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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. I am here now. That means nobody's watching the interdimensional demon. It's fine. It only wants to eat the tropic of cancer.
  2. Wynn looked a little guilty. "Sorry. I forgot that the Shadow Realm isn't so nice to everyone. Give yourselves a minute or two, you should recover quickly." She looked at her rune-covered hands. Need to be more careful. Can't do things like I used to.
  3. Wynn landed on her feet and immediately began looking around. "So where next?"
  4. With a final jolt, the shadow tunnel spit them out.
  5. The floor erupted into shadow, swallowing the group before anyone could react. They were thrown into a dark tunnel, tossed around roughly. ”Just a few more seconds.” Wynn’s voice called out. “No barfing, please.”
  6. The lights dimmed even further, falling across Wynn’s face in a way that left her eyes in shadow. ”Everyone ready?”
  7. “Since a couple days ago. Not really able to talk about it.” She nodded. “Alright. Stand close to me, secure all lose objects, and if you barf, turn your head.”
  8. She turned it over in her hands, focused intently on something. "Mmm. Interesting. Okay, I can take us to this location if you'd like."
  9. "Can I have it for a sec?" The lights in the room seemed to dim and flicker a little.
  10. Her smile grew even bigger. "Getting somewhere? Tell me where. I might be able to help."
  11. Wynn smiled. "Well, waiting for Malum's no good. What was that about kidnapping?"
  12. Wynn and Lerac finally stumbled into the room. "What's going on?" Wynn asked. @The Aspiring Archivist
  13. “I like to eat green apples because it allows me to pretend I don’t exist.” - @The Wandering Wizard “I like moms, because it helps me understand that I am human.” - @The Wandering Wizard “I like Lucy because it is wet and cold.” - @That1Cellist “I like snow because floor food is free food.” “I hate brownies and chocolate chip cookies because they expose us to our deepest instinctual fears in a way that allows us to confront it without the consequences.” - @The Bookwyrm “I like the horror genre because they are annoying.” - @The Wandering Wizard “I hate existence because they’re disgusting abominations and too sugary.” - @That1Cellist “I love dress up because they are safe and warm.” - @The Bookwyrm “I love punching people because it destroys human pride in the face of meaninglessness.” - @That1Cellist “I love existentialism because there’s too many stars.” - @The Wandering Wizard
  14. So this could either be fun, or it could be terrible. Well, technically that's all-or-nothing thinking. It could also be quite average. I saw some other people doing this, so I thought I'd jump the bandwagon. I write stuff sometimes. I dream to publish something, of course, but there are so many aspiring writers- I highly doubt I'll be one to actually take that path. Anyone who's ever talked to me knows that at best, I'm barely understandable. Writing is fun, though. It gives me something to do. So... what to write... Let's do a fun one and a serious one for today. Funny one: Serious one:
  15. She looked at him anxiously. "I don't know. I... I just don't know. This isn't my area of expertise."
  16. "Okay..." She didn't want to push him, but he clearly wasn't fine.
  17. She noticed that, though. "Hey, what's wrong? Do you need to cry more?"
  18. You know those days when you leave the house at 5 am and don't get back until 7:30 pm? If that time was spent at a library, on a hike, or doing things that generally don't involve huge crowds of people, it'd probably be fine. Going from overcrowded classrooms to overcrowded orchestra rooms to overcrowded assembly halls is draining, though. Is there a way for me to just not do this anymore? There's a point where I just want to wash my hands and walk away.

    In other words, these little blue fairy penguins say hi. (they may or may not be plotting to eat you)

    Little Penguin - Little Blue Fairy | Animal Pictures and Facts | FactZoo.com

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kajsa


      @Eluvianii, I'd agree, except I can't seem to find a way to recharge ever *AGHHH*

      Sorry about that tho, Ranryu. That sucks.

    3. The Halcyon Girl
    4. Wittles


      *sends virtual hugs and magic energy*

  19. Wynn, not being the most emotionally aware person, didn't notice. A delicious scent filled the air. "Mmmm, that smells like good food!" Or religious offerings. We probably shouldn't eat religious offerings.
  20. "Worst case scenario, I use break through the walls to find the outside. It'll be fine."
  21. "Exactly. Who knows if we'll ever have the chance to come back?" Wynn picked a direction and began walking once more.
  22. "Ah, but I want to see if this place has good cuisine. Get a grasp on the culture, so to speak."
  23. They wandered around aimlessly for a bit. Eventually, Wynn stopped walking. "Uhhh... Do you have any idea where we're going? All these hallways look the same to me."
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