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Status Replies posted by Ranryu

  1. Hushgiodsak I'm tireeeeeeeeeddddddddddddddddddd

    Ykw the worst typo is?

    When you're trying to say "you're good" but it corrects to "you're god"

    Like this one time, I was trying to say "hahaha you're totally good"

    but it autocorrected to "hahaha you're totally god"

    *f a c e p a l m*

    1. Ranryu



      You have a southern accent Ranryu?

      I intentionally try not to. I grew up in rural Arkansas, but I didn't like the way other people talked. It sounded too uneducated for my ten year old sensibilities. I can still drawl if I try, though. 


      My little sibs call crayons 'crans' and it drives me insane. And saying 'a' like 'ay' and 'the' like 'thee'


    2. (See 204 other replies to this status update)

  2. Hushgiodsak I'm tireeeeeeeeeddddddddddddddddddd

    Ykw the worst typo is?

    When you're trying to say "you're good" but it corrects to "you're god"

    Like this one time, I was trying to say "hahaha you're totally good"

    but it autocorrected to "hahaha you're totally god"

    *f a c e p a l m*

    1. Ranryu


      hah. That's a great word. Never seen it typed out before. For so long I tried to deny my southern accent, and now that I'm outta the south, I find myself missing it.

    2. (See 204 other replies to this status update)

  3. Hushgiodsak I'm tireeeeeeeeeddddddddddddddddddd

    Ykw the worst typo is?

    When you're trying to say "you're good" but it corrects to "you're god"

    Like this one time, I was trying to say "hahaha you're totally good"

    but it autocorrected to "hahaha you're totally god"

    *f a c e p a l m*

    1. Ranryu




      Unless you googled that now I have to go find a hat to eat.


      Shlerack the human/bunny (man bun?)

      That's going on One-Liners.

      Sorry Kajsa. The RP nerds have taken over your SU.

    2. (See 204 other replies to this status update)

  4. Hushgiodsak I'm tireeeeeeeeeddddddddddddddddddd

    Ykw the worst typo is?

    When you're trying to say "you're good" but it corrects to "you're god"

    Like this one time, I was trying to say "hahaha you're totally good"

    but it autocorrected to "hahaha you're totally god"

    *f a c e p a l m*

  5. Hushgiodsak I'm tireeeeeeeeeddddddddddddddddddd

    Ykw the worst typo is?

    When you're trying to say "you're good" but it corrects to "you're god"

    Like this one time, I was trying to say "hahaha you're totally good"

    but it autocorrected to "hahaha you're totally god"

    *f a c e p a l m*

    1. Ranryu


      He can be a viera!


      If anyone gets that reference I will eat my hat


    2. (See 204 other replies to this status update)

  6. Hushgiodsak I'm tireeeeeeeeeddddddddddddddddddd

    Ykw the worst typo is?

    When you're trying to say "you're good" but it corrects to "you're god"

    Like this one time, I was trying to say "hahaha you're totally good"

    but it autocorrected to "hahaha you're totally god"

    *f a c e p a l m*

    1. Ranryu


      Lol yes let's combine them into a single being.

    2. (See 204 other replies to this status update)

  7. Hushgiodsak I'm tireeeeeeeeeddddddddddddddddddd

    Ykw the worst typo is?

    When you're trying to say "you're good" but it corrects to "you're god"

    Like this one time, I was trying to say "hahaha you're totally good"

    but it autocorrected to "hahaha you're totally god"

    *f a c e p a l m*

    1. Ranryu


      When I type the word 'can', my phone autocorrects it to 'Can' with a capital C. I don't know why. Never met a person named Can. 

    2. (See 204 other replies to this status update)

  8. Hushgiodsak I'm tireeeeeeeeeddddddddddddddddddd

    Ykw the worst typo is?

    When you're trying to say "you're good" but it corrects to "you're god"

    Like this one time, I was trying to say "hahaha you're totally good"

    but it autocorrected to "hahaha you're totally god"

    *f a c e p a l m*

    1. Ranryu


      Dang rep limit. 

      Computers are... a little odd sometimes. And we made them. What does that say about humanity?

    2. (See 204 other replies to this status update)

  9. Hushgiodsak I'm tireeeeeeeeeddddddddddddddddddd

    Ykw the worst typo is?

    When you're trying to say "you're good" but it corrects to "you're god"

    Like this one time, I was trying to say "hahaha you're totally good"

    but it autocorrected to "hahaha you're totally god"

    *f a c e p a l m*

    1. Ranryu


      Or when you're trying to type fantasy names but your phone doesn't understand so you add it to the dictionary but then it starts autocorrecting random words to your fantasy words

      haha who needs punctuation 

    2. (See 204 other replies to this status update)

  10. Hushgiodsak I'm tireeeeeeeeeddddddddddddddddddd

    Ykw the worst typo is?

    When you're trying to say "you're good" but it corrects to "you're god"

    Like this one time, I was trying to say "hahaha you're totally good"

    but it autocorrected to "hahaha you're totally god"

    *f a c e p a l m*

    1. Ranryu


      I've done that.


      Another terrible one? Potty instead of pity. Or when you accidentally switch to the number keyboard and then press send before you realize what happened.


