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Status Updates posted by Ranryu

  1. Happy Birthday!

  2. Inferkit is fun.


    "I use my face better than that wombat." David said.

    "You did not just say that." Becky teased.

    "Why do we keep them around? They can't do anything." Julia complained.
    "Well, they can now." Belinda replied. She flicked the switch and the wombat's eyes glowed red. It beeped a few times, then began shooting lasers.
    "Ain't the bees gonna help?" Jeremy said.
    "I suppose if they can't fix the bees, they can't fix the bees." Belinda replied. She turned the bee hive over and stared into it, still seeing flies in it.
    "This is crazy. I wish you would go get Mama." Becky said.
    "She's sleeping." Becky sighed.
    The bees continued firing lasers and flying around. They soon came to the edge of the clearing, where the trees became too thick to see through. "How many bees do you think there are? This hive can't hold them all." Julia asked.
    "I'm sure they have at least a hundred." Belinda said, not seeming worried.
    "I can see hundreds in here." David said. "Let's put some bees in there too, and see what happens."
    "I guess we should do that too." Belinda said. "I'll go get Mama."
    Becky sat back in the grass and stared into the hive, seeing the bees darting around. They all walked towards the hive, and David pulled out a bunch of bees. They headed inside, shooting beams and bees around. David fired the bee beam over the building, and it lit up so that they could see inside.
    "I don't see anything but bees in there. Where do the bees go?" Becky asked.
    "I don't know." David replied.
    "I thought bees liked flowers." Becky said.
    "Yeah, but bees eat flowers too. Sometimes they'll die if they're not going to eat something else." David said. He held the bees over his face to see if he could tell what was inside the hive, but they just flew off. He pushed the bee beam through the hive, and the bees swarmed around it, shooting more beams. David continued pushing them through the hive, feeling the walls, checking to see if anything was on fire. He was not sure what to expect, but he saw bees buzzing around him, so he kept shooting.
    "This is crazy." David whispered. "I'm making bees attack me."
    "That's not crazy." David argued. "I'm making bees attack them. That's not normal. I'm out of bees, but they're still attacking."


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      jeez it just started listing dates.

    3. Wittles


      That last one feels kind of sacrilegious

    4. Cash67


      It's walking the line, that's for sure... but it's got some truth



    40 of the Funniest Happy Birthday Memes | Reader's Digest


    1. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist

      Consider changing your pfp in celebration?


    Halcyon Days in a Pandemic Year



    (said in a rabbit voice)

  6. What did you do to your pfp!?


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard
    3. Tea Leaf

      Tea Leaf

      It sure is, it is also known as success.

    4. Telrao


      Oh, storms the chaos this is wonderful

  7. Help me guys.

    I just spent two hours working on a family tree for a fictional character I just made. This character doesn't belong to any plot or story, yet I am obsessed with her and her family history.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. TheGreatSnail
    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Oh I did that once, and it was a weird family tree, because it was a royal family and then the king had a mistress but then he had her killed and…you know what? It was weird. Let’s just say that.

    4. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard


  8. My mood right now:


    Acquainted with the Night - Robert Frost

    I have been one acquainted with the night.
    I have walked out in rain—and back in rain.
    I have outwalked the furthest city light.

    I have looked down the saddest city lane.
    I have passed by the watchman on his beat
    And dropped my eyes, unwilling to explain.

    I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet
    When far away an interrupted cry
    Came over houses from another street,

    But not to call me back or say good-bye;
    And further still at an unearthly height,
    One luminary clock against the sky

    Proclaimed the time was neither wrong nor right. 
    I have been one acquainted with the night.



    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      It’s true, there are no perfect solutions. All we can do is try to wring what joy we can out of the things we cannot change. Some things will be terrible no matter what, and all there is to do is grit your teeth and bear it.

    3. Ranryu


      Thanks guys. I was just feeling a little hopeless, I guess. I’m running as fast as I can, but I don’t seem to be getting anywhere.

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Yeah. There are books that claim to be able to help, but I don’t know if they would. I honestly have felt that way for the last 5 months pretty much nonstop, and I haven’t found much that helps.

  9. Why you do that my brain confuzzled 

    1. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      I dunno, you'd have to ask Wiz! It was his fun idea! :D

    2. Ranryu


      I can see your name history silly

    3. The Wandering Wizard
  10. Happy birthday!

    1. The cheeseman

      The cheeseman

      Verily, I thank thee greatly dear lady!

