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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. “Not me exactly,” she protested. “One in Will but not mind. The perfect avatar. You forget, she was never human. And this was her desire. It’s a step up from wasting away in the Hunt.”
  2. “Breaking the oath isn’t punishment, it’s the natural consequence. I have no control over it at this point. She is autonomous. That’s what I need her to be.”
  3. @The Aspiring Archivist “She still has free will. It’s just my will, for the most part. Giving a lesser being my power without a method of control would definitely end in disaster.”
  4. “It’s not an avatar if you don’t imbue them with a bit of your self.” Justitia said impatiently. “That sounds more like a servant. My avatar will be an extension of myself— completely in line with my will.”
  5. “I simply appreciate your paradoxical nature. Your avatar must have a body and therefore will either be alive or undead, neither of which are your regular occupation.”
  6. Justitia smiled. “An avatar of Death and an avatar of Justice, working together? It’s poetic, in a way.” Her tone mocked his hypocritical nature.
  7. “My only interest is keeping our siblings in line. I have been denied anything else.” She sounded bitter at this.
  8. Wynn laughed again, and Shadow whips appeared in her hands. “Okie dokie!” “Says the god who bends the souls of the dead to his whim. The majority of my Hunt are mindless zombies, rescued from irresponsible necromancers and repurposed for a better cause. The rest are Aos Si or other unlawfully condemned souls. I give them a chance to do what they’ve never been able to.”
  9. “My avatar will go through the multiverse, bringing any higher class being that has broken the council’s law in to be judged. She will work in coordination with my Wild Hunt, but will be afforded more individual freedoms than they are.”
  10. Justitia sighed. “Too many gods abuse their power. Enslave entire races— eradicate them even. My aim is to prevent that from happening again. The council has given me clearance to do this—something you’d know if you weren’t so preoccupied with your little Underworld.”
  11. “She will serve me willingly. To do otherwise would undo our oath and condemn her to an undead existence.”
  12. That made her laugh. “You are Death. There is only one I know of that you fear, and I would not presume to be on her level. The other gods, however, fear me for my willingness to intervene with mortal affairs. Perhaps I grant my avatars a bit too much power, aye? And Wynn is mine to shape, soul and body. She offered herself willingly.”
  13. “And that’s why you and our siblings have banished me— blinded me. You feared my power. My avatar will be an agent of order and protection.”
  14. This made Justitia scowl. “You forget yourself, brother. While you are busy ‘respecting’ the souls that pass, my hunt and I are always at work, protecting the living and keeping our own kind from abusing their power over lesser beings. The removal of Malum was vital to the continuation of life— I am vital to the continuation of life.”
  15. “Regardless of why she came to me, she is mine now. And you, being so high and mighty. I seem to recall you having avatars aplenty a few years back. Justice is always good. Better than eternal death, at least.”
  16. Justitia chuckled. “Sentimental indeed. They’re lower-level beings. Wynn should be honored to become my instrument of justice.”
  17. Justitia grunted. “It was Wynn’s choice, ultimately. She’s not my avatar yet.”
  18. “She wouldn’t have petitioned me if it weren’t for the deal she struck with you. Malum was out of line, but do you really think I would’ve given a child the power to kill a higher being with out deep consideration beforehand? “As for Wynn, she knew what she was getting into. The changes that allow her to channel Shadow so easily are the reasons she will be my best avatar yet.”
  19. Justitia sighed. “Wynn used the avenger’s petition. I’m forbidden to deny her. Besides, when this is over, I’ll have a new avatar. My old one was falling into disrepair.”
  20. The blindfolded goddess set down her sword and scale balance. ”Speak, brother.”
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