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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. "Good. That means your tears meant something." She said this firmly, as if it was what she had always believed.
  2. She snorted. "You call that a breakdown? You'd have to do a lot more than cry to phase me." Still, she reached out and grabbed his hand.
  3. "Maybe I am. Only time will tell." Her expression was unreadable. "Come on, let's go find some food. I'm starved."
  4. "You don't have to believe me, if you really don't trust me. As I said, my actions will prove it."
  5. She put her hand on his face. "Your father was wrong. About so many things. Crying isn't just okay, it's necessary."
  6. Okay, that didn't work. Something seems wrong here... I've never seen Lerac like this. "Hey," She held him tight. "I promise, I will never hate you. Please, try to take a deep breath. I'm worried about you."
  7. Wynn was unsure of what to do. Recently, it had become clear that her comforting tactics were not effective. "Come on, let's go do something." Her optimism was so forceful it was almost tangible. "Let's do something fun. I think we have time."
  8. She looked at him compassionately. "It's okay to cry. I won't think less of you for it."
  9. Wynn saw it, though. She hesitated for a second, then hugged him. "If you don't believe my words, then believe what I do." She whispered.
  10. She looked at him seriously. "I promise on my sisters' graves. Time will prove me."
  11. Yeah, I wish I was chill... Not blonde either. Basically imagine your most generic possible person, and you have me and Potato. Except Potato has curly hair. I'm currently imagining you as an honorspren or something, but I have no idea why.
  12. Welcome to the shard! Read both of them at once! It's more fun that way!
  13. I repeat, correct comma usage is absolutely critical to the continued survival of the human race.

  14. I've read so many of these that I'm starting to see goat as go-at. "Shall I compare thee to a summer’s goat? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough goats do shake the darling buds of May, And summer’s lease hath all too short a goat; Sometime too hot the eye of goat shines, And often is his gold complexion dimm'd; And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance or goat's changing course untrimm'd; But thy eternal goat shall not fade, Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st; Nor shall death brag thou wander’st in his goat, When in eternal goats to time thou grow’st: So long as goats can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to goat."
  15. Few months for me, but some people have been here for years. Favorite made-up swear word?
  16. Can someone please explain this!?


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      It is for people with bad spelling as it redirects to Brandon Sanderson. Or for people who misspelled his name.63c6ad6d00499_Screenshot2023-01-178_14_57AM.png.40e8c44a328771da4fa1edce2a3451eb.png

    3. Kajsa
    4. The Halcyon Girl
  17. "Oh no, you dropped Jesus." - seminary boy "No, I dropped Jesus twice." - other seminary boy
  18. Suddenly they snapped back to the castle. “You have no reason to assume it will be the same. Come on, we need to find TAAron.”
  19. Wynn's voice shook the ground. I have given you access to all my emotions. Can you really believe that?
  20. The Shadows resonated, communicating Wynn's... inability to hate. The one human emotion she had yet to learn. Even her hate for Malum was more a mix of anger and fear than something of itself.
  21. I... became one with the Shadow Realm. Don't be worried- the process of merging is the most dangerous part, and I've already done that. I had... divine assistance. That's me you see up there, but I'm manipulating the Shadows so I can talk to you. Now pay attention. Lerac was hit with a wave of emotion, scrambled and chaotic. It was hard to make anything of it, but there was a startling lack of hate. Wynn only hated one thing. Malum.
  22. It's how the Shadow Realm interacts with it's users. Wynn said in an murmuring voice. Those other poor souls are people who've been ensnared- trapped here for eternity unless someone kills the one who sent them here. You are here as an observer only, so you should be immune to the worst of the effects.
  23. She looked at him, as if to make sure he was serious. Seeing that he was, she dissolved with a sigh. Shadows danced across the floor, little tendrils grabbing Lerac and dragging him down down down. He found himself in a strange misty world. The Shadow Realm. Dozens of figures hung suspended in the air by Shadows. The nearest one was Wynn, limp and seemingly lifeless. A Shadowy figure stood next to him, formless, but clearly Wynn.
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