile picture is lovely, but I still like my witch better.

  20. So I just found out I'm going to be able to go on a music internship in NYC in a couple of months!! I'll be shadowing a professional jazz pianist/arranger and working in a recording and sound-mixing studio! I should be able to go watch some sessions (and I'm hoping to play too) which I'm really looking forward to :D

    My internship mentor just confirmed this morning that it's all set up and I'm just so excited!!!

  21. Wanna switch back? Your profile picture is lovely, but I still like my witch better.

  22. Last SU for a while...

    I'm going to be limiting my time on the Shard. I won't be gone completely, but it's become a bit of a not-good habit, and I'm going to limit it.

    It's not that y'all aren't awesome, because you ARE! It's just that you're too awesome, and I spend too much time with y'all, instead of doing more... productive things.


    PS If I'm failing to limit my time on here, please yell at me.

    I'll still respond to this thing, and I think I'll still do some stuff on here. But less often.

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