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Status Replies posted by Ranryu

  1. New stake dance record!

    Zero dancing at all. Like, at all at all.

    Also orange bow ties are fun to wear, except when it’s an identifying factor and people can use it to hunt you down. :ph34r:


  2. New stake dance record!

    Zero dancing at all. Like, at all at all.

    Also orange bow ties are fun to wear, except when it’s an identifying factor and people can use it to hunt you down. :ph34r:


  3. Mmmm. Weezer, Cosmo Sheldrake, and Tomaso Albinoni. If you called my music tastes eclectic, you'd be right.

    Why do people keep secrets? 99% percent of the time, situations would be better resolved by sitting down and having a logical conversation than all this deception and misdirection. Secrets fascinate me, but I hate them. 

    It's also interesting to think about the line between secrets and unnecessary information. At what point does someone just not need  to know something? And what about when you just absolutely cannot talk about something even if you wanted to? Is that still considered a secret? Either way, when it comes to not saying something, misdirection is a lot more effective than lying. Change the subject. Give a goofy answer. Make your outward projection so wild and chaotic that people forget what they asked you in the first place.

    This has been weird thoughts with Ranryu. Thank you for coming. *bows*

  4. Mmmm. Weezer, Cosmo Sheldrake, and Tomaso Albinoni. If you called my music tastes eclectic, you'd be right.

    Why do people keep secrets? 99% percent of the time, situations would be better resolved by sitting down and having a logical conversation than all this deception and misdirection. Secrets fascinate me, but I hate them. 

    It's also interesting to think about the line between secrets and unnecessary information. At what point does someone just not need  to know something? And what about when you just absolutely cannot talk about something even if you wanted to? Is that still considered a secret? Either way, when it comes to not saying something, misdirection is a lot more effective than lying. Change the subject. Give a goofy answer. Make your outward projection so wild and chaotic that people forget what they asked you in the first place.

    This has been weird thoughts with Ranryu. Thank you for coming. *bows*

  5. Mmmm. Weezer, Cosmo Sheldrake, and Tomaso Albinoni. If you called my music tastes eclectic, you'd be right.

    Why do people keep secrets? 99% percent of the time, situations would be better resolved by sitting down and having a logical conversation than all this deception and misdirection. Secrets fascinate me, but I hate them. 

    It's also interesting to think about the line between secrets and unnecessary information. At what point does someone just not need  to know something? And what about when you just absolutely cannot talk about something even if you wanted to? Is that still considered a secret? Either way, when it comes to not saying something, misdirection is a lot more effective than lying. Change the subject. Give a goofy answer. Make your outward projection so wild and chaotic that people forget what they asked you in the first place.

    This has been weird thoughts with Ranryu. Thank you for coming. *bows*

  6. Ah, the multi-stake Valentine's day dance. Always the best dance of the year. I only danced with five boys, which comes nowhere close to beating my record of seven, but that's okay. It was @Potato's Wit's first dance, and I think she had a lot of fun. We had a live band with *gasp* pyrotechnics that were probably not safe indoors but cool nonetheless. And I had incredibly sparkly shoes because they were on sale and why not. 

    I got to meet another sharder irl, but I'm not sure if they want me to share their name. That was fun.

    Yes, @The Bookwyrm did indeed look like he was about to commit a heist. It was the dark tie with dark shirt and coat. And it is interesting to note that he's not the only guy who tied a balloon light to his glasses. There were a few of them. 

    There's nothing like forgetting all social inhibitions and talking to random strangers for the fun of it. (You guys don't know but I'm like super introverted and only really do that at dances)

    I'm gonna go pass out now. Yay!

  7. I'm rewatching Avengers Endgame.











  8. I'm rewatching Avengers Endgame.











  9. I just feel like doing one of these.

    First, for all you math nerds out there, here is the accumulation of a little simple project I've been working on since...oh, probably somewhere in 9th grade, about two years ago. I've been slowly adding to it over time, and this is where it's at now...



    Open at your own risk. I am not responsible for your computer crashing.

    In other news, I have to write a talk today for Church tomorrow. I've already given a talk in Stake Conference, a few years ago...so I should be fine...I think...

    Also, on New Years Eve, my mom introduced me to a beverage called Rushin' Tea. It's basically just orange juice, lemon juice, water, sugar, and vanilla extract heated up and mixed together. But I might be a little addicted because I've made it four or five times for myself since then, including today...It's just really tasty...

    So yeah.

    I don't really do life updates. Not sure why I'm doing one now. But here it is.

  10. I just feel like doing one of these.

    First, for all you math nerds out there, here is the accumulation of a little simple project I've been working on since...oh, probably somewhere in 9th grade, about two years ago. I've been slowly adding to it over time, and this is where it's at now...



