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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. Wynn sensed... that he was telling the truth. Perhaps she wasn't the best judge of character, but he seemed genuine. Odd. "Trouble? Aren't we all? Malum's caused us a great deal of pain, and now it seems another god is entering the mix."
  2. Hiya! Wanna tell us about your trauma?
  3. Wynn hesitated for a second. Something felt... different. "And who are you?"
  4. Wynn hated that smile. Such a putrid being wasn't allowed to even fake being happy. She had to restrain herself from reactivating the circle. Justitia help me. My time's almost up.
  5. After a few moments, Wynn forced the Shadows down. Can't kill him. Not his punishment.
  6. "But I did. And your own actions have brought our fury upon yourself."
  7. She concentrated, and the Shadows slowly inched back towards him. "My magic? Haven't you been paying attention? Surely you can recognize Justitia's work when you see it."
  8. "Stop?" She laughed. "Never. There will be no mercy for you." The Shadow harpoons became thicker, and dark purple cracks began appearing where they pierced Malum.
  9. "You asked for it." Shadows pooled deep in Wynn's eyes. With a few words in a strange language, the circle shot out harpoon-like tendrils of Shadow, digging into Malum.
  10. She laughed darkly. “Me? Definitely not. But this isn’t me. The other gods have rules you out of line, and I’m their instrument of justice.
  11. Wynn shook her head. “That’s not how I see it. You tried to destroy everything I love. Why shouldn’t I remove you?”
  12. “You think that circle’s just for show? If I can’t kill Malum, I can at least break him on a fundamental level.”
  13. Wynn rolled here eyes. Well, there goes that. An idea sparked in her mind. With a snap, the Stacis circle lit up with dark energy.
  14. “Sure, but not right now.” She thought for a second. How to kill a god… “Hey Lerac, you still have that glaive?”
  15. Wynn turned to Lerac after a few seconds. “ Do we have to talk about this now? Malik’s right here.” She made another swipe with the Stacis crystal.
  16. “Nothing you need to worry about now.” Wynn felt the energy slipping out of her grip. “Bye, Tors.”
  17. Wynn smiled in a way she never had before. “Just wait and see. With any luck, I’ll be seeing you shortly.”
  18. “You aren’t a bother, Tors. Even if this is temporary, it’s not the end. You are amazing. Where you’re going, you’ll be rewarded.”
  19. “If you don’t want to go, I’ll try and keep you around as long as I can. Kind of in the middle of something, though.” She indicated Malum.
  20. Wynn growled. “Good guy or not, that’s not okay. Do you want me to release you? Let you move on?”
  21. Wynn shocked Tors with a little more Shadow energy. If it worked once, it might work twice. "And who were you?" She asked.
  22. Wynn looked at her hands (which were dripping with Shadow) in confusion. "Did I do this? Shadows can be unpredictable at times, but... Hang on. Malum, is this a trick?"
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