  11. I just failed a math test. After turning the paper in, I realized I used the wrong formula for EVERY SINGLE PROBLEM. Failing in the most stupid way possible is definitely my thing. It’s not like I don’t know the material. *facepalm infinity*
    Well, at least I can retake it.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      I'm sorry to hear it :(

      It sucks cause you know you could've done it right if you hadn't screwed up

    3. Ranryu
    4. Telrao


      Ooof math is both therapeutic and and *aggravating!*

      Ya know what? The more mistakes you make, the more you learn, the more you can apply! Whooo

  12. Pallas cat much floof.

    The Manul Cat Is The Most Expressive Cat In The World | Bored PandaPallas's cat - Wikipedia

     I Just Discovered Manul Cats And Now My Heart's Beating Really Fast And My  Palms Are Sweating

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      *Dies of laughter*

      Is that a real card from a game?

    3. Ranryu


      Yeah. Keyforge— one of my old favorites.

    4. Wittles


      So many Floomf!

  13. I keep threatening to braid peoples' hair. It's oddly satisfying how well it works.

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. That1Cellist


      My hair is too short to be braided now.

    3. Ranryu


      He cut it. It isn’t three inches any more.

    4. That1Cellist


      I think my hair was longer than three inches. I feel bald now. And exposed.

  14. Guysguysguys I got kidnapped.

    @The Wandering Wizard and @The Bookwyrm and @InfiniteInsanity and @That1Cellist showed up at my house and then we went rock climbing and got ice cream and @InfiniteInsanity got a really bad sugar high and it was sooo soooo fun.

    Plus, my flute quartet got a 1 on our performance today, so we're happy.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. InfiniteInsanity



      Uh-oh. I guess both you and Silh were on drugs yesterday.

      Sugar is a drug?

    3. Cash67


      Heck yeah it is!! And I’m addicted

    4. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      I think you forgot that I made Bookwyrm talk with a British accent :P

  15. I am disappointed in humanity as a whole. We just can't seem to learn. We keep finding new ways to hate and excuses not to love. We find people who are different from us- even if it's a tiny thing like the brand of your shoes, and we unite in hate against them. 

    I think maybe we are cowards by nature. A necessity for survival, perhaps. You rarely see people picking on the strong and powerful. Instead, we pick on the weak and defenseless. Shy people, babies, people with disabilities, strangers, people without an army of 'friends' to back them up. Why do we do it? What's it worth to us? A cheap laugh at someone else's expense? The satisfaction of knowing we've caused someone else an unwarranted lifetime of hurt?

    Aren't we more than the simple urge to seek pleasure and avoid punishment? Where is the human spirit- the capability and desire to make things better than they are now? Hate brings hate brings hate brings hate. Isn't anyone brave enough to try loving someone without care for if that love is returned? Not the shallow feelings of attraction, but true love; the willingness to help someone without reward, even if that help is a simple kind word? 

    In my studies I have seen much hate, much passion, but little true love. All I want is to stop the hate with kindness and caring. There's so much shallow paint covering the wall that is our culture, but what is underneath it? Is the wood rotting from neglect?

    Happy Valentine's day, humans. I hope the chocolate was good.

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist

      I can never seem to stick to one thing, unfortunately.

    3. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard


      I can never seem to stick to one thing, unfortunately.

      Keep on trying, you will find it eventually. And try new things, that'll expose you to new things that you may have a passion for.

    4. Kajsa


      I know I’m totally late to the convo. But Ranryu, this should get published in some sort of article or newspaper.
      I have seen a lot of this, too (as we all have). And I have been that person getting bullied. I don’t want anyone else to feel the way I did. 
      Anyway, wise words.

      You should get them published. 

  16. Dewey Duck is my spirit animal.


    Dewey Duck (2017) | DuckTales Wiki | Fandom

    Dewey Duck Dances (@deweyduckdances) / Twitter

    Dewey Duck | Duck tales, Funny birds, Duck

    For this reason, Ben Schwartz is my favorite voice actor and I like just about every cartoon he's in.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wittles


      I'd like to say I'm more of a Dewie, but I feel like I'm more of a Louie.

      Also, what are some other things Ben Schwartz is in?

    3. Ranryu


      DuckTales for the win! It's on my top five cartoons made in the past decade.


      Also, what are some other things Ben Schwartz is in?