    Open at your own risk. I am not responsible for your computer crashing.

    In other news, I have to write a talk today for Church tomorrow. I've already given a talk in Stake Conference, a few years ago...so I should be fine...I think...

    Also, on New Years Eve, my mom introduced me to a beverage called Rushin' Tea. It's basically just orange juice, lemon juice, water, sugar, and vanilla extract heated up and mixed together. But I might be a little addicted because I've made it four or five times for myself since then, including today...It's just really tasty...

    So yeah.

    I don't really do life updates. Not sure why I'm doing one now. But here it is.

  11. POV: your three year old sister has figured out how to make your Alexa play the Gummy Bear song

  12. Based on a meme I saw on Pinterest. @The Bookwyrm

    Person 1: "Why are there ten loud saxophone players outside? This isn't even a metaphor they're actually out there."


    Person 2: "Please consider: marching band."

    Person 1: "See here's the thing, that WOULD make sense, except I'm at the gym?????"

    Person 3: "Marching band wants to work out. Upgrade to running band."

    Person 1: "I'm dying just imagining someone violently playing the clarinet while sprinting after me."

    @The Bookwyrm again, also @InfiniteInsanity and @ExoticAlmond

  13. All the Americans are sleeping... I see why they wanted mods from different time-zones, this spambot has been wrecking havoc for over an hour. Nobody's posting anything, since the majority of the shard is sleeping in Utah.

    I'm bored.

  14. All the Americans are sleeping... I see why they wanted mods from different time-zones, this spambot has been wrecking havoc for over an hour. Nobody's posting anything, since the majority of the shard is sleeping in Utah.

    I'm bored.

  15. I wish I could stop all this trying to hide

    Not from myself, but the people outside.

    I wonder sometimes if I'm up to the task

    of if I'll just wait for somebody to ask.


    I don't understand it, it doesn't make sense

    Why these thoughts that I'm having don't feel too immense

    When I might be in balance on a place far up high

    To stop or to jump or to cry or to die.


    And I don't want to bother, but still here I lay

    Writing poems and bothering you all each day

    With problems I haven't yet started to solve,

    For I clearly have little in way of resolve.


    So I should just leave so I'm not worrying

    All these people who stop and who read all these things.

    Just kidding, I'll stay, because I have the notion

    That I must tell you all of these awful emotions.


    If this were the last time that I said hello,

    How long would it take for somebody to know?

    How many hours would have to creep past

    For them to realize that this day was my last?


    I'm sorry.

  16. Parents: concerned

    Hmm. Well that's funny. I was only crying during band. and geography. And piano practice. But they don't know about those. Stupid school, sending out emails that even the most oblivious parents can't ignore.

    It's not fair why does this happen it's not supposed to happen why did she do this why wasn't I there for her why does this keep happening what's wrong with the world where this keeps happening why are they all smiling like it's okay the sun shouldn't be shining Second Red-tailed Hawk Chick "I2" Hatches Overnight! – May 1, 2019 - YouTubeBirds

  17. Parents: concerned

    Hmm. Well that's funny. I was only crying during band. and geography. And piano practice. But they don't know about those. Stupid school, sending out emails that even the most oblivious parents can't ignore.

    It's not fair why does this happen it's not supposed to happen why did she do this why wasn't I there for her why does this keep happening what's wrong with the world where this keeps happening why are they all smiling like it's okay the sun shouldn't be shining Second Red-tailed Hawk Chick "I2" Hatches Overnight! – May 1, 2019 - YouTubeBirds

    1. Ranryu


      Can't ship anyone with Kaiba. He's too cool on his own. 

    2. (See 47 other replies to this status update)

  18. Parents: concerned

    Hmm. Well that's funny. I was only crying during band. and geography. And piano practice. But they don't know about those. Stupid school, sending out emails that even the most oblivious parents can't ignore.

    It's not fair why does this happen it's not supposed to happen why did she do this why wasn't I there for her why does this keep happening what's wrong with the world where this keeps happening why are they all smiling like it's okay the sun shouldn't be shining Second Red-tailed Hawk Chick "I2" Hatches Overnight! – May 1, 2019 - YouTubeBirds

    1. Ranryu



      I don't really have access to those outside of our TV, and I don't really have a lot of free time to watch whatever I want on there.

      That's unfortunate. The manga is okay, but completely different from the tv show.

    2. (See 47 other replies to this status update)

  19. Parents: concerned

    Hmm. Well that's funny. I was only crying during band. and geography. And piano practice. But they don't know about those. Stupid school, sending out emails that even the most oblivious parents can't ignore.

