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Status Replies posted by Ranryu

  1. Okay, hi all! And happy Thanksgiving week! May there be pies with dragons on top upon all your tables. They’ll appreciate the tribute, I assure you.

    That said, I figured now was a good time to catalogue some of my most recent slight weirdness. 

    Kicking off… 

    1) I petted a tiny table in Spanish class Thursday.

    2) I drew a rat pancake on the blackboard in Spanish on Thursday.

    3) I rejoiced over the dramaticness of a scene my friend and I roleplayed.

    4) I recruited another friend to help me make a credible legend about my school (the fact that I need to bring in an outside source should serve as a testament to exactly how many crazy things I say there).

    5) I decided to give my school friend a sword.

    Just a little one. ;) 

    6), my crowning glory and the only thing in here really worth a status update:

    How much is that dragon in the window?

    The one with the firey breath?

    How much is that dragon in the window?

    I need him to burn you to deeeeaaaaath!

    As a side note. I also received 21 tiny metal swords in the mail on Thursday that are GORGEOUS, and today my tiny stone jade-looking dragon arrived in the mail, which I christened Egypt. She is smol but she is wonderful. This needs a pic.

    Now I have eight dragons!


  2. Wait you're @Ranryu's sister?  :o:o


  3. Okay, hi all! And happy Thanksgiving week! May there be pies with dragons on top upon all your tables. They’ll appreciate the tribute, I assure you.

    That said, I figured now was a good time to catalogue some of my most recent slight weirdness. 

    Kicking off… 

    1) I petted a tiny table in Spanish class Thursday.

    2) I drew a rat pancake on the blackboard in Spanish on Thursday.

    3) I rejoiced over the dramaticness of a scene my friend and I roleplayed.

    4) I recruited another friend to help me make a credible legend about my school (the fact that I need to bring in an outside source should serve as a testament to exactly how many crazy things I say there).

    5) I decided to give my school friend a sword.

    Just a little one. ;) 

    6), my crowning glory and the only thing in here really worth a status update:

    How much is that dragon in the window?

    The one with the firey breath?

    How much is that dragon in the window?

    I need him to burn you to deeeeaaaaath!

    As a side note. I also received 21 tiny metal swords in the mail on Thursday that are GORGEOUS, and today my tiny stone jade-looking dragon arrived in the mail, which I christened Egypt. She is smol but she is wonderful. This needs a pic.

    Now I have eight dragons!


  4. Wait you're @Ranryu's sister?  :o:o


  5. Wait you're @Ranryu's sister?  :o:o


  6. Wait you're @Ranryu's sister?  :o:o


  7. Okay, hi all! And happy Thanksgiving week! May there be pies with dragons on top upon all your tables. They’ll appreciate the tribute, I assure you.

    That said, I figured now was a good time to catalogue some of my most recent slight weirdness. 

    Kicking off… 

    1) I petted a tiny table in Spanish class Thursday.

    2) I drew a rat pancake on the blackboard in Spanish on Thursday.

    3) I rejoiced over the dramaticness of a scene my friend and I roleplayed.

    4) I recruited another friend to help me make a credible legend about my school (the fact that I need to bring in an outside source should serve as a testament to exactly how many crazy things I say there).

    5) I decided to give my school friend a sword.

    Just a little one. ;) 

    6), my crowning glory and the only thing in here really worth a status update:

    How much is that dragon in the window?

    The one with the firey breath?

    How much is that dragon in the window?

    I need him to burn you to deeeeaaaaath!

    As a side note. I also received 21 tiny metal swords in the mail on Thursday that are GORGEOUS, and today my tiny stone jade-looking dragon arrived in the mail, which I christened Egypt. She is smol but she is wonderful. This needs a pic.

    Now I have eight dragons!


  8. Wait you're @Ranryu's sister?  :o:o


  9. Okay, hi all! And happy Thanksgiving week! May there be pies with dragons on top upon all your tables. They’ll appreciate the tribute, I assure you.

    That said, I figured now was a good time to catalogue some of my most recent slight weirdness. 

    Kicking off… 

    1) I petted a tiny table in Spanish class Thursday.

    2) I drew a rat pancake on the blackboard in Spanish on Thursday.

    3) I rejoiced over the dramaticness of a scene my friend and I roleplayed.

    4) I recruited another friend to help me make a credible legend about my school (the fact that I need to bring in an outside source should serve as a testament to exactly how many crazy things I say there).

    5) I decided to give my school friend a sword.

    Just a little one. ;) 

    6), my crowning glory and the only thing in here really worth a status update:

    How much is that dragon in the window?

    The one with the firey breath?

    How much is that dragon in the window?

    I need him to burn you to deeeeaaaaath!

