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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. Wynn took a breath, noticing that TAAron wasn't in his right mind. Blue symbols flashed on her arms, but she quickly pulled a hoodie on to cover them. "One thing to live for is not enough." She said in a quiet voice. "You must live for life, or you aren't living at all." She nodded her head in understanding. "We need to speed up the time table. Beat Malum ASAP, so we can deal with all these other things."
  2. Wynn blanched. "Oh... I'm sure you must have had a good reason. You did, right?" The left half of Wynn's face blended into Shadow, just for a moment. "TAAron. We all went through so much to restore you and keep you safe. Why would you try to throw that away?"
  3. Wynn looked shocked. "What!? Tell me who did it, I'll black their eye out."
  4. Shadows pooled, and Wynn took form from them. She smiled. "That felt good." She looked around. "I'm sensing I missed some stuff."
  5. The answer is that this question does not have enough context, so I declare it a non-question paradoxical statement.
  6. "There was an airport in my way, okay?" - @The Bookwyrm
  7. I echo the Cellist's sentiment. This sounds super fun, but I don't think I would be able to fully participate.
  8. Wynn swirled her finger in the air, watching as Shadow materialized around it. It no longer felt like she was fighting to keep the Shadows under control. They were a part of her now, and she was a part of them. Blue and black glyphs were now emblazoned on her arms, a sign of her deal with the goddess. She mused, absently twirling the Shadow. She still had miles to go to get out of the labyrinth. Suddenly, an idea came to her. "Hmm... I wonder..." Wynn reached out through the Shadow, through the Shadow Realm and into another dimension. Yes! A pathway. This will do nicely. She sighed and let the Shadow carry her where she wanted to go.
  9. Just woke up from a two hour nap. First time I've napped like that in forever. So that's cool.

    In other news, I'M A FREAKIN' PURPLE BELT NOW! All it took was a couple dozen bruises and accidentally getting punched in the face every now and then. I swear I gave my master a heart attack though. He's like 70 and very jumpy. We were practicing a more dangerous move together, and my elbow popped (pretty normal for me). I'm also hyper-flexible though, so it bent in a way that made it look broken. I'd feel bad, but PURPLE BELT!!

    Oh, and apparently if you color on your throat with pencil it scares people. Probably should've considered that in advance. I didn't expect the marks to actually be visible.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kajsa
    3. That1Cellist


      Yes, as I said, cool people doing cool stuff. Not things for me.

      That's awesome! Great for you!

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      That's insane! 

      Coordinated beating people up?

  10. Wynn approached the throne and bowed, waiting for the goddess to acknowledge her. After a minute or so, a tendril of ice-cold fire wrapped around her and lifted her into the air. "I know what you seek, little one. Are you willing to pay the price?" Wynn nodded. "Yes. " She replied simply. "Very well. It has been a great long while since once such as yourself presented yourself to me. As a sign that your promise is good, give me the conduit of your power." Wynn reluctantly pulled off her duel disk and held it up in offering. The goddess grabbed it with another tendril of flame, disintegrating all of it in moments. "The deal is sure. Do you understand the terms?" She bowed her head as the goddess set her back down. "Yes. I am willing." "Very well, little one. Go and use your new power reserve to punish this unruly god. But do not forget the price..." In a blur of Shadows and blue-white flames, Wynn found herself whisked back to the center of the labyrinth. She sighed. It's gonna be a long trip back to the others...
  11. "My socks could not replace scripture power." - @Potato's Wit
  12. "Ruled by Abraham Goat, the one Grand Goat who stayed loyal to the High Goat, the government of Zeropolis uses advanced goats to keep tight control."
  13. True evil is people who drink ranch out of those little cups they give us for school lunch. Followed closely by people who pay for expensive things only in pennies.
  14. "It'll be safer for you here, with the others."
  15. "It has to be harvested a certain way, but basically any energy source with power greater or equal to the average neutron star. I think I can get ahold of one pretty quickly."
  16. Wynn hauled herself out of bed. "Haly, this bag connects to the subspace where we're keeping the Stacis. Don't Loose it." Wynn handed her a small drawstring bag. "And now, I'm off. I need to find an energy well before we have any kind of showdown with Malum."
  17. "Yes." She looked at Lerac. "Sort of? Immortal relationships are paced differently from mortal ones."
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