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Status Replies posted by Ranryu

  1. So there's this girl, who I swear I've never met in my life. She's super nice and friendly, but absolutely convinced that we went to camp together this summer (I definitely did not; I was too busy dying in a cornfield somewhere). She treats me like a close friend, which is great, but I don't know her at all. I keep trying to explain this to her, but she doesn't believe me. 

    Does this mean I get a friend for free? It feels kind of dishonest, but I literally cannot convince her of the truth.

  2. So there's this girl, who I swear I've never met in my life. She's super nice and friendly, but absolutely convinced that we went to camp together this summer (I definitely did not; I was too busy dying in a cornfield somewhere). She treats me like a close friend, which is great, but I don't know her at all. I keep trying to explain this to her, but she doesn't believe me. 

    Does this mean I get a friend for free? It feels kind of dishonest, but I literally cannot convince her of the truth.

  3. So there's this girl, who I swear I've never met in my life. She's super nice and friendly, but absolutely convinced that we went to camp together this summer (I definitely did not; I was too busy dying in a cornfield somewhere). She treats me like a close friend, which is great, but I don't know her at all. I keep trying to explain this to her, but she doesn't believe me. 

    Does this mean I get a friend for free? It feels kind of dishonest, but I literally cannot convince her of the truth.

  4. So there's this girl, who I swear I've never met in my life. She's super nice and friendly, but absolutely convinced that we went to camp together this summer (I definitely did not; I was too busy dying in a cornfield somewhere). She treats me like a close friend, which is great, but I don't know her at all. I keep trying to explain this to her, but she doesn't believe me. 

    Does this mean I get a friend for free? It feels kind of dishonest, but I literally cannot convince her of the truth.

  5. So there's this girl, who I swear I've never met in my life. She's super nice and friendly, but absolutely convinced that we went to camp together this summer (I definitely did not; I was too busy dying in a cornfield somewhere). She treats me like a close friend, which is great, but I don't know her at all. I keep trying to explain this to her, but she doesn't believe me. 

    Does this mean I get a friend for free? It feels kind of dishonest, but I literally cannot convince her of the truth.

  6. So there's this girl, who I swear I've never met in my life. She's super nice and friendly, but absolutely convinced that we went to camp together this summer (I definitely did not; I was too busy dying in a cornfield somewhere). She treats me like a close friend, which is great, but I don't know her at all. I keep trying to explain this to her, but she doesn't believe me. 

    Does this mean I get a friend for free? It feels kind of dishonest, but I literally cannot convince her of the truth.

  7. So there's this girl, who I swear I've never met in my life. She's super nice and friendly, but absolutely convinced that we went to camp together this summer (I definitely did not; I was too busy dying in a cornfield somewhere). She treats me like a close friend, which is great, but I don't know her at all. I keep trying to explain this to her, but she doesn't believe me. 

    Does this mean I get a friend for free? It feels kind of dishonest, but I literally cannot convince her of the truth.

  8. Skiddo is my new favorite pokemon


    That is all

  9. Wow. I completely missed my 3000 post mark.


  10. Real quick, how dangerous are mold spores to breathe in? And if they were dangerous, how long would it take for me to notice?

    Google is not being helpful for this one.

  11. Real quick, how dangerous are mold spores to breathe in? And if they were dangerous, how long would it take for me to notice?

    Google is not being helpful for this one.

  12. Real quick, how dangerous are mold spores to breathe in? And if they were dangerous, how long would it take for me to notice?

    Google is not being helpful for this one.

  13. FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH!! I always need more of those. To be honest, I love them with all my existance and till the end of time. :D

    Today was a good day. I got some good writing done (though not for my focus novel, of COURSE), got a role I was comfortable with in the one-act my drama class is doing, and got to play volleyball in gym. I also got chic-fil-a (refunded, cuz 1.5 hour wait) and watched a dragon movie with my fam. New OC idea!! Yay!!

    And then of course… yesterday we had a Spanish test. I got over 100% because there was a bonus question… about me, and a mistake I made on the practice quiz. *hides until the end of time* I WAS TRYING TO DO IT FROM RAQUEL’S PERSPECTIVE… Only three of us got it right. Me (duh), some random kid, and a cute boy I kinda like. So that was fun… but hey, three bonus points! 

    Have many good days. :) 

  14. Emergency status update.



  15. I have a few hours worth of homework to get done by tomorrow, and it's almost 10 at night, and I'm dead tired.

    Any suggestions?

  16. I have a few hours worth of homework to get done by tomorrow, and it's almost 10 at night, and I'm dead tired.

    Any suggestions?