    As a side note. I also received 21 tiny metal swords in the mail on Thursday that are GORGEOUS, and today my tiny stone jade-looking dragon arrived in the mail, which I christened Egypt. She is smol but she is wonderful. This needs a pic.

    Now I have eight dragons!


  10. Wait you're @Ranryu's sister?  :o:o


  11. Wait you're @Ranryu's sister?  :o:o


  12. Okay, hi all! And happy Thanksgiving week! May there be pies with dragons on top upon all your tables. They’ll appreciate the tribute, I assure you.

    That said, I figured now was a good time to catalogue some of my most recent slight weirdness. 

    Kicking off… 

    1) I petted a tiny table in Spanish class Thursday.

    2) I drew a rat pancake on the blackboard in Spanish on Thursday.

    3) I rejoiced over the dramaticness of a scene my friend and I roleplayed.

    4) I recruited another friend to help me make a credible legend about my school (the fact that I need to bring in an outside source should serve as a testament to exactly how many crazy things I say there).

    5) I decided to give my school friend a sword.

    Just a little one. ;) 

    6), my crowning glory and the only thing in here really worth a status update:

    How much is that dragon in the window?

    The one with the firey breath?

    How much is that dragon in the window?

    I need him to burn you to deeeeaaaaath!

    As a side note. I also received 21 tiny metal swords in the mail on Thursday that are GORGEOUS, and today my tiny stone jade-looking dragon arrived in the mail, which I christened Egypt. She is smol but she is wonderful. This needs a pic.

    Now I have eight dragons!


  13. Okay, hi all! And happy Thanksgiving week! May there be pies with dragons on top upon all your tables. They’ll appreciate the tribute, I assure you.

    That said, I figured now was a good time to catalogue some of my most recent slight weirdness. 

    Kicking off… 

    1) I petted a tiny table in Spanish class Thursday.

    2) I drew a rat pancake on the blackboard in Spanish on Thursday.

    3) I rejoiced over the dramaticness of a scene my friend and I roleplayed.

    4) I recruited another friend to help me make a credible legend about my school (the fact that I need to bring in an outside source should serve as a testament to exactly how many crazy things I say there).

    5) I decided to give my school friend a sword.

    Just a little one. ;) 

    6), my crowning glory and the only thing in here really worth a status update:

    How much is that dragon in the window?

    The one with the firey breath?

    How much is that dragon in the window?

    I need him to burn you to deeeeaaaaath!

    As a side note. I also received 21 tiny metal swords in the mail on Thursday that are GORGEOUS, and today my tiny stone jade-looking dragon arrived in the mail, which I christened Egypt. She is smol but she is wonderful. This needs a pic.

    Now I have eight dragons!


  14. Wait you're @Ranryu's sister?  :o:o


  15. Wait you're @Ranryu's sister?  :o:o


  16. I’m happy.

    This is actually quite a good thing for me to be saying, I’ll have you know. Happiness is healthy as long as it’s not UNhealthy.

    Anyway, Im happy and just wanted to say so.

    Also, Enya’s ‘Now We Are Free’ is really good. I finally know what the song is that has been nagging at me for years! Yay!

  17. Guys.

    I think I found a new favorite series. It's called Chronicle of the Dark Star, and it's one of the best sci-fi series I've ever read. The entire thing is masterfully written, and the author managed to incorporate the complexities of time travel without being too confusing. This is the first time a book ending has made me cry in like, five years.

    I can't fully describe how great the trilogy is! 10/10. If you haven't read it, you're missing out.

  18. Guys.

    I think I found a new favorite series. It's called Chronicle of the Dark Star, and it's one of the best sci-fi series I've ever read. The entire thing is masterfully written, and the author managed to incorporate the complexities of time travel without being too confusing. This is the first time a book ending has made me cry in like, five years.

    I can't fully describe how great the trilogy is! 10/10. If you haven't read it, you're missing out.

  19. Hey, your profile picture looks like a Kuriboh. You should change it to one!

  20. Hey, your profile picture looks like a Kuriboh. You should change it to one!

  21. Well, Im off on a road trip. I don’t expect to be able to get back on until Thursday.

    Also, Im playing my violin at a funeral, and I am nervous cuz I haven’t had formal lessons for years, so… I would appreciate thoughts. 

    See y’all!

  22. Guys, I got a really twirly skirt :D 

    I don’t know why that merits a status update. I just wanted you to know that I have a twirly skirt :D 

  23. You know what? I don't know if I have a personality.

    Either that or I am quite normal. You know it's bad when one of your defining personality traits is the instrument you play. Shockingly normal. I'm trying to decide if I wish I was more odd. I'm just a normal, socially awkward person. I just adopt the personality of people around me. Maybe. I don't know. I'm very confused.

  24. Hmmm... @The Halcyon Girl inspired me to change my profile picture. I kind of look like that. Less now than I did a few years ago.

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