    It's not fair why does this happen it's not supposed to happen why did she do this why wasn't I there for her why does this keep happening what's wrong with the world where this keeps happening why are they all smiling like it's okay the sun shouldn't be shining Second Red-tailed Hawk Chick "I2" Hatches Overnight! – May 1, 2019 - YouTubeBirds

  20. Parents: concerned

    Hmm. Well that's funny. I was only crying during band. and geography. And piano practice. But they don't know about those. Stupid school, sending out emails that even the most oblivious parents can't ignore.

    It's not fair why does this happen it's not supposed to happen why did she do this why wasn't I there for her why does this keep happening what's wrong with the world where this keeps happening why are they all smiling like it's okay the sun shouldn't be shining Second Red-tailed Hawk Chick "I2" Hatches Overnight! – May 1, 2019 - YouTubeBirds

    1. Ranryu



      I don't even know how to watch it.

      Amazon prime or netflix.


      I second this! The original yu-gi-oh series is pretty good.

      Well, the first season is more to watch for laughs than for a well-written plot. You kinda have to watch it for the better seasons and series to make sense, though.

    2. (See 47 other replies to this status update)

  21. Parents: concerned

    Hmm. Well that's funny. I was only crying during band. and geography. And piano practice. But they don't know about those. Stupid school, sending out emails that even the most oblivious parents can't ignore.

    It's not fair why does this happen it's not supposed to happen why did she do this why wasn't I there for her why does this keep happening what's wrong with the world where this keeps happening why are they all smiling like it's okay the sun shouldn't be shining Second Red-tailed Hawk Chick "I2" Hatches Overnight! – May 1, 2019 - YouTubeBirds

    1. Ranryu



      Tristan is kinda dumb though, at least in the beginning. I will use this as evidence.

      His character development is pretty good, though. Don't you want to get injured a lot?


      I haven't seen Yugioh.

      I feel like I've been recommending a lot of tv shows to you, but dude, you gotta watch yugioh. It's the only anime I like. I'm currently in the process of introducing it to the cellist. 

    2. (See 47 other replies to this status update)

  22. Parents: concerned

    Hmm. Well that's funny. I was only crying during band. and geography. And piano practice. But they don't know about those. Stupid school, sending out emails that even the most oblivious parents can't ignore.

    It's not fair why does this happen it's not supposed to happen why did she do this why wasn't I there for her why does this keep happening what's wrong with the world where this keeps happening why are they all smiling like it's okay the sun shouldn't be shining Second Red-tailed Hawk Chick "I2" Hatches Overnight! – May 1, 2019 - YouTubeBirds

    1. Ranryu


      Oh no am I Tea? If I am, the cellist has to be Tristan. The archivist can be Yugi. Wiz, you're Joey now.

    2. (See 47 other replies to this status update)

  23. Parents: concerned

    Hmm. Well that's funny. I was only crying during band. and geography. And piano practice. But they don't know about those. Stupid school, sending out emails that even the most oblivious parents can't ignore.

    It's not fair why does this happen it's not supposed to happen why did she do this why wasn't I there for her why does this keep happening what's wrong with the world where this keeps happening why are they all smiling like it's okay the sun shouldn't be shining Second Red-tailed Hawk Chick "I2" Hatches Overnight! – May 1, 2019 - YouTubeBirds

    1. Ranryu


      Thank you guys. I was feeling pretty terrible last night. This is such an awesome community, and I'm glad I met y'all.

    2. (See 47 other replies to this status update)

  24. There's a pit in my chest that's growing and growing.

    There's no sign anytime of stopping or slowing.

    I hold it shut tight to keep it from showing.

    If there'll be a light, there's no way of knowing.


    I watch as my peers, family and friends.

    Are consumed by this hole that seems not to end.

    Some make it out, and then start to mend.

    Others get worse, and others it bends.


    They "commit," we say, like they had to choose.

    Like it was their fault that we all had to lose.

    But make no mistake, this phrase is a ruse.

    When it comes to disease like that pit, we can't choose.


    I had my first of those thoughts yesterday.

    I don't see a sign of them going away.

    There's something to do, or to write, or to say.

    But fear and anxiety make me just stay.


    It doesn't scare me like I thought it would do.

    It's worrying, painful, sorrowful, true.

    But I can't comprehend what it tends to come to.

    I imagine I won't until I see it through.


    We fight, and we pray, and we reach, and we cry.

    For those people whose pits have led them to die.

    To help, there's people who'd certainly try.

    And yet, the pit's hidden for those such as I.


    We're all in a balance, me and you, you and me.

    We each try to hold each one up straight and plea.

    And we must persist, until each of them see

    That they needn't end themselves to be set free.


    Remind of love, remind them we care.

    If you can, ask them what feelings are there.

    It isn't easy, but I urge you to dare.

    This shouldn't be any one person's to bear.

  25. Quick, someone remove one rep so it looks cool!

    Screenshot 2023-02-07 154635.png

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