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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. Happy Together by the Turtles. The chord progression is stuck in my head.
  2. Ah, the multi-stake Valentine's day dance. Always the best dance of the year. I only danced with five boys, which comes nowhere close to beating my record of seven, but that's okay. It was @Potato's Wit's first dance, and I think she had a lot of fun. We had a live band with *gasp* pyrotechnics that were probably not safe indoors but cool nonetheless. And I had incredibly sparkly shoes because they were on sale and why not. 

    I got to meet another sharder irl, but I'm not sure if they want me to share their name. That was fun.

    Yes, @The Bookwyrm did indeed look like he was about to commit a heist. It was the dark tie with dark shirt and coat. And it is interesting to note that he's not the only guy who tied a balloon light to his glasses. There were a few of them. 

    There's nothing like forgetting all social inhibitions and talking to random strangers for the fun of it. (You guys don't know but I'm like super introverted and only really do that at dances)

    I'm gonna go pass out now. Yay!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist

      It's okay not to. I don't really have experience in this kind of thing at all, but I know it's okay to feel what you feel. That boy should have been more mature about the situation.

    3. Cash67


      Agreed^^^ I know that I would feel like I was floating in that scenario, and floating usually isn’t fun. 

    4. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      Can I come to the next one?! :D

      Stake dances are tons of fun. I love it when everyone really gets into it!

      And people are just so freakin cute cool sometimes. ;)

  3. 63e5250d88bfb_Screenshot2023-02-0910_31_32AM.png.51dd31ebfe33ef8da75000ce2f6ea3a0.png

    My evil plan has been thwarted.

  4. She kissed his cheek. "Never say never." Turning to Death, she adopted a more serious face. "I need to go now, but I expect you to be the one to explain to Justitia if she notices you kept me. You know how impatient she is." A mirrored portal appeared in front of Wynn. Before walking through it, she looked back and winked at Lerac. "See ya."
  5. "So? I did everything I could. I live long like you, but I don't have anything near your power. Sometimes trying is all we can do."
  6. "How do I feel? A bit of everything, I guess. Gratitude. Anger. Regret. Excitement. This was my choice, remember? I'd choose this over loosing Lerac every time."
  7. Wynn laughed. "Is this a god... caring about someone else's feelings? I never thought I'd see the day."
  8. Wynn took a breath. "Hello Death. Does Justitia know you're holding me back?"
  9. Wynn used the distraction to force the knife away and elbow Lerac's nose. "Death, of course. He's always wanted you."
  10. Finally, Wynn used her Shadows. A whip of barely controlled darkness appeared in her hands, writhing like a live snake.
  11. As she touched the fire, she seemed to slow down, movements becoming more hesitated.
  12. Wynn didn't shy away from the fire. In fact, it didn't seem to deter her at all as she kicked him in the face.
  13. She showed no sign of feeling the pain, and continued to dodge his attacks with a fluid grace she had never exhibited before. She didn't, however, use any more Shadows.
  14. She deftly pushed his hand out of the way and nailed him with a bone-shattering punch.
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