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Ranryu last won the day on March 18 2023

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About Ranryu

  • Birthday February 17

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  • Member Title
    Hurricane Lily
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  • Location
    June 15th, 2035
  • Interests
    Children's cartoons from the late 90's - early 2000's
    Nature/gardening/pretending to be a tree
    Elaborate revenge plans
    Lots of songs but few specific artists
    Final Fantasies VI through X (let's be honest the franchise fell apart after that)
    Video game music
    Being a terrible person

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  1. I am disappointed in humanity as a whole. We just can't seem to learn. We keep finding new ways to hate and excuses not to love. We find people who are different from us- even if it's a tiny thing like the brand of your shoes, and we unite in hate against them. 

    I think maybe we are cowards by nature. A necessity for survival, perhaps. You rarely see people picking on the strong and powerful. Instead, we pick on the weak and defenseless. Shy people, babies, people with disabilities, strangers, people without an army of 'friends' to back them up. Why do we do it? What's it worth to us? A cheap laugh at someone else's expense? The satisfaction of knowing we've caused someone else an unwarranted lifetime of hurt?

    Aren't we more than the simple urge to seek pleasure and avoid punishment? Where is the human spirit- the capability and desire to make things better than they are now? Hate brings hate brings hate brings hate. Isn't anyone brave enough to try loving someone without care for if that love is returned? Not the shallow feelings of attraction, but true love; the willingness to help someone without reward, even if that help is a simple kind word? 

    In my studies I have seen much hate, much passion, but little true love. All I want is to stop the hate with kindness and caring. There's so much shallow paint covering the wall that is our culture, but what is underneath it? Is the wood rotting from neglect?

    Happy Valentine's day, humans. I hope the chocolate was good.

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist

      I can never seem to stick to one thing, unfortunately.

    3. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard


      I can never seem to stick to one thing, unfortunately.

      Keep on trying, you will find it eventually. And try new things, that'll expose you to new things that you may have a passion for.

    4. Kajsa


      I know I’m totally late to the convo. But Ranryu, this should get published in some sort of article or newspaper.
      I have seen a lot of this, too (as we all have). And I have been that person getting bullied. I don’t want anyone else to feel the way I did. 
      Anyway, wise words.

      You should get them published. 

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