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Status Replies posted by Ranryu

  1. Sausage!

    I got to eat sausage for dinner! The yummy, juicy sort you get at B&Bs. It was so good and I love them so much. 

    I also found out that my talk is NEXT week, and so I didn’t have to talk my mangled fragments of attempting. Which is amazing! 

    But I still don’t have WoK… or a finished rough draft of my own novel. It’s like 5% if even that. Scudding side projects. 

    Also the dog is running in circles and her claws are skittering over the floor and it’s adorable. 

    Long love the bunnies!

  2. A word of advice:

    Don't put chips ahoy cookies in your cargo pants pockets for any amount of time. It doesn't matter if you were trying to be polite to the person who offered them to you. Those nasty little confections turn to dust in like five minutes.

  3. A word of advice:

    Don't put chips ahoy cookies in your cargo pants pockets for any amount of time. It doesn't matter if you were trying to be polite to the person who offered them to you. Those nasty little confections turn to dust in like five minutes.

  4. A word of advice:

    Don't put chips ahoy cookies in your cargo pants pockets for any amount of time. It doesn't matter if you were trying to be polite to the person who offered them to you. Those nasty little confections turn to dust in like five minutes.

  5. A word of advice:

    Don't put chips ahoy cookies in your cargo pants pockets for any amount of time. It doesn't matter if you were trying to be polite to the person who offered them to you. Those nasty little confections turn to dust in like five minutes.

  6. A word of advice:

    Don't put chips ahoy cookies in your cargo pants pockets for any amount of time. It doesn't matter if you were trying to be polite to the person who offered them to you. Those nasty little confections turn to dust in like five minutes.

  7. Okay. Here I’m going to put the best lines from the three songs I’m listening to right now, plus links because they’re great. 

    We Intertwined by The Hush Sound 


    ‘Who wants to live in this place? / I don’t, so I’ll be sleeping in


    Blue Like Jazz by Weezer


    Hat’s off to you / You solved the Rubix Cube


    Wild Child by Enya


    Suddenly you find / Everything’s in kilter


    Those are my three. But also!

    • My drama class is doing a one act. We haven’t finished blocking yet, and… we compete February 3rd. Eek…

    • This week, I tried to type ‘emo’ and autocorrect changed it to ‘EoM’!!! I’m so happy!!!

    • Had an idea for ANOTHER storyline I’m working on. Haha.

    • Celtic Variations by Janice Kapp Perry is THE BEST cd we own. Unfortunately, it and the stereo are monopolized. By me. 

    • I’m playing volleyball in a stake tournament tomorrow!

    • Also, I’m just happy for no reason. 

    • Also, music is the best inspiration. You can quote me on that. 

  8. Okay. Here I’m going to put the best lines from the three songs I’m listening to right now, plus links because they’re great. 

    We Intertwined by The Hush Sound 


    ‘Who wants to live in this place? / I don’t, so I’ll be sleeping in


    Blue Like Jazz by Weezer


    Hat’s off to you / You solved the Rubix Cube


    Wild Child by Enya


    Suddenly you find / Everything’s in kilter


    Those are my three. But also!

    • My drama class is doing a one act. We haven’t finished blocking yet, and… we compete February 3rd. Eek…

    • This week, I tried to type ‘emo’ and autocorrect changed it to ‘EoM’!!! I’m so happy!!!

    • Had an idea for ANOTHER storyline I’m working on. Haha.

    • Celtic Variations by Janice Kapp Perry is THE BEST cd we own. Unfortunately, it and the stereo are monopolized. By me. 

    • I’m playing volleyball in a stake tournament tomorrow!

    • Also, I’m just happy for no reason. 

    • Also, music is the best inspiration. You can quote me on that. 

  9. Okay. Here I’m going to put the best lines from the three songs I’m listening to right now, plus links because they’re great. 

    We Intertwined by The Hush Sound 


    ‘Who wants to live in this place? / I don’t, so I’ll be sleeping in


    Blue Like Jazz by Weezer


    Hat’s off to you / You solved the Rubix Cube


    Wild Child by Enya


    Suddenly you find / Everything’s in kilter


    Those are my three. But also!

    • My drama class is doing a one act. We haven’t finished blocking yet, and… we compete February 3rd. Eek…

    • This week, I tried to type ‘emo’ and autocorrect changed it to ‘EoM’!!! I’m so happy!!!

    • Had an idea for ANOTHER storyline I’m working on. Haha.

    • Celtic Variations by Janice Kapp Perry is THE BEST cd we own. Unfortunately, it and the stereo are monopolized. By me. 

    • I’m playing volleyball in a stake tournament tomorrow!

    • Also, I’m just happy for no reason. 

    • Also, music is the best inspiration. You can quote me on that. 

  10. Okay. Here I’m going to put the best lines from the three songs I’m listening to right now, plus links because they’re great. 

    We Intertwined by The Hush Sound 


    ‘Who wants to live in this place? / I don’t, so I’ll be sleeping in


    Blue Like Jazz by Weezer


    Hat’s off to you / You solved the Rubix Cube


    Wild Child by Enya


    Suddenly you find / Everything’s in kilter


    Those are my three. But also!

    • My drama class is doing a one act. We haven’t finished blocking yet, and… we compete February 3rd. Eek…

    • This week, I tried to type ‘emo’ and autocorrect changed it to ‘EoM’!!! I’m so happy!!!

    • Had an idea for ANOTHER storyline I’m working on. Haha.

    • Celtic Variations by Janice Kapp Perry is THE BEST cd we own. Unfortunately, it and the stereo are monopolized. By me. 

