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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. Wynn prepared another Shadow portal. "Everyone, ready!"
  2. Bad cello player. Be nice to yourself or face the wrath of at least four people.
  3. My soul is innately connected to the Shadow Realm, along with... other forces. Shadows can wreak havoc on unprepared minds, and my... benefactor won't allow anyone to violate my mind or soul.
  4. Happened? What do you mean? And why are we using telepathy? She mused for a second. I can't reach out to the others like this. It's risky with you as it is.
  5. Wynn thought for a second. "Oh, are you speaking telepathically? It's not safe for you to touch my soul, so I closed it off. Here let me try something." A bolt of icy pain shot through Mitis's head. Can you hear me? This is a mental connection, which might be safer.
  6. "With what?" She looked confused and slightly alarmed.
  7. Wynn noticed that everyone was looking at each other differently. "What?"
  8. Wynn seemed to... slide... turning to the newcomer at an impossible speed. "Identify yourself."
  9. Wynn glared at Lerac. "I'm with Essa. No time for this. You can sort it out on the way back."
  10. Hahaha imagine being adult enough to measure things in months. I only measure things in how tall I am, of course. Like any true non-adult would
  11. "Look, we gotta get you out of here ASAP." Wynn looked nervous.
  12. Wynn looked at Lerac. Not now. She mouthed. Ask later.
  13. Wynn chuckled darkly. "Let's make this fast. If we don't, we won't make it at all."
  14. "That doesn't bode well. How will they do it? What weapons will they use?"
  15. Wynn looked around warily. "Should we be worried about someone trying to stop us?"
  16. Hahaha memes instead of homework why do I always do this @The Aspiring Archivist @The Halcyon Girl
  17. Wynn shook her head. She didn't like not having all the information, but it also felt good on some level. If she wanted, she was sure she could get any of her companions to do anything she wanted. But that would be wrong. It was nice to pretend she didn't have access to every aspect of the Shadow Realm and Justicia's power.
  18. "I know." She rolled her eyes. "But getting angry won't get her to tell you. Fighting her wouldn't work either. Try something more subtle."
  19. "Calm down." Wynn whispered to him. "Think smarter, not angrier."
  20. Wynn watched all of this conversation silently, rubbing her arms. Not too much longer now...
  21. Wynn looked at the shelves. "So much writing... Why don't they just store it digitally?"
  22. A word of advice:

    Don't put chips ahoy cookies in your cargo pants pockets for any amount of time. It doesn't matter if you were trying to be polite to the person who offered them to you. Those nasty little confections turn to dust in like five minutes.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Kajsa


      Especially chocolate that you forget in the car on a hot summer day when your family drags you along with them to the zoo

    3. Ranryu


      Okay then yes let's get the mad scientists fairy godmother on this at once.

    4. The Halcyon Girl

      The Halcyon Girl

      We’ll need much silver to hire her services.

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