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Status Replies posted by Ranryu

  1. Oh I forgot to post this in my SU :P

    So here is the Wizardess:

    I drew her yesterday and I think it took around 45 minutes? An hour? Something like that.


  2. Oh I forgot to post this in my SU :P

    So here is the Wizardess:

    I drew her yesterday and I think it took around 45 minutes? An hour? Something like that.


  3. I'm falling apart a little. And there's so much to do but I can't even start, and my heart is pounding and I don't know why.

    I could use some help.

    1. Ranryu


      That sucks. Maybe you could explain it to your teacher? Teachers are human, after all. 

      And I'm really sorry, but I have to sign off before my parental unit grounds me for all eternity. 

    2. (See 70 other replies to this status update)

  4. I'm falling apart a little. And there's so much to do but I can't even start, and my heart is pounding and I don't know why.

    I could use some help.

    1. Ranryu


      Hmmm... Time for something that they call 'having a conversation'. 

      Which classes do you enjoy? Would you rather fly an airplane in a tornado or pilot a submarine in a hurricane. Do you know sports things? (if you do sorry I literally have nothing to say on that subject because I know nothing) What are your thoughts on Sesame Street? Are corgis so stupid that it's cute? Would you drive a 1978 Ford Pinto on the freeway knowing that car's reputation? Are these too many questions?

    2. (See 70 other replies to this status update)

  5. I'm falling apart a little. And there's so much to do but I can't even start, and my heart is pounding and I don't know why.

    I could use some help.

    1. Ranryu


      There's also Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis, which scares the crap out of me.

      Well... I have my multiple insanity clinic characters and then the one with Halcy that never really took off. 

    2. (See 70 other replies to this status update)

  6. I'm falling apart a little. And there's so much to do but I can't even start, and my heart is pounding and I don't know why.

    I could use some help.

    1. Ranryu


      Uhh... I'll do three.

      Ever heard of synesthesia?

      You've probably heard of the fibonacci sequence, but have you seen what it looks like in nature?

      How about a turtle frog, the animal that looks like a gelatinous blob? 


      The frog that looks like a turtle - Australian Geographic 

      Eww but also it's cool

      If it wasn't so late I would go roleplay, but as it is I'm only getting four hours of sleep tonight ;)

    2. (See 70 other replies to this status update)

  7. I'm falling apart a little. And there's so much to do but I can't even start, and my heart is pounding and I don't know why.

    I could use some help.

    1. Ranryu


      Ah, never mind then. It might be cloudy out anyway. The stars look really cool tonight, though. It's kind of relaxing.

      Sorry I'm so so bad at being helpful. Would you like a distraction instead?

    2. (See 70 other replies to this status update)

  8. I'm falling apart a little. And there's so much to do but I can't even start, and my heart is pounding and I don't know why.

    I could use some help.

    1. Ranryu


      Are you somewhere where you can see the sky right now?

    2. (See 70 other replies to this status update)

  9. I'm falling apart a little. And there's so much to do but I can't even start, and my heart is pounding and I don't know why.

    I could use some help.

  10. I'm falling apart a little. And there's so much to do but I can't even start, and my heart is pounding and I don't know why.

    I could use some help.

    1. Ranryu


      Just close your eyes. It will all work out

    2. (See 70 other replies to this status update)

  11. I'm falling apart a little. And there's so much to do but I can't even start, and my heart is pounding and I don't know why.

    I could use some help.

    1. Ranryu


      Try taking a few deep breaths. It might help you calm down a little.

    2. (See 70 other replies to this status update)

  12. I'm falling apart a little. And there's so much to do but I can't even start, and my heart is pounding and I don't know why.

    I could use some help.

  13. Hello Shiny!

    1. Ranryu




      I'm pretty sure most people say Shiny or Silh, though

      I’ve never heard anyone say that

    2. (See 33 other replies to this status update)

  14. New stake dance record!

    Zero dancing at all. Like, at all at all.

    Also orange bow ties are fun to wear, except when it’s an identifying factor and people can use it to hunt you down. :ph34r:


    1. Ranryu



      *gasp* Chasing people around? Kidnapping people???

      THAT SOUNDS LIKE SO MUCH FUN!!! Ranryu, can you come to Australia, kidnap me, then take me to Nebraska?

      Yes. But then both the US and Australian governments would be after me. Risky. 

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  15. Mmmm. Weezer, Cosmo Sheldrake, and Tomaso Albinoni. If you called my music tastes eclectic, you'd be right.

    Why do people keep secrets? 99% percent of the time, situations would be better resolved by sitting down and having a logical conversation than all this deception and misdirection. Secrets fascinate me, but I hate them. 

    It's also interesting to think about the line between secrets and unnecessary information. At what point does someone just not need  to know something? And what about when you just absolutely cannot talk about something even if you wanted to? Is that still considered a secret? Either way, when it comes to not saying something, misdirection is a lot more effective than lying. Change the subject. Give a goofy answer. Make your outward projection so wild and chaotic that people forget what they asked you in the first place.

    This has been weird thoughts with Ranryu. Thank you for coming. *bows*

    1. Ranryu



      I'm always sarcastic, so if you blend that with an environment like a dance or party thing, yeah I guess what I do can be interpreted as flirting....

      .....but me flirting and me just interacting with people is doesn't have that big of a difference

      Yes this exactly 

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  16. Mmmm. Weezer, Cosmo Sheldrake, and Tomaso Albinoni. If you called my music tastes eclectic, you'd be right.

    Why do people keep secrets? 99% percent of the time, situations would be better resolved by sitting down and having a logical conversation than all this deception and misdirection. Secrets fascinate me, but I hate them. 

