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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. "Shlerack the human/bunny (man bun?)" - @The Aspiring Archivist
  2. Just being random, but I was the one who got Halcy to join the shard, so I feel weirdly proud that she got other people to join.

    It's a pyramid scheme. :D

  3. If Kajsa is unavailable for some reason, I can also pass messages when needed.
  4. Turtle of the day. 

    Mary River Turtle:


    Mary River Turtle, an endangered species sports a cool mohawk hairdo |  Science

    Meet the Ultra Punk-Rock Mary River Turtle That's Battling Extinction |  Featured Creature

    Mary River Turtle | Elusor macrurus

    Stay turtle!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TheGreatSnail


      that s the most majestic thing I've seen all day

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      where have you gotten my selfies?

    4. Morningtide


      Adorable moss turtle!!!!!!

  5. If they ruin it I will literally die, and after I die I will haunt the people who made it so.
  6. From now on all my pfp's are Celina from Yu-gi-oh arc-v. If none of you know what that is, then I'm clearly more nerdy than I thought I was.

    Also go watch it it's a great show.

  7. feet with fingers

    Someone stop me please what have I done

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Sequence




      Oh no...



    3. Kajsa


      I have 20 free minutes. So I'm going to draw a foot with fingers instead of toes.

    4. Kajsa


      I started drawing and I think I should probably stop. It's really, really creepy. xD

  8. She looked at him and realized that he hadn't read the situation the same way she had. "No, you didn't say anything wrong. Why would you think that?"
  9. "I don't know anyone in the clinic except Emma. Who would be helpful?"
  10. Just like that, the moment was gone. Wynn let go of him. "Alright. We need to think of who we should ask for help. No time to waste- we need to find people that can help us get this done fast."
  11. She was suddenly shy. "Do you want it to be all?"
  12. "There are many things I want to tell you. But I can't. So I'll just enjoy the moment."
  13. I couldn't find the exact pic. Plus, no context! I was just expanding the quote.
  14. Wynn pulled out a small metal square- it appeared to be made of tin foil. "Use this. If you rip it, the circuit breaks, and Dharc will be notified. He should be able to find your location quickly." She handed it to him.
  15. She smiled. It was nice to trust and be trusted, after years of being alone. "Lerac, if ever you are separated from me and in need of help, I want you to find my brother, Dharc. He and his wife will help you if ever you require it." Her tone took on an older cadence, different from her informal, teenager way of talking.
  16. She smiled at him, a touch of sadness in the expression. "There are some things I can't tell you, Lerac. But I promise, it will all work out in the end."
  17. Wynn sighed internally. This next part would not be fun. For the sake of the act, she put on a confidant face. "As ready as I'll ever be."
  18. Wynn facepalmed. "I'm an idiot yes we should. Honestly, I totally forgot that place existed; I was only there for like an hour. Maybe we can find some people to aid us against Malum." She went over the plan again in her head. Nobody would notice. They literally were incapable.
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