      He's sonic in the sonic the hedgehog movies. He's Randy in Randy Cunningham 9th grade ninja. He's appeared in multiple star wars things, the lego movie, various ninja turtle movies, and a bunch of live action stuff I've never seen. 

    4. Wittles


      Oh cool, I feel I knew most of that, but cool

  17. Mmmm. Weezer, Cosmo Sheldrake, and Tomaso Albinoni. If you called my music tastes eclectic, you'd be right.

    Why do people keep secrets? 99% percent of the time, situations would be better resolved by sitting down and having a logical conversation than all this deception and misdirection. Secrets fascinate me, but I hate them. 

    It's also interesting to think about the line between secrets and unnecessary information. At what point does someone just not need  to know something? And what about when you just absolutely cannot talk about something even if you wanted to? Is that still considered a secret? Either way, when it comes to not saying something, misdirection is a lot more effective than lying. Change the subject. Give a goofy answer. Make your outward projection so wild and chaotic that people forget what they asked you in the first place.

    This has been weird thoughts with Ranryu. Thank you for coming. *bows*

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      I did a 500 piece puzzle at the last dance because I didn't feel like dancing.

    3. Cash67


      OH COLORS the grammar in that second sentence......

    4. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist


      Flirting can be fun and stuff,

      Strong disagree, but you do you.

  18. Ah, the multi-stake Valentine's day dance. Always the best dance of the year. I only danced with five boys, which comes nowhere close to beating my record of seven, but that's okay. It was @Potato's Wit's first dance, and I think she had a lot of fun. We had a live band with *gasp* pyrotechnics that were probably not safe indoors but cool nonetheless. And I had incredibly sparkly shoes because they were on sale and why not. 

    I got to meet another sharder irl, but I'm not sure if they want me to share their name. That was fun.

    Yes, @The Bookwyrm did indeed look like he was about to commit a heist. It was the dark tie with dark shirt and coat. And it is interesting to note that he's not the only guy who tied a balloon light to his glasses. There were a few of them. 

    There's nothing like forgetting all social inhibitions and talking to random strangers for the fun of it. (You guys don't know but I'm like super introverted and only really do that at dances)

    I'm gonna go pass out now. Yay!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist

      It's okay not to. I don't really have experience in this kind of thing at all, but I know it's okay to feel what you feel. That boy should have been more mature about the situation.

    3. Cash67


      Agreed^^^ I know that I would feel like I was floating in that scenario, and floating usually isn’t fun. 

    4. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      Can I come to the next one?! :D

      Stake dances are tons of fun. I love it when everyone really gets into it!

      And people are just so freakin cute cool sometimes. ;)

  19. 63e5250d88bfb_Screenshot2023-02-0910_31_32AM.png.51dd31ebfe33ef8da75000ce2f6ea3a0.png

    My evil plan has been thwarted.

  20. Parents: concerned

    Hmm. Well that's funny. I was only crying during band. and geography. And piano practice. But they don't know about those. Stupid school, sending out emails that even the most oblivious parents can't ignore.

    It's not fair why does this happen it's not supposed to happen why did she do this why wasn't I there for her why does this keep happening what's wrong with the world where this keeps happening why are they all smiling like it's okay the sun shouldn't be shining Second Red-tailed Hawk Chick "I2" Hatches Overnight! – May 1, 2019 - YouTubeBirds

    1. Show previous comments  45 more
    2. InfiniteInsanity


      That was a lot of notifs...

    3. Morningtide


      Apparently this is how I got 83 notifs in 7 hours 

    4. That1Cellist


      There aren’t enough replies for that though

  21. Everything I aspire to be in life:

    Rockhopper penguin | bird | Britannica

    No seriously though go watch a video of these cute little rockhoppers. When they hop up the cliff, they fall, but they get back up and try again. Plus they have great eyebrows. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Morningtide


      They are the thaylens of the penguin roshar. 

    3. Kajsa


      This is the philosophy of the century. 

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Those red eyes! Bruh I have a new goal in life.

  22. Well guys, I finally did it. I colored the wood on all my colored pencils. 


    (the image quality isn't great but it took me like four hours over the course of a week so I'm super proud of myself)

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      I don't think I have a single item of clothing without grease, oil, paint, ink, or some other medium on it.

    3. Kajsa


      ...inhaling glue? Motor oil? 

      I do sketches and paint and digital art and paper roller coasters and that's about it lol

      Except I also draw on myself with *sharpie* (I do like fantasy-looking mandala things and they're so pretty

    4. Morningtide
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