    2. (See 204 other replies to this status update)

  11. Turtle of the day. 

    Mary River Turtle:


    Mary River Turtle, an endangered species sports a cool mohawk hairdo |  Science

    Meet the Ultra Punk-Rock Mary River Turtle That's Battling Extinction |  Featured Creature

    Mary River Turtle | Elusor macrurus

    Stay turtle!

  12. Turtle of the day. 

    Mary River Turtle:


    Mary River Turtle, an endangered species sports a cool mohawk hairdo |  Science

    Meet the Ultra Punk-Rock Mary River Turtle That's Battling Extinction |  Featured Creature

    Mary River Turtle | Elusor macrurus

    Stay turtle!

  13. I changed up my profile, sidebar stuff, and about me a bit.

    What do you all think?

  14. Welp… I’m banned from the shard for an indefinite amount of time. Tomorrow’s my last night. It’s something about getting real friends (but the people around me are boring or moral-less) so yeah see y’all when I leave the house. 

    I’ll just go cry now. See you tomorrow.

    1. Ranryu


      It's a good idea.


      *salutes then passes out it's really late over here*


    2. (See 290 other replies to this status update)

  15. Welp… I’m banned from the shard for an indefinite amount of time. Tomorrow’s my last night. It’s something about getting real friends (but the people around me are boring or moral-less) so yeah see y’all when I leave the house. 

    I’ll just go cry now. See you tomorrow.

  16. Welp… I’m banned from the shard for an indefinite amount of time. Tomorrow’s my last night. It’s something about getting real friends (but the people around me are boring or moral-less) so yeah see y’all when I leave the house. 

    I’ll just go cry now. See you tomorrow.

    1. Ranryu



      Anyone have any ideas for things we could do?

      That would take a lot of coordination, but probably candy and fun things would be a good bet.


      hmm... I have no idea. I have a totally seperate idea though. We could give her rep on random old posts so when she comes back she has an insanely high rank

      Yes, I'm totally gonna do that.

    2. (See 290 other replies to this status update)

  17. Welp… I’m banned from the shard for an indefinite amount of time. Tomorrow’s my last night. It’s something about getting real friends (but the people around me are boring or moral-less) so yeah see y’all when I leave the house. 

    I’ll just go cry now. See you tomorrow.

    1. Ranryu



      Yeah, but so would be going to her house, lol. I think the Sharder care package would be cool, though.

      I was mostly joking about going to her house. Her parents would freak. A care package could be a cool idea.

    2. (See 290 other replies to this status update)

  18. Welp… I’m banned from the shard for an indefinite amount of time. Tomorrow’s my last night. It’s something about getting real friends (but the people around me are boring or moral-less) so yeah see y’all when I leave the house. 

    I’ll just go cry now. See you tomorrow.

    1. Ranryu



      Although, actually going there might not work. Maybe we could somehow arrange to meet at Dragonsteel. That makes it less difficult to justify

      I wish. That's literally the other side of the country for me and almost all the sharders I know irl. It's unlikely my parents would let me do something like that.

    2. (See 290 other replies to this status update)

  19. Welp… I’m banned from the shard for an indefinite amount of time. Tomorrow’s my last night. It’s something about getting real friends (but the people around me are boring or moral-less) so yeah see y’all when I leave the house. 

    I’ll just go cry now. See you tomorrow.

    1. Ranryu


      Yeah, I think. It's been a while since we've met irl, but I sometimes mail stuff to her.


      Hope Halcy's okay with me sharing that


    2. (See 290 other replies to this status update)

  20. Welp… I’m banned from the shard for an indefinite amount of time. Tomorrow’s my last night. It’s something about getting real friends (but the people around me are boring or moral-less) so yeah see y’all when I leave the house. 

    I’ll just go cry now. See you tomorrow.

    1. Ranryu


      Sentient castles are very much invited. As long as they're nice.

      Halcy, do you live at a Lowe's now?

    2. (See 290 other replies to this status update)

  21. Welp… I’m banned from the shard for an indefinite amount of time. Tomorrow’s my last night. It’s something about getting real friends (but the people around me are boring or moral-less) so yeah see y’all when I leave the house. 

    I’ll just go cry now. See you tomorrow.

    1. Ranryu



      Also @Ranryu this implies that we know where she lives

      I think I know and we could track her down somehow if not

    2. (See 290 other replies to this status update)

  22. Welp… I’m banned from the shard for an indefinite amount of time. Tomorrow’s my last night. It’s something about getting real friends (but the people around me are boring or moral-less) so yeah see y’all when I leave the house. 

    I’ll just go cry now. See you tomorrow.

    1. Ranryu


      1. find every person on the shard who is real and not a creep irl

      2. ship them all the Halcy's address

      3. have a giant sharder party at her house

      4. get arrested for trying to graffiti the ghostblood symbol or something. Assaulting a guy named Moash maybe?

    2. (See 290 other replies to this status update)

  23. Welp… I’m banned from the shard for an indefinite amount of time. Tomorrow’s my last night. It’s something about getting real friends (but the people around me are boring or moral-less) so yeah see y’all when I leave the house. 

    I’ll just go cry now. See you tomorrow.

    1. Ranryu


      Okay everybody let's all show up on her doorstep

    2. (See 290 other replies to this status update)

  24. feet with fingers

    Someone stop me please what have I done

  25. Who here watches Studio C? 

    (yes that’s literally it)

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