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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. Wynn snorted. "It's true the term 'immortal' is misleading, but why would you think that?"
  2. "Nymphs tend to love those even more. Combine the two? I'm surprised they didn't just kidnap you."
  3. "They're nymphs. It's hard to fathom what goes on inside their heads, but they tend to reward people with 'good hearts', and things like that."
  4. So there's this girl, who I swear I've never met in my life. She's super nice and friendly, but absolutely convinced that we went to camp together this summer (I definitely did not; I was too busy dying in a cornfield somewhere). She treats me like a close friend, which is great, but I don't know her at all. I keep trying to explain this to her, but she doesn't believe me. 

    Does this mean I get a friend for free? It feels kind of dishonest, but I literally cannot convince her of the truth.

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist

      Alas, I've been told that crimes actually can, in certain cases, carry over through the new year.

    3. Ranryu


      *thoughtful* But this state doesn't have the laws that I broke... so technically I'm a law abiding citizen, right?

    4. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist

      I don't know I'm not a law student.


      *cough* roleplay *cough*


  5. "Yeah. Takes too much effort to find more dye."
  6. "Thanks. It was weird for me to leave home and see all the humans. Most of you have shades of brown hair. The only brown-haired person I'd ever seen before was Aussa, so I kept mixing everyone up."
  7. "Orange, Purple, and Green. My... your language doesn't have a word for it, but they're kind of like my parent/guardians. Except they all hate me. Orange specifically was trying to kill me earlier, but she seems to have given up." She looked at the hair in his hand. "Each Aos Si has a unique hair color. The first generation just used their hair color as their names, actually. But then we were made, with different shades. Made things a tad bit more complicated."
  8. "There was a... delicate situation right before I came to the clinic. It required me to hide. Technically, I'm still in hiding, but that's not a big worry right now."
  9. "Yes. Not many dyes work on my hair... gray was the only option."
  10. Wynn was delighted. "That's pretty cool!" She fingered her green roots self-consciously.
  11. "I'm young, you're young, and we're both immortal. Why rush things?"
  12. She laughed. "Don't think about it too hard. Come on, let's go find the others. We need to tell them the plan."
  13. She rolled her eyes. "You gave me a magic flower and started talking about marriage ceremonies. Did you expect me to not be confused?"
  14. She smiled at him. "You're persistent, I'll give you that. It's nothing, really."
  15. She laughed. "Oh, nothing. It's a beautiful flower, though. Should find someplace safe to grow it."
  16. Her eyes widened, and she looked up at him questioningly.
  17. "Amazing." She looked at the little flower. "So this must be pretty valuable to you."
  18. "Interesting. So this flower is immortal as long as you are?"
  19. She accepted it carefully. "What's this one called?"
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