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Ranryu last won the day on March 18 2023

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About Ranryu

  • Birthday February 17

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  • Member Title
    Hurricane Lily
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  • Location
    June 15th, 2035
  • Interests
    Children's cartoons from the late 90's - early 2000's
    Nature/gardening/pretending to be a tree
    Elaborate revenge plans
    Lots of songs but few specific artists
    Final Fantasies VI through X (let's be honest the franchise fell apart after that)
    Video game music
    Being a terrible person

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  1. Okay okay okay. Let's talk about peat bogs. If you don't know what the heck I'm talking about, then hold on tight. We're gonna go on a little ride.

    First of all, what is a peat bog? A peat bog is a type of wetland that accumulates peat (a buildup of partially decayed plant matter- often moss). Peat bogs are found in cool northern climates (a famous example is ireland). About 12,000 years ago, glaciers from the most recent ice age retreated, leaving poorly draining lakes behind. Over time, plant matter built up inside these lakes, becoming peat. Other names for peat bogs include mire, mosses, quagmire, and muskeg.


    Peat Bogs • Northumberland National Park

    Why are peat bogs important? Peat (dried peat) is a valuable form of fuel that has been harvested for thousands of years. Peat is also used as a soil additive. Beyond that, peat bogs play a vital role in the environment. Peat moss improves the soil's ability to absorb water, and peat holds more carbon than the combined forests of Britain, France and Germany. Plus, if you like animals, peat bogs provide shelter to some really cool endangered ones.


    Ancient bones in disturbed peat bogs are rotting away, alarming  archaeologists | Science | AAAS

    Another really interesting thing about peat bogs is that they are excellent at preserving deceased life forms. Hopefully some of you have heard of the famous "bog bodies" that are often found in peat bogs. Sometimes more than ten thousand years old, these bog bodies give us interesting insight on how things used to be.

    (Warning, mildly scary image below)


    Tollund Man This is the Tollund man, found in 1950. It is believed that he was sacrificed in some kind of fertility ritual about twenty five thousand years ago. His body is incredibly well preserved-- even his internal organs!

    Clearly, there's a lot more to learn about peat bogs. Go look them up, they're really cool!

    wait what did I just do

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      That is acceptable, I can be TRIBTUE! to an ice cream truck instead :D

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Okay!! If you're absolutely sure that's what you want!!:lol:

    4. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond


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