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Status Replies posted by Ranryu

  1. Hmmm... @The Halcyon Girl inspired me to change my profile picture. I kind of look like that. Less now than I did a few years ago.

  2. I don’t have any philosophical comments today.

    I lie. I might have already breached this topic, but here goes, CUZ I NEED AN ANSWER PEOPLE.

    So when people say, “I think, therefore I am…”

    Where does that leave all us blondes? 


  3. Has anyone else here ever realized that they aren't important?

    Like, that you don't matter?

    You could be removed from the lives of your family and friends, and it wouldn't make that much of a difference?

    They would all get along just fine.

    I just want to make a difference to someone and help them, but nothing I've ever done made anyone feel better. At the same time, maybe that's not fair. If I'm not an interesting, helpful person, then I guess there are other things for me to do. I just want to be wanted, but I guess it's not fair for me to bother people if they don't want to talk to me. This leads to an awful sort of thinking where I feel lonely and want to talk to people, but I feel antisocial, and also worry that the other people don't want to talk to me, and I wouldn't want to annoy someone by talking to them when they just wanted me to leave them alone.



  4. Thanks for the follow! :)

  5. Bleargh.

    I just took the PSAT and our test proctor took soooooooooooo long! The test took 4 hours it was crazy. I'm so burnt out and now I have to do three more hours of school :(

    Also, we had to walk a mile to our testing location for some reason and it was 29 degrees! 

  6. Hello my fellow humans of the shard, how are you all doing?

    So, I occasionally go back through my google drive and look at the things I've written. Sometimes I'll just write things down in an untitled document and then forget about it. When I go back later, I have a lot of untitled documents with little things in them. Here is one I found just now.

    "I sit at the hearth, watching as the last embers of a false hope fade out of existence after being seared into my soul. The emotional agony is branded upon my very being. I remain on the ground, empty, devoid of all emotion. I want to feel. I want to experience pain, love, death, and rejoicing, but doing so would bring pain. I cannot bear it. When I lose it all, where will I go? I can not go on any longer. Doing so only brings pain. The hope of, “Tomorrow is another day!” is lost in the torture of knowing this awful cycle will repeat itself. I want to keep trying. I want to keep going, but I do not think I can handle more. The inevitable tragedy will occur, and when it does, where will my place be?"

    Yes, I know there is a contradiction in there, but it still makes sense, I feel.

  7. I’m the happiest person alive. 

    I have five dragons now, and this one is huge and golden and 3d printed by my uncle and… she’s a work of art. A constellation of only the brightest stars ever… :wub: 

    Her name is Beauregarde. In honor of my uncle, and the ‘regarde’ part just feels regal. 



  8. So, as soon as I got home from school, I heard a loud crashing noise. I went downstairs and discovered that my five year old brother had knocked over a chair, which fell on top of a glass picture frame. Somehow, my homeschooled sister, who was sitting right next to the mess, didn't notice it. Now the carpet is full of glass that get to vacuum up before my parents come home and find it. Joy.

  9. Thanks for following me

  10. My guys, yesterday was awesome. at a youth activity I had pizza and garlic knots. I pretty much sat around and did little to nothing- but it was still great!

    I also happened to kill off my main character yesterday in an rp (in minecraft of all places). which, was something.

    I am also changing my rank to- well, you'll have to see *wink* it's gonna be special

  11. So, I had a biology video to present today.

    I realized when I was looking at the video this morning that I forgot to add background music to my presentation. Unfortunately, I was sitting in my school's commons at the time without headphones or anything, so I had to add the music without hearing it. I picked some of the free available music without listening to it. Then I adjusted the volume so that, hopefully, my voice would be able to be heard over the music.

    Anyway, then it was presentation time. When the teacher turned the video on, it started okay. My voice was kind of loud and had some echo. It was okay, besides being loud, until the part where the second one (The one I hadn't listened to) Turned on. It was loud. Even though I had reduced the volume, it was loud. Another thing was that the song had human voices in it. They were just chanting in some language or another, but the song was loud, and the thing messed with my voice too. It was basically impossible to hear me over the music.

    So, I just put my head down and stopped feeling emotions until it was over.

    Anyway, that's been a bit of a damper on my mood. How are you people all doing?


  12. I was reading the news about some recent winners of the Nobel prize, when this paragraph came up.

    "According to quantum mechanics, particles can exist simultaneously in two or more places. They do not take on formal properties until they are measured or observed in some way. By taking measurements of one particle, like its position or “spin,” a change is observed in its partner, no matter how far away it has traveled from its pair." -- The New York Times

    Someone has probably mentioned this before, but doesn't that sound like spren?

  13. So, I was feeling kind of poetic, and this came into existence entirely by accident. I'm kind of proud of it at the moment, so I'm going to share it before I get too embarrassed to do so.

    The ground is broken, fire rages
    A lone person weeps
    And the sun sets
    The world keeps going
    Leaving everything behind
    Desolate and destroyed
    Gone forever, everything that was good
    Everything that was loved
    It's all burned
  14. Dissecting a fetal pig is fun.

  15. Murphy's law is just the breaking talent.


    Milo Murphy (Vector) by ncontreras207 on DeviantArtAlcatraz - 17th Shard, the Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite


  16. Thanks for the follow! ^_^ 

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