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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. Wynn appeared, jumping out of a Shadow. "I'm here. You ready to get this party started?" @InfiniteInsanity
  2. Wynn followed. So it begins… She turned and saw him. ”No!” Suddenly, Wynn disappeared.
  3. She noticed the flower in passing, brain not registering what that meant. Three things. Free the prisoner, kill the king, destroy the castle. Kill the king, free the prisoner, destroy the castle.
  4. Wynn paused her flight for a split second. Was that... a scream? Lerac... She couldn't go back now. No matter what happened to him, all returning would do was cause more harm to him.
  5. "I'm stupid so I thought my tastebuds were dumb." - @That1Cellist A conversation I had last night: Me: *doing normal things* My elbow: *pops loudly* My elbow: *pops again* Me: Haha that didn't hurt at all My elbow:* *pops* Me: *spends the next five hours wondering if my arm is broken*
  6. Meanwhile, in the outermost reaches of space, a beacon activated. Dharc rolled out of bed groggily. It took him a second to register why he had woken. "Lyna! Wake up!" His wife sat up. "Dharc? Hush, you'll wake the baby." Dharc looked at his newborn son lovingly. "It's Wynn... Her beacon's lit." Lyna sighed. "So we're going, then?" "Yep."
  7. She had the advantage, though. She knew where she was going. @The Wandering Wizard
  8. Wynn was already out of sight in the clinic's twisted hallways. As she ran, she cried silently.
  9. "And I love you!" She kept running, but called behind her back. "And that's why I want you to be the one to kill me!"
  10. She looked at him with panicked eyes. "You don't understand! I'm this close to losing myself to Kaos. Let me go!"
  11. Wynn went intangible and slipped out of the vine. As quickly as she could, she got up and continued running. "Don't follow me. Death can explain!"
  12. "Lerac's... I can't stay here." In a sudden burst of panic, she ran out of the room at superhuman speeds.
  13. Regret ached in Wynn's bones. "Yes... but please, promise to be on his side in this? You can ask Justitia about it, but for her plan to work I'm gonna have to fall hard and fast."
  14. "Surely you, of all people, know nothing is ever fully dead." Wynn looked at her hands. Not much longer now. We do what we have to do, but it doesn't really matter anyway. "You ever wonder about the nature of Kaos, Death? I spent my whole life believing that it was merely order we were incapable of comprehending. Now I can see that I was wrong."
  15. No, not this! Wynn knew what her only option was. She opened herself to the two powers fighting for dominion of her soul, rejecting one and embracing the other. In the last moments before it gained total power over her, she blasted Malum/Bonum with a huge burst of swirling purple Shadows, infinitely more powerful than anything she'd ever summoned before. She turned to Death, anger rising. "Is that acceptable? Do you see what you've forced me to do?"
  16. "Well, in about three hours I won't be bound by the same rules anymore. Killing Malum with Tors would've been an acceptable form of justice because Tors would've technically been doing the killing, not me. And if Bonum pushes me, that three hours will pass a whole lot faster. What if Lerac killed him? Would that be acceptable?"
  17. "So what, you're gonna take Lerac? I am not permitted to kill Malum. He must stand trial and be punished for his actions properly."
  18. Thanks! I was kind of worried about sharing this stuff with people, but apparently my concern was unfounded. I wrote that second one when I was having a rough time a while back. And also, another one!
  19. She pursed her lips and ignored Lerac's question. "Well, what can you do?"
  20. "Fine, for now." Wynn sighed. "Well then, I'd ask you to be on your best behavior. If this turns out to be a trick, I can't promise I'll be able to not kill you."
  21. Everything I aspire to be in life:

    Rockhopper penguin | bird | Britannica

    No seriously though go watch a video of these cute little rockhoppers. When they hop up the cliff, they fall, but they get back up and try again. Plus they have great eyebrows. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Morningtide


      They are the thaylens of the penguin roshar. 

    3. Kajsa


      This is the philosophy of the century. 

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Those red eyes! Bruh I have a new goal in life.

  22. "Well, I'm not sure I can trust you outside of this circle. Or myself, for that matter." She turned to Lerac. "Uhh... He turned into Bonum after I tried to kill him?"
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