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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. Wynn let out an unearthly shriek and sat straight up, eyes wild and confused. "Falbh uam!" She shouted fearfully, slipping out of his grasp and backing away.
  2. Wynn laughed and nodded. And then she passed out.
  3. Wynn gave him a look as the runner landed with barely a bump, skidding and burning rubber as it slowed. "Seriously TAAron, we're back for two seconds, and you're immediately in peril again? Is this some kind of attention issue?" Wynn hopped out of the runner and waved to Haly. "We're back! And just in the nick of time, it looks like."
  4. The duel runner zipped right past Mitis, zooming off the balcony and plowing over the railing, shooting out into the air. The first thing Wynn saw was TAAron, falling from a great height for some reason. Wynn renegotiated the runner's momentum, and they smacked into TAAron at an angle. Hard, but not hard enough to kill.
  5. Here we come. "Okay, have the signal. Let's get out of here." The duel runner zipped off the boat, skimming the water before breaching dimensions. Behind them, the zombie farmers emerged from hiding and went back to work.
  6. "Just waiting for the signal." Wynn looked around. "It's kind of weird that nobody's here. Usually the farmers are busy tending their planet's only food source."
  7. "We can secure the Stacis." Wynn re-summoned her runner, annoyed at what the saltwater had already done to the paint. "I'm speaking with Haly's communicator right now, and she says she can give us a signal to find them." Wynn turned on her duel disk. "And I have my cards back. Not as good as Shadow Magic, but they'll be helpful." She slipped a card in, and the Stacis dissapeared. "It's in its own space-time pocket now. We don't have to lug it around anymore." Yeah, Lerac and I. Oh. Haly and TAAron don't know that Lerac's alive. I kind of made a deal with Death... beating Malum has never become so important. He's also immortal for an unrelated reason. Sure, you have my permission. Just be ready to jump out of the way if I misjudge the angle of entry.
  8. Wynn took a few breaths. "I can always summon it back. But it'll get rusty." She examined their surroundings for a second. "Cloral, it looks like. We're on a farm ship. The locals won't be too happy that we trashed their crops." We're surviving. Do you have coordinates? We have a possible way to beat Malum, but I can't come to you without coordinates or a signal of some kind.
  9. They landed on a huge barge, with raised garden beds all around them. The duel runner slowed, but not enough. Wynn pushed Lerac off and followed behind him, crying out as her duel runner sped into the ocean. "No! Now it's going to be rusty!" The chunk of Stacis slid into a bed of lettuce, causing dirt to spill everywhere.
  10. Wynn grabbed him with one hand, steering them to the exit with the other. They zipped out and into a strange landscape.
  11. Wynn reached out and grabbed Snuffle as they raced past. The little dog's grip on the huge chunk of Stacis did not waver, and it was dragged along with the runner.
  12. She took a breath. The tiredness didn't recede, but she felt less like she was about to die. "Okay, I'll drive. But if something happens to me, press this button to stop the runner." She indicated a red button on the dashboard. And then they were off, back into the void.
  13. Yes, but not the kind that actually make sense. TPBM inverted the alphabet and now writes all their school notes that way to keep others from stealing their knowledge.
  14. You fed my super-expensive truffle mushrooms to what!?! Well, I figured that he'd like being covered in mud, considering it made him look less scary.
  15. Wynn started the runner, then stopped. "I think you need to drive. I'm this close to passing out." Meanwhile... in the Void, Snuffle was having a hard time retrieving the Stacis. It was too big for her mouth to fit around. All she could do was sit on it and wait for Wynn to come back.
  16. No. Babies are gastropods. They don't get bones until they graduate Hogwarts. I thought everyone knew this. Morning Glory seeds are quite toxic.
  17. Wynn rubbed her temples tiredly. "Snuffle already has it. If we make a quick run to grab her, it should be fine."
  18. Now that he mentioned it, Wynn was kind of cold. And tired. She just wanted to lay down and go to sleep. Not yet. "Haly and TAAron want us to meet up with them. Problem is, I have no idea where they are."
  19. She looked very confused. "Lerac? What...?" Malum? But at least Haly and TAAron are safe. What's Basilica?
  20. I tried doing art! I’m pleased with how it turned out, considering that I never draw stuff. I like the version without color better, though. I don’t really know how to color things.




    1. Show previous comments  42 more
    2. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist

      What happened to "That's it for tonight," Ranryu? Huh?

    3. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      would u guys mind pls chilling the notifs. im begging ;-;

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Man I hate being out of rep. 

      Sorry, I'm done. 

      Children are evil.

  21. She didn't struggle, because she was only semi-conscious.
  22. "Lerac!" Wynn was... so tired. She tried to force herself to keep going, but even immortals have their limits. She sank to the ground, unable to push any further against her limits.
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