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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. "Well it can't hurt to try. He'll still probably notice it, but maybe he won't realize what it is."
  2. (edited to remove language and confused spluttering from the audience) "She who holds the turtle is immortal." -me "Let's test that, shall we?" @The last Fae in the Woods "Okay. You hold the turtle and I'll man the tank." - me
  3. "Trick... Or force. And it won't be suspicious, look." The circle seemed to disappear, leaving only a dark stain on the floor.
  4. After a few hours of careful cutting, the circle was set. Wynn wiped her brow. "There we go. Be careful not to step in it. Not sure what it would do to you."
  5. For those of you who haven't listened to Weezer's recent SZNZ albums:

    Do it.

    1. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      ....Listened to what?

    2. Ranryu


      SZNZ. Look it up. Four albums, one for each season.

  6. Wynn used Shadows to open the pocket full of Stacis. "Well, help me with this while we wait. I'll cut it, and you align it."
  7. "Well, unless you have a way to make him come here."
  8. Wynn smiled fiercely. "Just trust me on this. The only way we could possibly lose is if he appeared in the next half hour."
  9. "Inevitably, yes. He knows this. So he'll try and stop us."
  10. Wynn nodded. "I'm planning on it. You see, he can't resist killing us, especially not if he knows what I know. The only way for him to save himself from us is to come kill us in person, which he will inevitably do. All we need to do is prepare and keep TAAron from killing himself before then."
  11. What is the weirdest ice cream you've ever eaten? What is your opinion on band kids? Will you ever let any of your RP characters have a happy ending?
  12. Wynn couldn't answer. "Come on, we need to bait Malum and get him to come here. TAAron's only going to get worse from here."
  13. "Trickery, some outside intervention, and a large amount of luck."
  14. "With the only thing that can hurt him. Stacis, of course."
  15. "Easy. We trap Malum, trick him, and then try to kill or at least weaken him so he can't bother us anymore."
  16. Wynn's face softened. "No, of course not. I changed my behavior because of the situation, not the power." I hope. "Skills and abilities change quickly. My feelings do not."
  17. She struggled, trying to find words she was able to say. "I... found new power." Shadows dripped as her hand seemed to melt into inky blackness, reforming itself in a second. "I won't be needing energy baths anymore, I guess."
  18. She opened her mouth, but no words came out. After a second, she gave up. "I am not permitted to tell you."
  19. "I can't see it. It was shown to me. And the only way is to get through it. How long it takes depends on us..." She looked resigned. "Lerac, I want you to have this." Wynn handed him the glaive. "Take good care of it. It might not be as magical as Tors, but it is special."
  20. "Malum. Ending him. I've seen the future, Lerac. It's not pretty. Not for a long time coming. The suspense is killing me, you know?"
  21. She sighed. "As I should be. We're this close to doing it. Not a time to be childish." Her hand went to her arm, which felt conspicuously duel disk free.
  22. Wynn's iris dripped black with Shadow. "Do not hasten your death. It will come soon enough on its own."
  23. "End? So funny, how mortals view death as an 'end'. If you killed yourself, you would spend an afterlife trying to figure out what you died for. Just hold on a little longer. We need you."
  24. Yes, but the play is called life, and 'entrance' means this one time when I yelled at a random person. TPBM suffers from chronic impatience.
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