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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. "Tie it around your wrist." Wynn tied the other end to her arm. "It's made of astral flax, so it won't sever easily." She climbed in the duel runner. Not looking forward to this. But we have to...
  2. "That's a good idea." She summoned the runner. "We should also use the rope, just in case."
  3. "Hopefully it will be better with both of us, Tors, and Snuffle. We don't really have another option right now." She reached out and caught his hand. "You in?"
  4. "Yep." She patted Snuffle's head. "That's where the Stacis is, and it's the only inkling we have on how to beat Malum."
  5. She shook her head. "Oof. That was weird. I would've expected Malum to gloat a little or something. But we should go now. If we don't hurry, he'll just get more powerful."
  6. "No, but I can sort of hear you now. Keep talking." She opened her eyes and forced herself to look and see where Lerac could be.
  7. "That's a relief. But I don't think we should go through the rip until we figure out how to get this to stop."
  8. "Some kind of illusion. I see you, dead on the ground."
  9. Great. Tors, I might need you to be my ears and eyes for a while. "What happened Lerac? How is Malum able to do this?"
  10. Hopefully. We don't need another bad guy right now. Now how am I supposed to get him to stop? "Lerac? Are you there? I can't see or hear you."
  11. Yeah, he's next to me dead. Or at least that's what it looks like. Wynn tried to focus. Perhaps she could get around the illusion somehow?
  12. Mandarin Ducks — Virginia Grey Photography

    These mandarin ducklings are here to tell you that someone always loves you, even if you feel lonely right in the moment.

  13. I don't know! Lerac looks dead, but I can still hear him. I think Malum's doing something.
  14. ...Or maybe she was wrong. Tors! Can you help?
  15. Hello everyone.

    These valais blacknose sheep are here to tell you that everything will work out, no matter how bad it might seem at the moment. 

    The Cutest Sheep in the World" Comes to the U.S. - Hobby Farms

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. The Aspiring Archivist
    3. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist

      I don't know how I managed to misspell that.

    4. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Oi doont' noooww heew yew meespeeled that.

      I don't know why I wanted to do that, it just felt right in the moment.

  16. 1,016.

    Somehow I missed the 1,000 mark. Oh well.

    Christmas break is OVER! I can't decide if I'm happy because I won't be home to fight with my parental unit any more, or sad, because my freedom is going out the door. Either way, it makes me feel all warm and cozy knowing that no matter where I go I won't be missed.

    Oh! And this Japanese dwarf flying squirrel because it is the best thing in the universe.

    Japanese Dwarf Flying Squirrel | NatureRules1 Wiki | Fandom

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. That1Cellist


      No be sad. Sad no is good. Be no sad no more.

    3. The Halcyon Girl

      The Halcyon Girl

      I don’t remember the last time I’ve heard a more adorable sentence.

    4. Ranryu


      Perhaps he was channeling the squirrel.

  17. Suddenly, Wynn realized what was going on. Malum. Go away.
  18. Something was very, very wrong. Wynn flailed out her Shadows, scouring every inch of the space around her.
  19. "Lerac? Lerac?" She flailed her arms wildly, keeping her eyes closed.
  20. "No, I can't." Her eyes were still shut. "There's some sort of illusion- try touching me."
  21. "Lerac?" She inspected the body. "Something weird is going on..." Can't trust my eyes. She closed them, relying on the sound of Lerac's voice instead.
  22. Hah. I remember reading the Reckoners as a ten year old and being mad that my parental unit wouldn't let me read SA. (snuck it a year later, though ) Now, how are your siblings on food pickiness? My sister only eats five things, and will not even consider anything else.
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