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Posts posted by Ranryu

  1. 2 hours ago, TheAlpha929 said:

    Haha. Like my clickbait title? I couldn’t come up with anything that hadn’t already been said 20 times. Anyway, I’m TheAlpha929, but you can also call me Alpha or Yeetmeister (long story). I’ve been a Sanderson fan for a long time. The first Cosmere book I read was Elantris, and I love the rest of the Cosmere (and non-Cosmere, like Reckoners, Skyward, and Alcatraz) as well. 


    P. S. The only worry I have about this site is this: I really really really hope that y’all are not like the brawl stars wiki on fandom.com. I’m going to have nightmares about that website.

    Welcome! Nice title; I thought you were a spambot for a second. 

    Don't worry, the community here is super great (if a bit insane).

    Which series is your favorite?

  2. 4 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

    "You are turning her into another you that can do what you would, but be independent. You squander her humanity and any true free will she has. You should instead find an avatar who is already aligned with you intentions, and allow them to represent you."

    “Not me exactly,” she protested. “One in Will but not mind. The perfect avatar. You forget, she was never human. And this was her desire. It’s a step up from wasting away in the Hunt.”

  3. 4 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

    "You contradict yourself. You said she must follow your will entirely or be punished, yet she has free will? It is not free if it is yours. My methods would only end in disaster for you because you force them into the position."

    “Breaking the oath isn’t punishment, it’s the natural consequence. I have no control over it at this point. She is autonomous. That’s what I need her to be.”

  4. 1 minute ago, The Bookwyrm said:




    Ours aren’t really in line with the whole Kaos/creator thing. The personifications of Death and Justice. Kind of outside a corruptible sphere.

    @The Aspiring Archivist

    “She still has free will. It’s just my will, for the most part. Giving a lesser being my power without a method of control would definitely end in disaster.”

  5. 3 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:



    Wynn is doing Kaos stuff, and her patron goddess is having a little chat with Death.


    5 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

    He laughed. "You have no idea how often I deal with the living. But that is besides the point. I will have you know that my avatar will have the ability to think for himself and choose whether he continues to pursue the mission. I am only using him in the first place because I know that he would chase after your mission anyway."

    “It’s not an avatar if you don’t imbue them with a bit of your self.” Justitia said impatiently. “That sounds more like a servant. My avatar will be an extension of myself— completely in line with my will.”

  6. Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

    "Well, I should have you know that I will likely have a seventh avatar soon. He might... assist your efforts in hunting these rouge entities." Death said the word assist with a tone that clearly meant monitor.

    Justitia smiled. “An avatar of Death and an avatar of Justice, working together? It’s poetic, in a way.” Her tone mocked his hypocritical nature.

  7. 9 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

    The Clinic: Roof 

    "Keep people from reaching me. I think that's supposed to be your main job at the moment."

    Wynn laughed again, and Shadow whips appeared in her hands. “Okie dokie!”

    5 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

    "On principle, I agree with your intentions, though given your record of moral grayness I worry that you will not be quite so altruistic in your methods. The affairs of mortals are not a game for you to play, Justitia. Neither Wynn nor your Hunt are your toys."

    “Says the god who bends the souls of the dead to his whim. The majority of my Hunt are mindless zombies, rescued from irresponsible necromancers and repurposed for a better cause. The rest are Aos Si or other unlawfully condemned souls. I give them a chance to do what they’ve never been able to.”

  8. 2 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

    "And what justice do you plan to impose on the worlds with your avatar?"

    Justitia sighed. “Too many gods abuse their power. Enslave entire races— eradicate them even. My aim is to prevent that from happening again. The council has given me clearance to do this—something you’d know if you weren’t so preoccupied with your little Underworld.”

  9. Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

    "And what of her mind? An avatar cannot, by definition, become wholly apart from themself. They merely take on the intent and influence of their patron."


    I dunno. The opposite of Death, I guess. That’d be Life, probably. Whoever it is, they could make a fun villain for season 2

    “She will serve me willingly. To do otherwise would undo our oath and condemn her to an undead existence.”

  10. 1 minute ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

    "I do not fear you, sister. Not in the slightest. Your avatar will be powerful, but I don't think you truly have her allegiance. Your thoughtless administration of 'justice' will not serve you, in the end."

    That made her laugh. “You are Death. There is only one I know of that you fear, and I would not presume to be on her level. The other gods, however, fear me for my willingness to intervene with mortal affairs. Perhaps I grant my avatars a bit too much power, aye? And Wynn is mine to shape, soul and body. She offered herself willingly.”

  11. Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

    "Malum was never a major threat. What of Kaos? You do not protect, you are self righteous. You say you protect against the abuse of power, but you enforce your own idea of justice onto anything and everything. I argue this with you each time we meet, but you do not listen!"

    “And that’s why you and our siblings have banished me— blinded me. You feared my power. My avatar will be an agent of order and protection.”

  12. 13 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

    "Please. I have never had avatars aplenty. I recall six over the course of all time. You are obsessed with your own power and ideals, and give no heed to the lives of those you consider beneath you. Sister, I have witnessed souls of trillions. Their minds are like ours, but confined. You ought to have more respect."

    This made Justitia scowl. “You forget yourself, brother. While you are busy ‘respecting’ the souls that pass, my hunt and I are always at work, protecting the living and keeping our own kind from abusing their power over lesser beings. The removal of Malum was vital to the continuation of life— I am vital to the continuation of life.”

  13. 1 minute ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

    "You know fully well she did not do it for the honor. Do not think of yourself so highly, sister. Gods can be fools as much as humans." He gave her a pointed look from beneath the hood, eyes glowing with deathfire.

    “Regardless of why she came to me, she is mine now. And you, being so high and mighty. I seem to recall you having avatars aplenty a few years back. Justice is always good. Better than eternal death, at least.”

  14. 7 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

    "It was still irresponsible of you, but yes. Her decision to save the one man... I pity them. It will all be for naught once she becomes your avatar. They will have lost each other." Death sighed once again. "Perhaps I am sentimental. Constantly dealing with the souls of the dead has given me an unhealthy sympathy for them all."

    Justitia chuckled. “Sentimental indeed. They’re lower-level beings. Wynn should be honored to become my instrument of justice.”

  15. 17 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

    "She killed two gods. You must be more responsible when allowing someone to use your power. What do you plan on doing with her, anyway? You will turn her into your servant?"

    “She wouldn’t have petitioned me if it weren’t for the deal she struck with you. Malum was out of line, but do you really think I would’ve given a child the power to kill a higher being with out deep consideration beforehand?

    “As for Wynn, she knew what she was getting into. The changes that allow her to channel Shadow so easily are the reasons she will be my best avatar yet.”

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