  17. For those of you who haven't listened to Weezer's recent SZNZ albums:

    Do it.

  18. Emergency status update.



  19. I have a few hours worth of homework to get done by tomorrow, and it's almost 10 at night, and I'm dead tired.

    Any suggestions?

  20. Ditching P.E. again!

    "Oh what fun it is to ditch on every single A day..."

    I'm probably gonna catch myself up on Firefight a little or make myself start writing for the contest--if I'm gonna win, I gotta actually write something, right?


    So the other day, my older brother was in the basement playing Halo on the new X-Box (that I have yet to play...). We have a little kitchenette down there. We also have a toddler who loves to get his devious little hands on any sugar he can find. And we also have somebody who forgot that ice cream goes in the freezer instead of the fridge. So the toddler, Crew, found the ice cream in the fridge (after eating a few handfuls of leftover Christmas Jell-O, mind you), and decided that he wanted a scoop. I don't know how exactly it happened, as I wasn't down there, but the ice cream spilled everywhere. And Dallin, who was so into his gaming that he didn't even know the kid was down there, knew nothing of this ruckus. I came downstairs probably 6-7 minutes after this happened (if I had to guess, as the ice cream had stopped dripping from the counter onto the tile floor) to call Dallin upstairs for dinner. Aaaaaand I saw a toddler, soaked in ice cream, holding onto a barstool for dear life with the sticky, vanilla mess splattered everywhere (though not on the carpet, thank the heavens). And he smiled at me, pleasantly licking his ice-cream-mustache, and promptly informed me, "The kitty's licking the mess off the floor!" And then I saw Oslo, my new kitten, licking the ice cream puddles. Anyway, we got the cat and the toddler and the kitchenette cleaned up before we ate our simple dinner of chicken tenders, extremely good mashed potatoes, and green beans (I know, weird combination). I'm still upset about it, but I know it'll be a laughing stock soon. Hahaha.

    Do y'all have any little trouble-seeking siblings?

  21. You know when you have to make a decision, but you're scared of the opportunity cost? (New vocab word that was just added to my arsenal today. ;) Heh heh heh.) 

    That's me right now.

    I have to choose ONE book character to write a passage less than 750 words long about and then I can submit it and potentially win $100 (I think I've got a pretty decent chance).


    I could do Katniss, or Tris (shush--I haven't finished the series yet), or Enna, or Megan (also haven't finished the Reckoners yet), or Hermione, or Sokeefe (9 books, 41 chapters, 12 pages, 11 paragraphs, and 8 words was FAR too long, I tell you), or the very long list of characters beyond. 


  22. You know when you have to make a decision, but you're scared of the opportunity cost? (New vocab word that was just added to my arsenal today. ;) Heh heh heh.) 

    That's me right now.

    I have to choose ONE book character to write a passage less than 750 words long about and then I can submit it and potentially win $100 (I think I've got a pretty decent chance).


    I could do Katniss, or Tris (shush--I haven't finished the series yet), or Enna, or Megan (also haven't finished the Reckoners yet), or Hermione, or Sokeefe (9 books, 41 chapters, 12 pages, 11 paragraphs, and 8 words was FAR too long, I tell you), or the very long list of characters beyond. 


  23. Just woke up from a two hour nap. First time I've napped like that in forever. So that's cool.

    In other news, I'M A FREAKIN' PURPLE BELT NOW! All it took was a couple dozen bruises and accidentally getting punched in the face every now and then. I swear I gave my master a heart attack though. He's like 70 and very jumpy. We were practicing a more dangerous move together, and my elbow popped (pretty normal for me). I'm also hyper-flexible though, so it bent in a way that made it look broken. I'd feel bad, but PURPLE BELT!!

    Oh, and apparently if you color on your throat with pencil it scares people. Probably should've considered that in advance. I didn't expect the marks to actually be visible.

  24. You know when you have to make a decision, but you're scared of the opportunity cost? (New vocab word that was just added to my arsenal today. ;) Heh heh heh.) 

    That's me right now.

    I have to choose ONE book character to write a passage less than 750 words long about and then I can submit it and potentially win $100 (I think I've got a pretty decent chance).


    I could do Katniss, or Tris (shush--I haven't finished the series yet), or Enna, or Megan (also haven't finished the Reckoners yet), or Hermione, or Sokeefe (9 books, 41 chapters, 12 pages, 11 paragraphs, and 8 words was FAR too long, I tell you), or the very long list of characters beyond. 


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