    • I’m playing volleyball in a stake tournament tomorrow!

    • Also, I’m just happy for no reason. 

    • Also, music is the best inspiration. You can quote me on that. 

  11. You know that moment when you're inspired by the duck ringtone so you start making a piece based on it with the duck in the background.

  12. You know that moment when you're inspired by the duck ringtone so you start making a piece based on it with the duck in the background.

  13. You know those days when you leave the house at 5 am and don't get back until 7:30 pm? If that time was spent at a library, on a hike, or doing things that generally don't involve huge crowds of people, it'd probably be fine. Going from overcrowded classrooms to overcrowded orchestra rooms to overcrowded assembly halls is draining, though. Is there a way for me to just not do this anymore? There's a point where I just want to wash my hands and walk away.

    In other words, these little blue fairy penguins say hi. (they may or may not be plotting to eat you)

    Little Penguin - Little Blue Fairy | Animal Pictures and Facts | FactZoo.com

  14. You know that mom

    1. Ranryu


      I leave for an hour and come back to 30 notifs guys. Really?

    2. (See 46 other replies to this status update)

  15. It's officially a snow day, y'all!

    Though... my school has implemented "E-Learning Days" so that on snow days we don't ever get the day completely off. We have to do some work through Google Classroom and whatnot. It should only take a few hours, though!

    It hasn't even started snowing--haha. It's supposed to get pretty heavy around noon and evening, and our superintendent didn't want us to walk or drive home in the storm. We'll see how it pans out. 

  16. It's officially a snow day, y'all!

    Though... my school has implemented "E-Learning Days" so that on snow days we don't ever get the day completely off. We have to do some work through Google Classroom and whatnot. It should only take a few hours, though!

    It hasn't even started snowing--haha. It's supposed to get pretty heavy around noon and evening, and our superintendent didn't want us to walk or drive home in the storm. We'll see how it pans out. 

  17. Guys 

    I think I made a mistake


  18. You know that mom

    1. Ranryu


      I repeat the above exclamation of surprise.

      And also how exactly does Mr. Wizard plan on delivering the marching shoelaces to you?

    2. (See 46 other replies to this status update)

  19. School starts today….. yay?

    (I 100% planned to wear as much Sanderson merch as I could today. Swag box shirt, Kaladin beanie, and the new pin on my bag)

  20. Can someone please explain this!?


  21. So there's this girl, who I swear I've never met in my life. She's super nice and friendly, but absolutely convinced that we went to camp together this summer (I definitely did not; I was too busy dying in a cornfield somewhere). She treats me like a close friend, which is great, but I don't know her at all. I keep trying to explain this to her, but she doesn't believe me. 

    Does this mean I get a friend for free? It feels kind of dishonest, but I literally cannot convince her of the truth.

  22. So there's this girl, who I swear I've never met in my life. She's super nice and friendly, but absolutely convinced that we went to camp together this summer (I definitely did not; I was too busy dying in a cornfield somewhere). She treats me like a close friend, which is great, but I don't know her at all. I keep trying to explain this to her, but she doesn't believe me. 

    Does this mean I get a friend for free? It feels kind of dishonest, but I literally cannot convince her of the truth.

  23. Welp. It's 10:30 on a Sunday night and I'm up baking a cake. A two layer cake that has two flavors. The vanilla batter had lumps but the recipe said it would so I wasn't gonna stress about it. But now it's taking forever to bake. The chocolate batter was literally like a soup. This frosting is taking DAYS to mix. 

    Okay, FINALLY, the frosting finished. Took long enough xD. And chasms, it's----------- wow, that was so worth it :D Here's the recipe because my gosh https://chelsweets.com/not-too-sweet-buttercream-frosting/

    The vanilla cake finally came out of the oven! Yay!


    We didn't go to church today because my mom and I are both not feeling great, so instead we watched The Chosen and I did another painting of Mira Dethridge, my OC and Harlow's villain mastermind.

    We also watched The Pink Panther 2. It was great.

    Overall, today was good! No anxiety or panic attacks or any of that, and I figured out some more of Mando's Theme for piano (I learned some of it off YouTube and now I'm finishing it on my own by ear because I'm too lazy to actually find the video again xD)

    It was a good day!


    Anyway, here's the portrait of

    M alicious

    I nsatiable

    R uthless

    A utocratic antagonist


  24. Welp. It's 10:30 on a Sunday night and I'm up baking a cake. A two layer cake that has two flavors. The vanilla batter had lumps but the recipe said it would so I wasn't gonna stress about it. But now it's taking forever to bake. The chocolate batter was literally like a soup. This frosting is taking DAYS to mix. 

    Okay, FINALLY, the frosting finished. Took long enough xD. And chasms, it's----------- wow, that was so worth it :D Here's the recipe because my gosh https://chelsweets.com/not-too-sweet-buttercream-frosting/

    The vanilla cake finally came out of the oven! Yay!


    We didn't go to church today because my mom and I are both not feeling great, so instead we watched The Chosen and I did another painting of Mira Dethridge, my OC and Harlow's villain mastermind.

    We also watched The Pink Panther 2. It was great.

    Overall, today was good! No anxiety or panic attacks or any of that, and I figured out some more of Mando's Theme for piano (I learned some of it off YouTube and now I'm finishing it on my own by ear because I'm too lazy to actually find the video again xD)

    It was a good day!


    Anyway, here's the portrait of

    M alicious

    I nsatiable

    R uthless

    A utocratic antagonist


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