    It's also interesting to think about the line between secrets and unnecessary information. At what point does someone just not need  to know something? And what about when you just absolutely cannot talk about something even if you wanted to? Is that still considered a secret? Either way, when it comes to not saying something, misdirection is a lot more effective than lying. Change the subject. Give a goofy answer. Make your outward projection so wild and chaotic that people forget what they asked you in the first place.

    This has been weird thoughts with Ranryu. Thank you for coming. *bows*

    1. Ranryu


      In kindergarten I had a true love. We rubbed our noses together and had great plans of getting married. Just thinking about it makes me wince with how stupid it was. I have a distinct memory of him crying and me telling him I wasn't going to marry him unless he stopped. *embarrassed laughter*

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  17. Mmmm. Weezer, Cosmo Sheldrake, and Tomaso Albinoni. If you called my music tastes eclectic, you'd be right.

    Why do people keep secrets? 99% percent of the time, situations would be better resolved by sitting down and having a logical conversation than all this deception and misdirection. Secrets fascinate me, but I hate them. 

    It's also interesting to think about the line between secrets and unnecessary information. At what point does someone just not need  to know something? And what about when you just absolutely cannot talk about something even if you wanted to? Is that still considered a secret? Either way, when it comes to not saying something, misdirection is a lot more effective than lying. Change the subject. Give a goofy answer. Make your outward projection so wild and chaotic that people forget what they asked you in the first place.

    This has been weird thoughts with Ranryu. Thank you for coming. *bows*

    1. Ranryu


      Flirting can be fun and stuff, but it also removes any possibility for an actual friendship in the future. There are plenty of people I can't really interact with anymore because they thought I was flirting when I wasn't, though.

      Ah, teenage awkwardness. The one thing we all have in common or have had in common at some point.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  18. New stake dance record!

    Zero dancing at all. Like, at all at all.

    Also orange bow ties are fun to wear, except when it’s an identifying factor and people can use it to hunt you down. :ph34r:


    1. Ranryu


      You haven't called yourself a fat pig again, have you?

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  19. New stake dance record!

    Zero dancing at all. Like, at all at all.

    Also orange bow ties are fun to wear, except when it’s an identifying factor and people can use it to hunt you down. :ph34r:


    1. Ranryu


      I'm a violent maniac!

      (oh yeah, I still technically have to make good on that. Maybe the magic gnomes will let me off on this one...) 

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  20. Mmmm. Weezer, Cosmo Sheldrake, and Tomaso Albinoni. If you called my music tastes eclectic, you'd be right.

    Why do people keep secrets? 99% percent of the time, situations would be better resolved by sitting down and having a logical conversation than all this deception and misdirection. Secrets fascinate me, but I hate them. 

    It's also interesting to think about the line between secrets and unnecessary information. At what point does someone just not need  to know something? And what about when you just absolutely cannot talk about something even if you wanted to? Is that still considered a secret? Either way, when it comes to not saying something, misdirection is a lot more effective than lying. Change the subject. Give a goofy answer. Make your outward projection so wild and chaotic that people forget what they asked you in the first place.

    This has been weird thoughts with Ranryu. Thank you for coming. *bows*

    1. Ranryu


      I honestly get along better with boys than girls, but more boys by this age are scared of me or something? Most of them run when I try to talk to them, or give me single word answers. 

      And then there's those other boys who are great and come to my house and wrestle on the floor. *cough cough @The Wandering Wizard*

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  21. New stake dance record!

    Zero dancing at all. Like, at all at all.

    Also orange bow ties are fun to wear, except when it’s an identifying factor and people can use it to hunt you down. :ph34r:


    1. Ranryu


      In Nebraska, it's not illegal if you come willingly.

      Kidnapping across state borders is a federal crime though. We might get in a little bit of trouble for that...

      I got stolen at the dance! Not quite kidnapping, but close enough. (I'm only allowed to beat people up if they try to kidnap me, and I really wanted to beat people up for fun last night... :P)

      {insertnamehere} is a sweetheart! Don't call him a maniac for hugging you! Call him a maniac for intentionally dropping his phone to prove it wouldn't break and then it broke anyway.

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  22. Mmmm. Weezer, Cosmo Sheldrake, and Tomaso Albinoni. If you called my music tastes eclectic, you'd be right.

    Why do people keep secrets? 99% percent of the time, situations would be better resolved by sitting down and having a logical conversation than all this deception and misdirection. Secrets fascinate me, but I hate them. 

    It's also interesting to think about the line between secrets and unnecessary information. At what point does someone just not need  to know something? And what about when you just absolutely cannot talk about something even if you wanted to? Is that still considered a secret? Either way, when it comes to not saying something, misdirection is a lot more effective than lying. Change the subject. Give a goofy answer. Make your outward projection so wild and chaotic that people forget what they asked you in the first place.

    This has been weird thoughts with Ranryu. Thank you for coming. *bows*

    1. Ranryu



      Crushed always seem weird to me in general, but that's probably because I don't have them. It feels like the number one most exciting topic for kids in middle school was dating and crushes, and I don't get it. And then there's games like truth or dare, and the first question is ALWAYS "Who do you have a crush on?"

      I'm gonna do a typical teenager thing and blame society. Kids see their role models doing things like having crushes and drama, so they think it's cool to do it themselves. It's how we've been socialized. I find it annoying, because I just want to make friends but a lot of guys think I'm flirting or something. And honestly, what's so exciting about romance? In high school at least, it seems to be a source of drama and bad choices more than anything else.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  23. New stake dance record!

    Zero dancing at all. Like, at all at all.

    Also orange bow ties are fun to wear, except when it’s an identifying factor and people can use it to hunt you down. :ph34r:


    1. Ranryu


      We can kidnap you to Nebraska. We have nine months of bitter cold and not as much corn as Iowa. 

      Anything involving two or more sharders inevitably turns insane. School, for example.

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

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